Thursday, November 26, 2020

Enough To Be Grateful For


Wonderful world. Beautiful people. I appreciate you. I wish you God's richest blessings today and always. I am thankful to the Lord for sending you my way. Together, we will navigate life one day at a time. We will laugh, and often laugh at oneself. We will cry, and somehow find a reason to smile through teary eyes. We will hold one another’s hand, and pat each other on the shoulder. When life returns to the way it ought to be, we will hug our loved ones again. It will be alright. You are always in my prayer. I think the world of you. You pray for me and I pray for you. Love for one another will get us there.

Today is the official celebration of Thanksgiving Day. All things considered, we have too much to be thankful for. Just being alive to see today! Develop an attitude of gratitude. Let not the current circumstances of your life dictate your thankful attitude. As long as there is Jehovah God in the highest Heaven… Almighty God whose Throne is suspended over the universe… Ancient of Days who reign above all of creation… The One and Only God before whose presence earth and sky and sea will flee! Hallelujah. As long as your faith is in God Almighty through Salvation in Jesus Christ, you have every reason to be thankful. Therein is everything to be grateful for. You are already a conqueror. It does not matter if you’re winning the battles or not, God has won the war. Rest easy!

I am thankful because I am a child of the King! I am thankful because God Almighty is my Heavenly Father. God is your Heavenly father. If you accept Jesus Christ as the only begotten son of God who came to earth and died for your sins, you, too, are a child of the King. Rejoice! Rejoice!

You are a winner. I am a winner. We are winners! In the end we each win with Jesus. God’s in control. God is in absolute control. Nothing happens without God’s approval. It is that serious! God’s love for you is serious business. You are the Lord’s most prized possession. Receive the meaning of this. Personalize the love of God in your life. God created you because of love. God saved you from eternal death because of love. Jesus Christ died in your place because of love. God is Love. Rejoice!

This is my attitude—an attitude of gratitude that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life. What is your attitude, my friend? Are you assured that Christ is Lord of your life? I pray so. Salvation is your ticket to an abundant life on earth and eternity with God your Heavenly Father. What a reason for thanksgiving!!!

Enjoy a fabulous day. Make every single moment memorable. Blessings abundant.

~Servant Hortense

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Heart Surgery Required Across the Board


Scenario Coming Soon

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you holding up? I pray life is treating you well and you are living while you are alive. My wish for you is that you are joyful, happy and satisfied with the life you have. Keep working at it until you're pleased with the end product you display to the world every day. Cultivate the best version of yourself and bring it forward every single minute. Smile through the ugliness and laugh your way through the craziness. Hold on to that little flicker of fight left in you and push through. You are a natural winner. You'll be fine. If Jesus is your anchor, trust me, you'll be just fine. Absolutely. Enjoy a fabulous day. Here's sending God's radiance to saturate your being. I want to share this with you. After reading, please be still for a few minutes and think. Work on your faith in Jesus.

Caught up in praise and worship prayer time, my eyes were opened to the following revelation. 

Scenario coming soon to a location near you. Two altars of worship have been presented. Before you are the Statue of Confucius and The Cross of Christ. Within you is free will. Around you is persecution. Ahead of you is martyrdom. The day requires an answer. Bow down or else! Nearby is convenience; ease, glitz and glamour, comforts and luxuries abound. Only you are standing in your way. Bow down! Bow down!! Bow down!!! OR ELSE.

If a Christian cannot choose the Cross of Christ in peace time, how would you stand during the times of persecutions? Is your faith in God Almighty strong enough that your answer would be, “YES I believe in Jesus Christ and choose the Cross of Christ.” The day requires an answer. The day is suddenly now.

My Friend. Let not your living be in vain. Let not all your Sunday morning “dressed up for church” and on time for “early morning Service” be in vain. You've been diligent with reading daily devotionals, quiet time, Prayer Books and Bible study. You are regular at prayer meeting and prayer line. You've worshipped, respected the Lord, performed religious duties, love your fellow human beings, and served God faithfully. You cannot live after all these years and miss it in one foolish moment of denying Christ.

The Lord is looking for righteous hearts and that righteousness is found in Jesus. Likewise, Scripture teaches, "Righteousness exalts a nation. But sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34). Sin could easily cause a person to bow down against Christ.

