Sunday Morning, October 31, 2021
A covenantal people reside in your midst. Liberia disdains them as foreigners. Look again at the "foreigner" in your midst. Rethink the "foreigner" in your midst. They are of a mindset of tremendous, adversity-defying rebuilding. See their land of origin. Absorb how suddenly they are able to build up. Time upon time. They construct dust and debris to buildings, skyscrapers and cities. Their rebuilding tendencies are a marvel to behold. We see a glimpse of it right here in the country. The blessing and deliverance of Liberia is connected with this people. Jehovah God keeps all his covenant. (Genesis 17. Deuteronomy 2).
Almighty God has sent the lifters Liberia need. Let not pride and arrogance, blind hatred and the evil eye of jealousy block the blessings disguised herein. For example, because of that same covenant one group, religion aside, has made even desert sand land to become a livable architecture wonderland. Doubtless.
My friend. Do you see where I am trying to take you? Are you, too, not a covenental people through "Salvation". Are you, too, not Abraham's descendants and of justification by faith? Does not the Lord God Almighty keep his covenant with you? Projecting emotional hate baggages and rejecting a blessed remnant from in your midst will not inhibit their prosperity. There are principles to walking in prosperity. Do not spend a lifetime fighting covenant prosperity. Add your own covenant blessedness. And assemble at the Economic Table for a meeting of like minds. Build a nation.
The Lebanese people in Liberia (many of which are born and raised here and/or have spent their entire lives here) you so boldly demean as "those foreigners" have a God sent role to play in this country, Liberia. Our national destiny is conjoined with this issue. The sooner we, Liberian people, begin to ponder and envision with a spiritual eye, the better we will understand. When we recognize the enormity of God's divine merciful planning the beginning of the rise would have started for Liberia.
Liberia. Stop looking all over the world begging "Non-Negro" people and countries for help while at the same time adamantly denying "helper" status to prophetically placed non-Negro people living in the world that is your country.
Liberia. The earth has entered a new era. We are living in the signal of the times that will usher in the End Time. God is requiring that mankind do business God's way. Hear me. There are not genuine new helpers coming forth for Liberia. The list of users and self serving partners will only get longer. Common sense could let you know if you reject one "non-negro" people" the other "non-negro" people already know you feel the same about them. At this point it becomes, you use me and I use you, and I will abuse what you bring to the table.
The helpers Liberia need today were strategically placed in our country long before Liberians knew we would need massive help. These helpers have paid their dues triplefold. They have exhibited loyalty to the land. As for perfection, we all know there's no such reality. Human beings come with all kinds of flaws. Personalities comes with knots and warts and bumps and lumps. Liberians included. It is a good school of thought that one should only consider those lofty standards oneself could achieve. Perfection is an illusion. No mortal attains it. But for the unending grace of God there go you, me and the rest of us. There is a way to begin the tremendous task of rebuilding of Liberia. All hands that exhibit love for Liberia come on deck. Absolutely, all hands. Liberia. Rethink the "Foreigner" in your midst. Allow me to say this, Liberia! Face inward.
May I add. Jehovah God upholds his Word on earth, in Heaven, in the heavens and throughout eternity. Gods word is God's integrity. The Word of God is final. The Word of God will not change to satisfy the evil desires of man's heart. We have a heart condition in Liberia. It swallows the whole human being. Rise above. When in doubt study Scripture. Ask God for revelation as you read the Bible. Your natural eye has outlived its usefulness to Liberia and yourself, wherever you are. Ask JESUS to open your Spiritual eye. Then you will see.
When you see... You will now see. I love you, my people.
Blessings and Peace today and always.
~Servant Hortense
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