Saturday, January 26, 2013

Excerpt from 'She Shall Stand'


Author's Note
 I write this book for the sole purpose of sharing my testimony with a waiting world.
Every day mankind waits. We wait for the dawn to break; we wait for dusk to fall. We wait to rise up and begin daily activities; we wait to settle down at the end of each day. In villages, towns, and cities we wait. We awake and wait for something to set our paths in motion.
We wait in hospital rooms for medical results and in schools and classrooms for academic results. We wait for professional results and decisions in offices and municipal places. We wait for deadlines imposed by order and structure in business and commerce. We wait for completion of construction projects; new bridges, new highways, new ramps, new makes and models of automobiles. We wait for necessary adjustments and new inventions and innovations to make everyday living, less complex. We wait for novel technology to handle the ever-increasing demands of a multifunctional growing populace.
The captain waits for the rough sea to calm. The pilot waits for the runway to clear; passengers hold their thoughts as the airplane encounters turbulence. The driver waits in traffic congestions. We wait to arrive at various destinations.
A mother waits for contractions; waits in labor; and waits for promptings during childbirth, after which she is ushered into a lifetime of waiting.
We wait for love, we wait for success; we wait for good news; we wait with bated breath for unpleasant news. People are continuously waiting, life becomes a long journey of "wait—watch and wait—wait and see."
As Jesus tarries, I wait on God to manifest Himself more in my life. I have chosen to tell my testimony. My witness of events in my journey of wait, watch, and see. In this book, I don't promise a philosophical read, an intellectual discourse, scholarly dialogue, or erudite arguments. Instead, I endeavor to share a message of encouragement, inspiration, and motivation.
Until the Lord called me to ministry, I was a private and confidential person who would not easily tell any of her business. The stories of my life were mine—memories, desires, moments, secrets, failures, triumphs, and tragedies. Never in a thousand years would they have been spoken of so candidly before millions. But thanks to Jesus Christ, those events are memorialized in print with the hope that sharing the news of the grace and love of God that shaped my life, refined my existence, gave me purpose and left lasting laughter in my soul may help someone walk and enjoy this Christian journey.
By this approach, I plan to nudge you to release your faith. All of that pent-up assurance needs to burst out and thrust you into living abundantly. A child of God should not waste away in empty existence. There is redemptive hope in Jesus. If God can do so much for one, He can do likewise for another. The way of walking with the Lord is not about rules or rituals; neither is it about perfection. It is not about waiting until we are good, ready, or worthy. No one will ever be worthy before God. Human beings can never near perfection.
We humans were born branded with a sinful nature that makes us do wrong when our intentions are the most honorable. It is easiest to have our way and stray from His truths. It is never about us being good. The human nature is such that we have to strive to do right and depend on His grace to accomplish that. On our best behavior, we are targets for enemy attacks and must be watchful lest we fall into cunning, shrewdly placed traps.
It becomes not about one being faithful, but it is about God being faithful to an unfaithful human being. It's about giving Him first place in one's life and working assiduously to do those things that the Lord has commanded of His children. Slips and slides are forgivable when we catch our bearings and confess to Him, ask the Lord's pardon, and step back into line quickly.
God does not keep a black marker with an endless pad. We never get the exact and deserving punishment. He tempers His justice with His mercy. Nevertheless, intentional slipping and sliding in the faith are not acceptable before God. The Lord does not tolerate sin. Living in sin should never be a way of life. One must not live an uncontrolled sinful lifestyle with intervals of good behavior, bad conduct, good judgment, poor taste. Choose good behavior and good judgment, and walk upright before the Lord. Clean up your heart, that the Lord might have space to dwell. When you carry Him within you twenty-four hours a day, there's a good chance of you staying in check twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Be quick to ask God for forgiveness, and turn away from paths that cause harm. Rarely do unrestrained options bring about disciplined choices. Be a true Christian, not one who is lukewarm or one who palliates sin. Stand on His Word and fall before Him for help. Ask the Lord to pick you up and keep you propped by His grace. Knowing Jesus Christ intimately leads to a life of triumph, including triumph over sinfulness.
The Lord wants us to turn over our lives to Him. He wants to be involved in every little speck of what happens to His children. Asking Him to participate in every aspect of one's life—actions, thoughts, speech, habits, traits of character—can make the difference in whether one's life is meaningful or lacks substance. Pray about every circumstance, whether it is inconceivable or imaginable. Read the Bible or hear the Word of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct your path.
I write this book that the person in the remotest village, distant town, or modern city can see that Jesus fits into their life. No matter the level of your faith, God can meet you at that level. When God's people were hungry in the wilderness, He sent manna from heaven for bread; He sent quail for meat. When they were thirsty, He told His servant to tap the rock, and fresh water came out for the people to drink. God knows how to provide for poor and forgotten people.
Hitch onto the Lord right now. Don't wait to become a so-called "good" Christian—if there ever were such a person. There are Christians who have matured more in their faith than others, but there is "none righteous." Even if one thinks their life is soiled and they have done despicable unforgivable things, try Jesus. You will find that there is no one more forgiving and accommodating. He can refurbish and refinish the most decayed person.
When you lose hope and courage and become broken, He accepts you as you are and then renovates you to how He created you. He molds you back into His intended masterpiece. God never makes a mistake. He didn't make one when He created you. He created you a replica of Himself.
I write this book that the person who knows the Lord and has spent a lifetime in service and walking with Him may find encouragement that he or she is on the right path. Do not assume for a second that you will cruise down easy street. If Christ was persecuted when he took on human form and walked this earth, you will be no different. Take heart; despite the many tools and workers the devil employs, your connection to Jesus has made you a powerful explosive. You will destroy every piece of equipment and personnel the enemy sends your way. Hug your troubles, and watch them be squeezed to death in your embrace.
I write this book that the person who thinks the world is pleasurable and turning to Christ will strip the fun out of their world would know that Jesus is a fun-loving Master. When He's first in your life, there is unspeakable joy. Sad stories turn into comic relief, and you end up laughing at things that would have burned you before. You'll smile without hearing a joke. You'll dance with no music playing; you'll run when you're not in a hurry; you'll jog although you're exhausted; you'll walk fast on days when it feels like you're wearing too tight shoes. You'll say yes to His will without a clue how it's going to unfold. You live by faith and thrive by His grace. Try the man Jesus today and sit back for the ride.
When you began dating Jesus, one doesn't return to old lovers anymore –lovers of self, lust, pleasures, greed, emotions, hate, money, fame—whatever else they were. Hideous characteristics are discarded; the old way of loving becomes stale and outdated.
Once you make Jesus your first love, all other is secondary. The first love captures your whole heart. Other good loves may get slices. Even if those get a whole pie, it's the second-best pie. The first love has the real deal and is the true love. True love aims to please. When you experience Jesus, you live to please Him. When you please Jesus, He fills your life with the right kinds of love.
The purpose of this book is to share the news that Jesus Christ is Lord and He is phenomenal—the unsurpassed gift that's been given to mankind—the present of a lifetime. Discover and rediscover Him. Read the pages and fall in love with Jesus.
When you fall in love all over, could you please tell everyone you meet about Him, Jesus Christ, this new number one person in your life?

 (c) Copyright 2010 Hortense Duarma Grimes

SHE SHALL STAND by Hortense Duarma Grimes
Retail:  $13.99
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 *She Shall Stand recipient of 2011 Bronze Award by Readers Favorite Book Review (category Christian Living)

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