Sunday, June 23, 2024

God Reveals to Redeem Us

SPEAK LORD . . . ('fore day this morning) Sunday June 23, 2024 @ 4:26 a.m., at conclusion of Third Watch of night prayer time and intercession period. Hear the word of the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. In His peace I come in His Name. From the Holy Spirit . . .

Liberian Diaspora, You have been found wanting. Yours is a penchant for blindly following ease. Separate from the evil spirits you have invited into your temple. Shut your gates. Your eye gate, your ear gate. Shut down your flesh. Close the portals, spiritual doors, you leave open and unattended. Infiltrated demon spirits phase out the Christ in you. Guard your spiritual entry points. Stand a firm guard.

Liberian Diaspora, Many of you have joined the ranks of mockers. Your ceaseless prayers hit a wall. You have become what GOD despise. Your prayer for your homeland Liberia is an albatross against the land. You have become your enemy home away from home. One must reap what one sows. You sow tares. You shamelessly sow tares. You hide the seeds of wheat I have given you to plant. You have become the tares you once despised. 

Divided loyalty. You choose me less and less each day by the contents of your heart. I see inside you. Where did I fail you? I have loved you with my life. I love you. Where have I failed you? I have failed you not. Have I wronged you? I have not wronged you. I love you with an everlasting love. I am the judge of all flesh. I am the LORD your Righteous Judge. It is I who hold judgment in my hand. I the LORD see you.

Beware. Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you. (Luke 22:31-33). Why have you weakend my power in you? REPENT and turn around from back to front. Cling unto me with your heart and soul and not lipservice and eye service. You have not chosen me!? Why have you not chosen me? Where did I fail you? Why are you against me? You sneer at me. Why love you Mammon more than my Manna? I love you.

Liberian Diaspora, Who reassigned you? Where have I failed you? REPENT. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I desire you with an everlasting covenant. I have prayed for you. (Luke 22:31-33). Be concerned and strengthen one another. I the LORD have desired you. Come to Me." . . . THE END 

** Downloaded by the Holy Spirit to Servant Hortense D. Grimes (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries).

"The LORD watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another. Amen." (Genesis 31:49, KJV 1611 Bible)

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