Saturday, June 29, 2024

Smarter than Stupid

When a literate mind stops reading you stop thinking, you lose your mind. Ultimately, you lose your control of the direction of your life. You blindly follow anywhere you are led. An Other takes over! Another is not a better option. You are your best option. 

When an educated person allows another educated person to think for you, you lose your intellect. 

No one is inherently stupid. We are not born stupid! I believe, Stupid is learned behavior. One only becomes a fool when you lose your critical thinking ability. 

When you surrender your thought process to another entity, human or otherwise, you switch to stupid. You, created in God's image and likeness, endowed by the creator which spoke creation into being! 

Hear me. Wake up. Life is deep. Deep things are happening on the earth in these times. Stop looking and seeing things through physical lenses.  Life is spiritual. The spirit realm is no child's play. Man up, mankind! Learn to shield your eyes and close your ears. If you are keen enough, you would feel the adverse energy entering you from the screens you select. Pay attention to your environment. GOD is warning man.

Satanic demonic power has saturated the air [environments]. Demons need bodies. Demons are spirits of the heavenly realm. A demon needs a human body to operate in the earth realm. Trust not that every body you see or every voice you listen to is like you are or were. Likewise, do not donate your body to demons to reside in you. Resist demonic influence using you for their evil. Fasten yourself in prayer. Pray!

We are living in the Age of Deception. Nothing can stop God's prophetic agenda for the earth. This earth will soon wrap up and cease to exist. Life in earth will end for the realm. You, the human being, will exist in eternity forever.  Do not become prey to the powers of the air. There is no alternate reality. GOD ALMIGHTY is, was, and always will be. Human beings will one day cease their earthly existence. 

The electronic airway is the false prophets in this the End Time dispensation. The enemy Satan will not meet you in person, he's a spirit and will infiltrate a spirit component of you: Your mind.

Be discerning. Fortify your mind. Hold tightly to your critical thinking skills. God loves you. You will be just fine. Protect yourself. The stronghold will break from off you. Be strong for you. You are much smarter than many of the minions who mind control you. Remember you! You know the worth of who you are. You are MORE THAN.

Submit yourself (soul, mind, body, spirit] to GOD. Resist the devil [Satan] and he [the Devil] will flee from you. That's God's WORD. Read it (James 4:7). Stand on it.

~Servant Hortense


I love you. I am your sister in Christ. We're in this together. God bless you with manifold blessings always!

Servant Hortense D. Grimes


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