(Duarma Books & Publishing)
EXCERPT* ~"... The spilling of human blood has consequences from the Creator of human life. When murder overtakes a country it goes downhill from there. One ill-advised day of innocent bloodshed, April 14, 1979, in the Republic of Liberia led to a bloody coup d'etat ending Liberia, the First Republic.
Continuous bloodshed, and a bloodthirsty Military rule begin in Liberia. Four years later the dictatorship changed to declared itself a Democracy. This ushered in the Second Republic. It's bloodthirsty mantra continued, giving rise to an unbelievable horrific reign of bloody terror called Liberian civil war.
This ghastly period saw the annihilation of half a million Liberians en masse. Almost 500,000 Liberian people were wiped off the face of the earth for absolutely no reason at all. The most bloody period in Liberian history. There were bloodbaths everywhere. Innocent citizens were slaughtered just for the thrill of it. Blood and skulls and bones littered the streets and sidewalks, villages and towns, cities and settlements. This period, too, ended when a Democracy was again declared.
Mass killings were stopped. The Second Republic continued in peace as we are told. Peace is everywhere, we constantly hear. The country is very peaceful we are led to believe. Does peace only mean the absence of rebels and child soldiers toting guns and riffles? I am not so sure. There are different elements to peace.
Evil is everywhere. Liberia is not exempt. There have always been murders. There was innocent killing for ritualistic purposes (Heart Men). There were passion killings, accidental deaths, mysterious disappearances and strange deaths. Where human beings exist sin and depravity exist. There is as much evil as there is good in human society. Sanctity of life means nothing to some people. This is why law and order and justice and security are tenements of good governance. Fundamental to the existence of any government is its ability to protect and offer security to its citizens.
As wicked as "heart men" times were, who would believe it could be topped! Back then there were rumors and we knew the heart men by names. So we could run and scream and hide when we saw their cars. In Cape Palmas Maryland County, where I grew up, they called it "bojo people". Again, there were rumors and we could run and hide when we saw cars and names associated with being bojo. In today's Liberia heart men and bojo people are play play business. In today's Liberia broad daylight killing is almost normal. Law and order is often silent. No protection for the people, it would seem. No security for the citizens, one could surmise. Murderers have open season. "Come and remove" appear to be the invite. Governance calls it "No foul play detected" and says not another word. Dead hush silence! More blood added to the blood cry suffocating the nation. Liberia weeps daily. Liberia laments with bitter tears.
And the Creator of mankind who is the God of Judgment looks on. That same creator is our Heavenly Father. Would not a loving father ask after his childrens innocent blood cry?
Who are the killers roaming the streets of Monrovia? The real killers whose deeds terrify the toughest heart. Who are the killers turning brave people into faint hearts begging for their lives?... "
~Servant Hortense
* "Montserrado" by prolific writer and award-winning author Hortense Duarma Grimes... coming soon)