Ask God to open your spiritual eye. Your body is decaying every day. Do not rot the soul as well. The trap is subtle. That is the intent of a cunning and crafty enemy. Deadly setups. You don't see the landmines and walk right into it. One explosion and you're dead. 

Persecution is coming. Many, many, Christians are anything but ready. Many believers are not prepared to give the answer which will save your soul. It is time to ditch frivolous Christianity. My Friend. Your name cost Christ his life. Are you prepared for His name to cost you your life? Ponder this.

I do love you. Tough topic, I know. But it is that serious, that’s why I have to go there. I love you with a sisterly love. God bless you and bless you more. Jesus absolutely loves you.

Servant Hortense

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST) 

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Nah So It Be Oh

Let’s Talk Life—Yours and Mine—Laugh or Ponder. ~HortenseInspiration

My name is Hortense. Until I left my native country, Liberia, in 1988, I was the only person with my name in the whole country. WOW. That alone is a license for any undertaking. These days, I live in America. The United States has been my beloved and cherished home for the past thirty-three years. I absolutely love America. It is my base, from where I work to carry out the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Global Village that is earth, with an emphasis on Africa. I spend my days doing the Lord’s work in various ways; taking back territory for the Master. Time is running out. Jesus is coming soon. People get ready! Leave sin and live Godly lives. None is righteous but Christ grants you righteousness and makes you pure. You must embrace Salvation in Christ and Redemption by the Blood of Jesus.

What drives me: Love for the Lord and a desire to make Jesus proud that He chose me for Kingdom work (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries). What keeps me going: Passion for Christ; compassion for helping hurting people; being Passionate about prayer, because Prayer changes everything. What gets me started and moving: Commitment to the things of Almighty God and the things that matter to Almighty God. What satisfies me: Waking up every single morning determined to stand tall; resolute to allow nothing to drag me down with it. Tough little cookie. Firm but fair. Never a wishy-washy.

My wish for every day is this: I want to fall asleep at night knowing I have done my best to not wound another intentionally. Finding the humility to say I am sorry when needed. Wretched sinner I am. I try by God's grace. That's how God wants us to be. Imperfectly perfect. Likewise, you. Let’s keep striving to be good until we leave earth. One must make it your business to stand for the values you believe in, even if you have to walk alone on every trip life extends. It is your own life. Set your standards. And uphold your values. Godly standards. There is no substitute for morals and values. It matters to Jesus.

My Friend. Who are you to yourself? What drives you? What keeps you going? What gets you started and moving? What satisfies you? As you sit home tonight playback your answers for yourself. It is important that you define you. The times demand that you have a clear definition of yourself. Only then can you counter the world’s definition of and decision about you.

Introspect. Should you find you’ve lost your way a bit, retrace your steps. Get back on track. If there are areas where you’ve let yourself down, don’t worry and do not fret-frantic. Perk yourself up. Begin afresh tomorrow. I pray you would conclude it is your life and you can shape it. You can perfect life so it's not just a game for others. You should never be caught watching others play your life. I have discovered many, many people have become too weary to invest in themselves, because all their energy is divested elsewhere without a struggle. People just sit and let the agenda of others dominate their agenda. Your light bulb goes dim... dimmer... dull... and then, boom(!) OFF. There goes your shine. Suddenly. You counted yourself out of the equation. You did so while not paying attention to yourself.

Let me share one of my favorite Bible verses with you. This is what I call my stamina replacement medicine verse. "If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?" (Jeremiah 12:5 NIV). Think about this! Believe me, this passage of Scripture wake up the giant in me. It is an antidote whenever my chin wants to droop from life’s poisonous dosages. 

To wrap it all up, my dear friend. Hear me. Consider that you will have to answer for yourself on that day. One fine day, coming soon, you will be at one or the other judgment seat. You'll either be at the Judgment Seat of Christ or at The Great White Throne Judgment. Until then, do not let human beings wear you out. And don't you dare be so trusting in safe land no matter how plenty are the human beings. Jesus died for you and the Holy Spirit was sent to earth for you. In God’s book, everything is about you.

In the grand scheme of things, nothing is ever really what it seems. Every story has a story for the story of the story in the interest of the owner of the story. LAUGH OUT LOUD. I’m just trying to say, as far as people are concerned it is not about you. It is about them. Don’t take too long to figure this out. Nah so life be oh, my friend; nah so it be!* That's just the way life is my friend; such it is. 

