Monday, December 30, 2019

Getting Past It to Get to It

What a joy to go from year to year! It is time to pack it up. Do you trust in Almighty God? I’ve got news for you. All the misses of this year will soon have their place in the past. Oh, Yes. It sure did come. And guess what?(!) It came to pass. What did not kill you has most certainly made you stronger. 

Grab a few trash bags. Pack up lost minutes. Send Shoulda Coulda Woulda packing. I know you think you should have or could have or would have. But you didn’t at that point. Let it rest. Pray for peace in your heart. Do not lose sleep over missed moments. Do not stew in regrets. Instead, turn that disappointment over to Jesus and God will sort it out and do a turnaround for you. For those misdeeds and wrong judgement calls you may have made, repent and ask the Lord to perfect your actions. Apologize to the ones you have hurt. In time your new behavior will show that you are genuine. In those areas where you gave your all, accept the outcome. Do not regret giving life your best performance. You made the best decisions you could. Some turned out well. Others not so good. You played the hand you were dealt. And you played well. Get on with it. Living with uncontrolled regrets is dead living. Get back to the business of living in the present. 

Own all your stuff. Do not hide behind unnecessary excuses. No one is perfect. But for grace there go I. Go easy on yourself. You are still an example of hope to someone. Someone looks up to you. Which means you haven't done that badly yet. You owe no one details of your personal business, unless it concerns that person. Stop the lengthy explanations concerning your affairs, regardless. Remember, hindsight is always 20/20 vision. Don’t forget hindsight is you looking back with the benefit of experience. Of course, you can see clearly now. Experience is the best teacher. Pray and allow the Holy Spirit to steer you in new directions. The Holy Spirit is the comforter of the human spirit. Call for this backup.

My friend, begin to condition your mind for all that is ahead. Much is in the future for you. Keep preparing. The future is waiting for those who will prepare for it. As long as you are alive there is much preparation you still can make. Better is on its way to you, and the best is right behind it. Jesus is about to blow your mind all over. Jesus Christ can work out circumstances that leave a person completely speechless for a minute. The Lord is an on time, on the spot, perfect God. Again and again, God is good. When you place your trust and confidence in Almighty God, the Lord will bring you through and bring you out as pure gold. Trust me on this one. I would know. I know all about God covering his children with a shiny overlay. I know about His radiance shining through his children and masking those dull days. Allow the Lord to touch your life daily.

Yes. My friend. All that has past came to you so it would pass through you or by you to reach its place in The Past. You are still standing. You are alive. Being alive is all the standing you need. From the position of being alive you can move in any direction. Receive the New Year. Open your heart and mind and embrace the forthcoming. I applaud you.

Blessings and Peace,
Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
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