Thursday, June 6, 2019

Same God Today, Liberia

Once upon a time I could worry more than anybody on earth. As my Christian faith matured and deepened, I ditched the habit of worrying and resigned my self appointed reign as Head of the International Worry Association. A tight walk with Jesus made the difference.

It startled me that I’ve spent the better of today lost in thought about Liberia. To the extent that it bordered on worry. What happened to my native country? How and when will this stage be over? Is there no end to the long winding path? Will the nation be adrift for another 40 years? How does a place rebuild from such disintegration?  And so on and on and on my thoughts wandered.

I needed to reminiscence about non-fictional leaders who are elevated heroes etched in my mind. I turned to old memories and nostalgia. Two ordinary persons who emerge as super world leaders have heroically held my fascination by their handling of the superlative power entrusted to them.

In an elementary school History class, after first learning about Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, I gobbled every piece of information I could find on this remarkable, fearless and strong woman. My being a lifelong avid reader with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, the same fascination with the intricacies and exhaustion of politics and leadership was reignited when I discovered the fictional writings of renowned British author Jeffrey Archer. I was enthralled with his titles. Shall We Tell The President; Kane and Abel; Not a Penny More Not a Penny Less; First Among Equals. And my all time favorite, The Prodigal Daughter.

Decades later another leader, President Barack Obama of the USA, would equally fascinate me like did Mrs. Meir. Watching old videos of Mr. Obama’s visit to Kenya, East Africa, and other clips of his reign erased my lingering sad mood today about Liberia and offered inspiration. Somewhere in my mind’s eye I see a rising Liberia. New visionary leaders. New nation builders.

I harbor no political ambitions. My life has twisted away from such an arena. My life has other focuses and new pathways. I have been called by God and assigned a different kind of human management. Mentality reshaping by the sheer power of the Gospel message and the principles of Christ. Spiritual Rehabilitation. This is in itself superlative work.

It is the same God who can elevate one place. The visionary leaders we need in Liberia, God can fashion. That 360 degree turnaround Liberia desperately needs, God can orchestrate. God has it in his absolute power to redirect that country until the World stands at attention and marvel. I have to trust that my Sovereign God has a plan. The Bible say, with man that is impossible. But with God nothing shall be impossible. God will raise up a cadre of visionary nation builders to buttress the few patriots already in the country. And thus began the steep climb back to the top.  Liberia shall rise.

I literally spent about ten hours today pondering, dissecting, and just plain ole thinking about Liberia. Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy! Lord fix it as only you can. Almighty God help us. In Jesus name we pray. 

Srvt. Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God

P.S. By the way, my friend, did you keep Third Watch tonight? Find your way to prayer. God is wide awake. I just left His face. I know I wear him out. But what else to do! He is all I know, my sovereign Lord God Almighty. Make Him yours too. Call... Pray.

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