Follow what you and God agree on when you pray and read the Bible. God's way or no way! Jesus Christ is the standard for all things. When you slip, get up quickly and go back to making Jesus Christ the standard for all things concerning life. I went all around just to tell you it's God's standard or none.

I just stopped by to shoot a little breeze with you. To let you know you are special and I love you with a sisterly love. Good night. Sweet sleep!!!

~Servant Hortense 

*Writing includes African vernacular and local jargon.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Opposite of Brain Dead Lazy

The number one reason Church folks will be in Hell is laziness. Laziness will cause once-saved Christians to become non-believers in Christ. Laziness will befriend a scripturally sound believer causing one to prefer books by “renowned” Christian authors over the Book of the Divine Inspired Word of God. God’s recorded Word written by authors chosen by Almighty God. You stop reading the Bible. Laziness will create doubts and have you discredit the teachings of Scripture. You suddenly become a genius at detecting the fallacy of the Holy Bible. Laziness will cause you to volunteer your brain for new age experiments. Your head is bent, position facing electronic gadgets from sunrise to midnight daily. Laziness will have you freely give up your mental faculty for use as test tubes incubating non-Christian enlightenment. Say this out loud: "Heavenly Father, give me the strength to be fierce in prayer and spending time with you daily."

Laziness will cause you to donate your body to zombie activities. You sit for hours, endlessly, watching glass screens with absorbing glares. The larger the dimensions the more exciting the view. Television. My goodness! Electronic gadgets galore. The joys of surround sound! Size 60-inch! Great for the bedroom. 70-inch for the living room! Good job. 90-inch for the basement! Oh my world… you have arrived. There is nothing wrong with owning material possessions for comfort or luxury. Except, when they become idols and their content idolatrous. Are there gains at this point? Have you then considered any losses in the process? Your mind. Your spirit. Your body. Your soul. Eternity and its forever lifespan.

Laziness will cause you to refuse to read and stimulate brain cells. Satan drips a nonsense speaking voice with facades of logic. Laziness makes you prefer listening to self-proclaimed credible sources. Satan infiltrates a source and places it in your path. There are countless willing agents of Satan; messengers the enemy sends directly for you, tailored to you. You are being sifted just like the Devil decided against you. Laziness will cause you to disengage brain activity. Your Brain. That tiny dot on the human anatomy, of which limited mortality only allow for maximum 10 percent usage, becomes aster sized in circuits of soundwaves and volumes. Minimized capacity. The minute your eyes open from the sleep of partial death every morning to the minute your eyes shut down for the sleep of partial death every night. Every waking minute dedicated to “screen” time! Parched brain. God forbid you’d flip to the Gospel at any time during this process!!! Oh noooo. Your personal giant screens are for everything else but that. Your archenemy, Satan the Devil, has so fixed it. Prayer can break you out of this mold. Prayer can break every yoke. Pray! Cry out loud with me, "Father forgive me and show me the way out."

There’s a Bible verse which says: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV). Hallelujah! Amen. In simple English it means this. Power plus Love plus a Sound Mind equal Strategy. God the Heavenly Father created you and gave exactly what you’d need for the journey he sent you through earth to travel. Hear me again. With absolutely no trace of fear, Power plus Love plus a Sound Mind equals Strategy, for winning every single encounter you would ever face along this beautiful journey called Life. That’s what God does. Good things. Sadly, many of you have turned over your power to the enemy. Many have traded Love for hate. As for Sound Mind…You’ve exchanged sound mind for the mind of empty sounds. Sounds everywhere—evil sounds…silly sounds…rubbish sounds…loud noisy sounds…ungodly sounds—So many sounds you now mind you hardly have a mind left. You guard such boisterous sounds with your life. At the risk of your Sound Mind. It is time to pray out loud, "Jesus have mercy upon me. I am lost." May we each find our way back to the Creator’s plan.

