Friday, June 28, 2024

Corruption in Liberia - A Word

Prophetic Word on "corruption in Liberia" download [divine inspired] into Servant Hortense D. Grimes by the Holy Spirit. Friday, June 21, 2024

The corruption escalates, the blood cry intensify and the darkness increase on the land.
Liberia established a reality in the spirit realm that corruption must be punished by spilling blood. Death by firing squad. Components: nakedness, wood, and metal. The Innocent were termed guilty of corruption deserving to die. The Guilty of corruption are termed innocent deserving of life.

Satan since then holds this legality over the land. The Devil uses corruption as a condition for granting demonic assistance to people seeking him to become powerful in the land. Corruption has become a tool principalities use in exerting owership and control over the nation. Nation is people.

Corruption is an entity in Liberia. The evil spirit of insatiable greed and cruel dishonesty have possessed many in the land. Many have pledged allegiance to demonic spirits in exchange for access to public office and the national coffers. As a result they are carriers of the corruption demon seed. Seed can germinate, grow, and spread about.
From the lowest level in society to the highest echelons of power, corruption exist. Corruption is an attraction for many. Corruption is almost a way of life. This is a national disaster.

Corruption is a spiritual law ruling over the land, courtesy of the rulers of darkness Satan, and his demons rigidly enforce it. Corruption is a syndicate powered by spiritual forces, powers and principalities. The corruption entity is enforced by demonic manipulation and adhered to by demonic allegiances. People pledge to Satan to be corrupt.
No amount of rebellious actions (angry talking, shouting, exposure, protests, violence, blood shed) can remove the corruption seed entity. Rebellion is of the devil; you cannot fight Satan with his own property.

Corruption is a demonic spiritual law in place in Liberia. Power seekers agree to this law in exchange for power and wealth, name and influence, meted out in witchcraft covenants. Many people have sworn oaths to demonic entities and these covenants are ruling them. Individuals cannot help themselves, the demons and evil spirits control them with greed and cliptomaniac tendencies. They are tied in allegiance to "mammon" spirits and covenants.

Many of the powerful lay awake at night, sadly powerless to do the good they intend to do, because they must honor their end of the witchcraft covenants entered into between they and Satan's dark powers. They're so trapped they are empty shells inside themselves. They do the devil's bidding.

Generally in today's Liberia obtaining power by demonic manipulation have become a passage of rite. It is the tried, tested, and proven method. It has become the "go to" approach. People use voodoo and witchcraft, dark powers to get, maintain and hold onto power. Even for the most mundane, ordinary position people sell their souls. Corruption is the devil's bargaining chip to power them up. From the lowest to the highest offices in the land.
Stop aligning with accursed things. What GOD rejects you must reject. Your sins have generational effect.

Few people in Liberia today are placed in position by God's divine hand. Many believers are even compromised. The devil uses mammon, the spirit of money, to string people along.

The level of corruption in Liberia today has never been seen in the entire history of Liberia.

The level of demonic witchcraft activity in Liberia today has never happened in its entire existence.

The number of demonic covenants operating in Liberia today have never been seen before. Many have shed the blood of others, including their loved ones, to obtain Satanic help to rise. In some instances with little or nothing to show for it.

The country has sunk and degenerated to a spiritual depth never envisioned for Liberia. The nation has become a cesspool of Satanic covens and covenants.

Very few people in powerful positions today in the nation arrived by seeking Almighty GOD. The demonic gods that gave such people the power they went seeking after demand ungodly deeds from the recipients of Satan's favors. Corrupt activities create untold sufferings and hardships for the nation, the people. The suffering of the people please and satisfy the devil.

Unnecessary and insane stealing is the humiliation sacrifice people agreed to in order to obtain their desires by satanic means. The demons sneer and jeer at them after they've entered into those covenants. Once in powerful positions they are not allowed to benefit others; it is against the covenant to use "demonic power" corruption rewards for meaningful good. Corruption activities find its way back to fuel more satanic activities. ---------END WORD---------

HortenseInspiration ~ My people, This is exhausting to bring forth. It's taken me 7 days to make this public; a week of intercession, and reflective time with the Lord for strength and more guidance. Time spent pleading for mercy for our home and country. Praise the Lord! Thank God for the Holy Spirit comforting presence. 
This Word, profoundly powerful admonition, has saddened my heart for my country. When did we get here! How did we arrive at this level? What happened to us so. Mercy Lord!

Redemption in Christ. Pray and ask GOD Almighty for forgiveness. Break free from the attachments you have made. Resist the Devil. Look to JESUS to be cleansed and set free. Read the Bible. Pray more.
God's love is a perfect love. No sin is unforgivable if you repent. Nationally we must repent on behalf of one another.
Let's love enough to rid our country of this hideous demonic entity called corruption.
Now we know the fight is not just physical. We must engage spiritually as much as we employ strategies. How? The answer is a "righteous" nation; a nation that desires to do right in its ways. Turn to God in the Name of Jesus! The Cross of Christ. The Blood of the Lamb Jesus. The Name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit (spirit of the living God our Heavenly Father). Put GOD first in your life. Change.
There is no pointing fingers at another. All have sinned. We are all sorry sinners. No one sin is bigger than the other. One goes to witch doctor, another gossips. One tell lies, another kill their best friend . . . SIN IS SIN. We must interceed for one another. We must help others get back on track with the LORD when we see they have fallen away, ensnared by the flesh.
Let us repent together. Let us pray together. Let's war, in Christ, this hideous thing called corruption out of our Liberian midst. In Christ we are victorious! GOD hates the sin but GOD loves the sinner. The LORD bless you and keep you.

With all my love,
~Servant Hortense

*writing includes local Liberian jargon

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