The number one
reason Church folks will be in Hell is laziness. Laziness will cause once-saved
Christians to become non-believers in Christ. Laziness will befriend a scripturally
sound believer causing one to prefer books by “renowned” Christian authors over the
Book of the Divine Inspired Word of God. God’s recorded Word written by authors
chosen by Almighty God. You stop reading the Bible. Laziness will create doubts
and have you discredit the teachings of Scripture. You suddenly become a genius
at detecting the fallacy of the Holy Bible. Laziness will cause you to volunteer
your brain for new age experiments. Your head is bent, position facing electronic
gadgets from sunrise to midnight daily. Laziness will have you freely give up
your mental faculty for use as test tubes incubating non-Christian
enlightenment. Say this out loud: "Heavenly Father, give me the strength to be
fierce in prayer and spending time with you daily."
Laziness will
cause you to donate your body to zombie activities. You sit for hours,
endlessly, watching glass screens with absorbing glares. The larger the
dimensions the more exciting the view. Television. My goodness! Electronic gadgets galore. The
joys of surround sound! Size 60-inch! Great for the bedroom. 70-inch for the
living room! Good job. 90-inch for the basement! Oh my world… you have arrived.
There is nothing wrong with owning material possessions for comfort or luxury. Except, when they become idols and their content idolatrous. Are there gains at this point? Have you then considered any
losses in the process? Your mind. Your spirit. Your body. Your soul. Eternity
and its forever lifespan.
Laziness will
cause you to refuse to read and stimulate brain cells. Satan drips a nonsense
speaking voice with facades of logic. Laziness makes you prefer listening to self-proclaimed
credible sources. Satan infiltrates a source and places it in your path. There
are countless willing agents of Satan; messengers the enemy sends directly for
you, tailored to you. You are being sifted just like the Devil decided against
you. Laziness will cause you to disengage brain activity. Your Brain. That tiny
dot on the human anatomy, of which limited mortality only allow for maximum 10
percent usage, becomes aster sized in circuits of soundwaves and volumes. Minimized
capacity. The minute your eyes open from the sleep of partial death every
morning to the minute your eyes shut down for the sleep of partial death every
night. Every waking minute dedicated to “screen” time! Parched brain. God
forbid you’d flip to the Gospel at any time during this process!!! Oh noooo.
Your personal giant screens are for everything else but that. Your archenemy, Satan
the Devil, has so fixed it. Prayer can break you out of this mold. Prayer can
break every yoke. Pray! Cry out loud with me, "Father forgive me and show me the
way out."
There’s a Bible
verse which says: “For God has not given us a
spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV). Hallelujah! Amen.
In simple English it means this. Power plus Love plus a Sound Mind equal
Strategy. God the Heavenly Father created you and gave exactly what you’d need
for the journey he sent you through earth to travel. Hear me again. With
absolutely no trace of fear, Power plus Love plus a Sound Mind equals Strategy,
for winning every single encounter you would ever face along this beautiful journey
called Life. That’s what God does. Good things. Sadly, many of you have turned
over your power to the enemy. Many have traded Love for hate. As for Sound
Mind…You’ve exchanged sound mind for the mind of empty sounds. Sounds
everywhere—evil sounds…silly sounds…rubbish sounds…loud noisy sounds…ungodly
sounds—So many sounds you now mind you hardly have a mind left. You guard such
boisterous sounds with your life. At the risk of your Sound Mind. It is time to
pray out loud, "Jesus have mercy upon me. I am lost." May we each find our way
back to the Creator’s plan.
Laziness has
clothed you with fear. Fear. That very same spirit of fear Almighty God, your Heavenly
Father, denied from having access to you. You, instead of staying away, diligently
go searching for, find and embrace fear. It now manages you. Fear strips you of
Faith. Without FAITH it is impossible to please God. To be able to see God one
must please God. To be good is to obey the will of God; to do as God says. To be evil is to disobey the will of God; to not do as God says. Who did the Master say would enter the Kingdom at the end of
the day? That end of day is when you transition from this current prison of
mortal habitation, our prison body of flesh that courts fear. Jesus Christ
says the GOOD will enter into eternal life. Jesus Christ says the EVIL will
enter into eternal damnation—hell—separation forever from your Creator. Do you
see how laziness plans to “do you in”? Laziness plans to obliterate you. A forever kind of do you in. Cry out
with me, "Lord save me from myself!"
The little
laziness that looked insignificant when you began courting it? Uh hum. It was
just a small lil habit! Yes, my friend, you are right. It looked small back
then. See now. It will reveal big. If you do not act fast enough. Now. Today.
Right now, this minute. Reverse the laziness in you regarding the matter of God
Almighty. Reverse the laziness in you when it comes to working out your own
soul salvation in Jesus Christ. Reverse the laziness in your approach to life. Your
precious life is in your hands. Never mind the laziness of others. We are
talking about you. To follow the noise in the market is at your own peril. The
marketplace is ungodly. You should be Godly. The bad thing that’s running
behind you will not show you itself. Until it catches you. You are either
strong or lazy with your life. When you are strong in the Lord, laziness will
never catch you. Jesus strength in you causes you to outrun and outmaneuver it.
Christ makes the difference. Shout with me, "Glory be to your name O Most High
What are you preaching
about this morning, Hortense? Here’s the major takeaway. There is Hope. Hope is Jesus
Christ. The Lord specializes in fixing up the complicated messes we make of our
life. Hope comes in the name of salvation. Christ the Lord is Salvation. Jesus
Christ can remove the stain, the guilt, the regret, from the complicated messes
we have become with our life. God’s redemption plan called the sacrifice on The
Cross is how. The Blood that came spilling from Jesus Christ, God in human
flesh, hanging on The Cross. The Blood was shed to erase every smudge of sin
from you. This means, The Blood of Jesus can clean up laziness from your life.
Jesus Christ loves you. Christ is calling you out today—Come out of those traps
of the enemy. Come out and be entrapped lovingly in Jesus. Allow the Love of
The Lord God to wrap you and wrap up everything about you. Love so confident.
Love so unconditional. Love so amazing. Divine Love so phenomenal. The love of
God keeps giving and giving and giving and giving. Take it. That’s the whole
plan. God’s Amazing Love erases sin completely. Astoundingly, God’s love makes
you clean; it wipes away like sin never existed; God forgets who you were and
He never, ever remembers that part of you ever again. Shout with me, "Oh mighty
awesome God!"

Let’s end this
on a personal note. It is your life we’re discussing like this. What does it
need? A turn around! Christ can handle that. Turn a new leaf. Turn a new page.
Turn a new chapter. Turn…turn…turn. Keep turning until you are back with the
Lord. Safely back to Almighty God the Heavenly Father. That’s the plan. For
Eternity. Jehovah has spoken it to be so. Hallelujah!
I love you with
a sisterly love. Stay strong. Stand up for Godliness. Stand up and be counted
for righteousness. I pray you feel all the love coming from my end to you. In
Jesus name.
Servant Hortense
~HortenseInspiration (DO IT FOR CHRIST)
Blessings and Peace,
Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Creator, HortenseInspiration Media
Dreambearer & Dreamcarrier, Solace
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