Laziness has clothed you with fear. Fear. That very same spirit of fear Almighty God, your Heavenly Father, denied from having access to you. You, instead of staying away, diligently go searching for, find and embrace fear. It now manages you. Fear strips you of Faith. Without FAITH it is impossible to please God. To be able to see God one must please God. To be good is to obey the will of God; to do as God says. To be evil is to disobey the will of God; to not do as God says. Who did the Master say would enter the Kingdom at the end of the day? That end of day is when you transition from this current prison of mortal habitation, our prison body of flesh that courts fear. Jesus Christ says the GOOD will enter into eternal life. Jesus Christ says the EVIL will enter into eternal damnation—hell—separation forever from your Creator. Do you see how laziness plans to “do you in”? Laziness plans to obliterate you. A forever kind of do you in. Cry out with me, "Lord save me from myself!"

The little laziness that looked insignificant when you began courting it? Uh hum. It was just a small lil habit! Yes, my friend, you are right. It looked small back then. See now. It will reveal big. If you do not act fast enough. Now. Today. Right now, this minute. Reverse the laziness in you regarding the matter of God Almighty. Reverse the laziness in you when it comes to working out your own soul salvation in Jesus Christ. Reverse the laziness in your approach to life. Your precious life is in your hands. Never mind the laziness of others. We are talking about you. To follow the noise in the market is at your own peril. The marketplace is ungodly. You should be Godly. The bad thing that’s running behind you will not show you itself. Until it catches you. You are either strong or lazy with your life. When you are strong in the Lord, laziness will never catch you. Jesus strength in you causes you to outrun and outmaneuver it. Christ makes the difference. Shout with me, "Glory be to your name O Most High God!"

What are you preaching about this morning, Hortense? Here’s the major takeaway. There is Hope. Hope is Jesus Christ. The Lord specializes in fixing up the complicated messes we make of our life. Hope comes in the name of salvation. Christ the Lord is Salvation. Jesus Christ can remove the stain, the guilt, the regret, from the complicated messes we have become with our life. God’s redemption plan called the sacrifice on The Cross is how. The Blood that came spilling from Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, hanging on The Cross. The Blood was shed to erase every smudge of sin from you. This means, The Blood of Jesus can clean up laziness from your life. Jesus Christ loves you. Christ is calling you out today—Come out of those traps of the enemy. Come out and be entrapped lovingly in Jesus. Allow the Love of The Lord God to wrap you and wrap up everything about you. Love so confident. Love so unconditional. Love so amazing. Divine Love so phenomenal. The love of God keeps giving and giving and giving and giving. Take it. That’s the whole plan. God’s Amazing Love erases sin completely. Astoundingly, God’s love makes you clean; it wipes away like sin never existed; God forgets who you were and He never, ever remembers that part of you ever again. Shout with me, "Oh mighty awesome God!"

Let’s end this on a personal note. It is your life we’re discussing like this. What does it need? A turn around! Christ can handle that. Turn a new leaf. Turn a new page. Turn a new chapter. Turn…turn…turn. Keep turning until you are back with the Lord. Safely back to Almighty God the Heavenly Father. That’s the plan. For Eternity. Jehovah has spoken it to be so. Hallelujah!

I love you with a sisterly love. Stay strong. Stand up for Godliness. Stand up and be counted for righteousness. I pray you feel all the love coming from my end to you. In Jesus name.

Servant Hortense

~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace Africa

Socialize with us on Internet platforms. Spend time at our Social Media Handlers
twitter: #HImotivat
Be encouraged, motivated and inspired: visit  (website temporarily down)

Writings and literary compilations on HortenseInspiration BLOG are owned by Hortense Duarma Grimes. Copyright © 2011-2020. Hortense D. Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission by the author  

Do You Like God?

May Those Who Want to Hear, Listen.

PEOPLE OF GOD. Cry for mercy. Ask Almighty God to divert the wrath. The sting of persecution has come upon my people by your own hand. It will be manifest PERSONAL for you, whatever your requests. You have heaped your specific prayers down onto your fourth generations. Repent from the sins hidden in your souls for you have become a sin-sick soul. Jesus has Balm you must ask for. Ask the Holy Spirit to quicken your spirit, and show you how to pray and what things to pray for. You and your prayers have become foul. Your prayers carry a stench. Your prayers need cleaning up by the Holy Spirit. Many Christians have defiled the presence of God by the nature of your prayer. Repent. Cry out for relief. You forget whose Face you come before. Read the Bible. Ask the Lord to point you to specific Scriptures to cure your prayer. Ask the people, “Do you like God???” says the Lord.

