Monday, December 30, 2019

Cleanse Clean Disinfect Rinse

Christmastime “72-Hour New Year Countdown”

We are standing in the shadows of a new time. In 72 hours we will reach the periphery of a new decade. We can spot in the distance some of what will make up the first year of the third decade in the 21st Century. We are on the verge of a “Daybreak” that shall reveal what the general population will refer to as ‘2020. History will officially record it, The Year Two Thousand and Twenty AD. (two thousand twenty years after the birth of Christ).
Need I remind you, my friend, that it has been twenty years since the dawn of Y2K – the new Millennium. Do you recall what you were feeling back then? Go back in time and relive all your moments. Pay attention to the exciting plans, dreams and aspirations you’d harbored for the then unknown 21st century. I believe you saw Year 2000 zoom into our consciousness; it happened.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:1-2 Holy Bible KJV)

I guarantee neither you nor I will see the dawn of another Millennium on this earth. We would have long since left this sphere, the realm of earth. But you would be alive somewhere. That’s a promise. Amen! If you take Jesus while you’re down here you could very well see the next millennium from up there at our heavenly home beyond earth’s realm. Hallelujah! Jesus Christ. Now that’s a promise. Glory!

This brings me to my plea. For you to be all that you could be, you must get your soul connected to its Maker, your spirit in tune with its Redeemer, your flesh conditioned by its Savior. You need Jesus to go any further than nagging and repetitive misery. For the peace you crave you need the Prince of Peace Jesus. For quieting the constant murmurs in your heart and flickering in your mind you need the stillness of the Holy Spirit. For life to make any sense at all you need God. For you to survive the maze that life is you need Christ dominating your life. For you to survive the madness that swirls above you every single day you need Divine Intervention from the Heavenly Father. For you to remain without fear daily as you make your life in these fearful, wicked, evil, hate-driven, terror-ridden environments breeding prolifically across the globe you need angelic covering commanded by Jehovah Sabaoth-The Lord of Hosts. The Hosts is the armies of Heaven. The gigantic, combined military might of the Creator of the Universe. Almighty God is Lord of the hosts of Heaven's armies. 
Allow me to throw this in here. Heaven Armies include the inexhaustible Celestial forces at Jehovah’s command (God’s indestructible artillery. God’s supernatural seals. God’s soldier and warriors. God’s navy and invisible pilots. God’s laser-sharp marines. God's uncountable security detail. God’s inextricable security systems). Omnipotent, Omniscient, The Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Jehovah Sabaoth. Hallelujah!

Let me get back on track with the Countdown. My friend. I need not remind you and me that this earth is the most fleeting, deceptive, temporary space on your life’s agenda. It will fail you today and tomorrow just like it failed you yesterday. The worldliness of earth is not meant to bring you lasting peace. The world was not created to give you lasting refuge. We are spiritual beings taking a physical journey en route back to the Heavenly Father. God is a spirit. Mankind is made in God’s perfect image. That makes you and I spirit at the core. Our flesh is a physical housing to accommodate us as we journey through this sphere, the realm of earth, back to the Heavenly Father. You need God to make this life, this world and your journey through it meaningful. I am talking about Almighty Omnipotent Jehovah God. The crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, Jesus Christ. The Son of God/Son of Man, born of a woman/God in Human Flesh/ who came from Heaven, lived one earth, and ascended back to the Father in Heaven. Glory! Hallelujah!

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:1-5 Holy Bible KJV)

The reason it does not work without Jesus is because the manufacturer knows the product best. To be ready for the New Year you need Jesus. To receive the arriving new decade you need Jesus. To welcome 2020 you need Jesus. Make your spiritual space ready for Jesus. Make our physical space ready for Jesus. Make your mental space ready to accommodate Jesus. Make your emotional, psychological, and intellectual spaces accessible to Jesus.  

May I dare you to now begin a Countdown into what you will make your greatest year, ever. Begin the Countdown to 2020.
Cleanse Clean Disinfect Rinse YOUR Mind-Body-Spirit.
With every breath in me, I speak “Positive” into your space, that Wednesday morning, January 1, 2020, will unleash in you a new determination to fashion yourself into a bigger, better, you. Find the best version of you and bring it forth daily in 2020.

Start a cleansing of your internal workings, your system, today. Begin to rid your mind, body, and spirit, of every negative thought. Light the match and start a fire to burn away bitterness, anger, and regret. Get rid of every type of filth in your life. You know yourself well. Better than anyone else does. Use the Countdown for a deep cleaning of you. Employ every cleaning method, tool, and technique that you know of—soap water, bleach, antiseptics, harsh abrasives, power washer, brushes, detergent—use whatever it takes. Cleanse. Extract from the root. Shred into pieces. Do what you need to do to you, with you, for you. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse. Cleanse. Clean. Disinfect. Rinse your mind, body and spirit. Do this for the glory of God to be manifested in your life. That God's radiance might shine in you.

In just seventy-two hours, you would be standing at another pinnacle of history. Let it meet you with enough scope—enough free space within you—to absorb all the possibilities and opportunities therein. The blessings, innumerable, immeasurable, that are coming your way. 

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day of which you are privileged to be a part. Refresh yourself with laughter throughout…laugh at yourself, too. Loosen the weights around you and then begin to CLEANSE CLEAN DISINFECT RINSE. Prepare your mind, body and spirit for the new year. God bless you,

Blessings and Peace,

Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes (~HortenseInspiration)
Servant of the Living God
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