Servant Hortense D. Grimes
(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

When Jesus Makes You Laugh

I cannot help but love my Jesus. Such it was last night. I had just finished keeping 3rd Night Watch* and was about to get back into bed. The Holy Spirit says to me, God does not answer prayer by delivering stolen goods. I said, what did you say Jesus!!! And then I burst out laughing. I quickly recalled I had asked Him for a word, two days prior, while contemplating perplexed moments about current events. Suddenly there was a warmth inside and I kept smiling glowingly. What a caring father, my God. My loving, adoring, Savior who always hears His child. Jesus Christ is Lord indeed. 

An intimate relationship with Jesus has uncountable benefits. An appropriate, timely answer it was. Isn't this so true though! What kind of all powerful, all knowing, always present God would satisfy by dishonesty? Not my Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Creator of the Universe. My God Almighty, Yahweh, owns the firmament; everything above and everything beneath. Jehovah is too big. The Lord is mighty. Jesus Christ is transparent from Heaven to earth to Calvary to Heaven throughout eternity. Hallelujah! God's nature forever remain unchanging. Those who fear Jehovah find that He demands hot or cold. He spits out lukewarm. 

Almighty God will never compromise being perfect and holy. In the righteousness of Christ you can begin a life of Godliness pleasing to your Heavenly Father. Regardless what shape you are in today, the Lord has His arms outstretched to embrace you. You must choose Jesus. When you have made Him your Lord, let your life revolve around Christ. 

Manifestations in the physical have their parallel circuits in the spiritual. The corona virus epidemic became a pandemic which ushered in a lock down around the world. In parallel, the earth has entered a new Spiritual dispensation. When the heavens are shaken, Heaven responds. Everyone who claims to know Jesus must know how The Lord operates. It is not to please man. It is to please God Almighty that we each must strive for. Everything else is pathway to destruction.

Pray. Pray. Find Jesus Christ for yourself. The Lord loves you enough to show you Himself all over again. Ask Christ to remove the blinders. Ask God to open your Jesus eye. The Age of Deception means the times of massive scale deception. The enemy veils the eyes of people to believe evil is good and good is evil. Ask God for spiritual sight. The times are too close for less than 20/20 vision.

Much love from my end.

Blessings and peace, Servant Hortense

*3rd Watch of Night - Praying at the darkest part of the night,  12:00 midnight - 3:00 a.m. 

 ~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Faithful God

 Always come back to say thank you Jesus. I've asked much and God Almighty has answered much. THANK YOU, LORD.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father...This Last Campaign Day

Heavenly Father. Our Father which art in Heaven. Our Redeemer Jesus bids us come to you. Shake the celestial realm. Roar over the earth sphere. Summons angelic forces to dominate. Cover President Trump. Cover Vice President Pence. Jehovah! This is an historic time in the United States and the World. I know the POWER of Almighty God is on display. Shield Donald J. Trump, and his family on this Election Day eve. Only you could give this man the kind of stamina he has displayed. Who has this kind of natural energy! Not even the average person half his age could demonstrate such strength at this hour. It is You, Yahweh, who has supernatural energy. And you bestore as you see fit. It comes from you, Lord.

Jehovah SABAOTH Lord of the Hosts of Heaven Armies. Commander of the Forces of Heaven. The ONE who instructs the artillery of the Celestial Heavenly universe. Hallelujah! Come now and lay your protective deliverance upon Donald J. Trump, as he takes on one last day of campaigning and telling the world know how much he will continue the fight for the people you have placed under his watch. Cover. Guard. Guide. Lead. Deliver. Shield. Protect. Encompass. Lift and Carry. And Lord, one more thing: DECLARE VICTORY today for tomorrow. Thank you. Lord Jesus, you have granted him supernatural stamina; grant President Trump supernatural victory that will manifest in a physical victory. Give Donald Trump a landslide that will leave the world speechless. That's how you do things, Jehovah Tsidkenu. God our Righteousness!


Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God. Arise for America. Strong Deliverer. Arise for this great and beautiful Nation which has an unmatched and unbroken record of taking your Gospel around the globe. For your Name sake. For your Kingdom to come upon the earth, before you arrive again upon this earth. We will yet proclaim your Name throughout all generations. We will declare your Glory to all humanity. You are the God who saves His people. For you have once again heard your children prayers. I bless your name. We bless your name. I give you glory. We gave you glory. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. 


Servant Hortense D. Grimes

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