Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Eve Watch Meeting

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. In less than seven hours 365 days will roll into oblivion. Time from your life will group itself into memories making up the past. While we tarry we watch in faith, hope, love and worship to the Lord God Almighty. As always, PRAYER is how we step into and reach for the unknown. Blessings sent your way in overflow.




Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Special Program

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Merry Christmas and a joyous Happy Holiday!  

Please follow the link to HORTENSEInspiration TV on YOUTUBE Channel for a Christmas Special Presentation. Thank you for being a part of my work and ministry. The Lord God bless you more!

Monday, December 20, 2021

Jesus Christ The Prince of Peace

HEAR THIS WORD... Especially all the multitude of lukewarm believers! And my many clueless Liberian and African people. Hear and take heed. The Lord God Almighty desires that you look and see with your Eye. Your Spiritual eye. Ask the Lord to give you sight.

~It is not a coincidence that the United Nations unveiled its symbolic "Guardian of International Peace and Security" in December 2021. (If you haven't heard of this goggle is your friend, use it.) Stay abreast of current events in the world you live in.
Note December is the month and period when Christmas, the Season which symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ, is celebrated Worldwide. Christ the Messiah came as the Prince of Peace to save humanity and reconcile mankind back to God. Salvation in Christ brings everlasting hope and security of life in eternity.
My friend. PRAY like never before. The Church (body of believers) is in the End Time period. We are already living in the Messianic Age. Things are progressing mighty fast and Bible prophecy is constantly unfolding right before our eyes. Do not wait for secular media entities to point out Biblical breaking news for you. READ THE BIBLE. Turn to prayer, repentance, supplication, thanksiving, praise and worship. Adapt a Iniquity-free lifestyle and live like Jesus is coming in the next five minutes. Be prepared so that your soul finds rest in God Almighty. Do not play with Jehovah God. PRAY. Pray more for your children. Your precious seed are even more clueless. Many do not know Christ. 
(This message was dropped, again, in my spirit this time for delivery, since 3:00 am this morning just as I attempted to sleep after keeping 3rd watch of night. It's now 4:20 a.m. Goodnight or Good morning!)
~Servant Hortense

P.S. I refuse to repost a photo of the statue. Collectively my platforms are a spirit-filled medium used to glorify my Heavenly Father. I celebrate Jesus with every thing and in everything I do.
DISCLAIMER. Furthermore I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus. I take Divine immunity in the Name of Yeshua. I claim exemption by the Blood of the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. My life is in the hands of Jehovah. I stand as a watchman on the wall and a vessel used by Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace.  I am called, anointed, sent, for a time as this. In Jesus mighty name. No weapon formed against me shall proper; today, tomorrow, never ever shall it prosper.

Hortense Duarma Grimes
Servant of the Living God
Founder, Do It For Christ Ministries
Missionary for Jesus - Visionary for Africa

Friday, December 17, 2021

Jesus The Reason We Celebrate

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Merry Christmas! Decorate a tree with love for Jesus. May I share with you my Christmas Tree 2021, adorned with the lights off and with the lights on!!! If you have not made your space reflect the season, go now and get a tree up and lit for Jesus! Say to yourself, the Lord is my light and my salvation. Enjoy the festivities during the holidays and be especially happy this Christmas Season. Much love from my end. ~Servant Hortense

Let your light shine all around you for Jesus, making a difference in the lives of people everywhere this Christmas and always. 

Christmas Is A Love Story

Nine (9) years ago, on December 4, 2012, God  Almighty gave me a glimpse of His vastness to bring to the world. Thus saith the Lord. ~Servant Hortense Grimes

CHRISTMAS IS A LOVE STORY.  Everybody wants to see God. They want to see someone that looks like them. That is not who I am. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am big! Every day they are looking for me in things. You say, ‘He’s that person. He’s in this person. He is the trees. He is the leaves. He is the breeze.’ They say, ‘God is in everything. Everything is God.’ You call others God. Nothing can be me. Nobody is me. I am God. I created all. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. 

Every day man has their own interpretations of God. I have fitted all of me into what I know your mortal mind can handle. See Jesus. That is the only manifestation I want mortals to see me as. You are mortal, created for a fixed time frame. For that fixed time the way you would know me is if you know Jesus. To reject Jesus is to reject all of God. I am big. I’m big. I’m big. I am infinite God. Infinite I came into the world to save you. Jesus is the manifestation of me that your finite minds can handle. What I am no man can behold. So that you would live with Godliness you must accept Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of me packaged to fit human limitation. The creature now wants to contain the creator into your limited mind. You are created and given a time frame. I am eternal.

Go tell the world Christmas is a Love Story... Christmas is a Story of My Love. I am big. I’m big. I’m big. I am infinite God. Infinite I came into the world to save you. Jesus is the manifestation of me that your finite minds can handle. What I am no man can behold. So that you would live with Godliness you must accept Jesus. Jesus is the manifestation of me packaged to fit human limitation.” 

You say God is in you. But you reject my Holy Spirit. How is God in you? All of who I am is symbolized in the Dove that is my Holy Spirit. Infinite God, condensed to reside in you. That Dove, my Holy Spirit, represents an explosive. A dynamite force of God contained in smaller amount to live in you. The Holy Spirit is a dynamite of all that I am. That is the gift I sent into the world so that the world would have me in their midst. All my power; I am God. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I fill it all. Time is eternity. I fill eternity. Stop looking for God in different things. I am tired that you say He’s in the trees. He’s in the leaves. Look! He’s in the breeze. Oh! He’s in all people. God is in all things. NO. I am big. Mortal man with the fixed time frame wants to contain infinite God. Do not contain me. I am God. I am big. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. You say God is in everyone. NO. Know me. To reject Jesus is to reject all that I am.

Why are you not afraid of me? I am big. You have no fear of me. The creature wants the creator to look like him and fit their mind. Your mind is too limited. I cannot fit it. I am God. I am big. Mankind, you mock me. You are not scared of me. I am tired of your mockery. Mortal man who I created and put a fixed time frame on you. Now you say God is another mortal. NO. You say God lives in everything. In the trees. In the leaves. In the breeze. The only way I live in you is in the dynamite that is the Holy Spirit. No other way do I live on earth. If you want to know that I live in you, take my Holy Spirit. That is the only way I am on earth. That is the only way I live in mortals. 

Stop worshiping things. I am not in things. I am God. I am not things. You mortal here for a time reduce me to fit your mindset. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am tired hearing that God is in the birds. He’s the air. Look around us everywhere is God. That is how your mortal mind wants to see God. The creature wants the creator to look like and fit their perception of God. You, created with the limited mindset and fixed time span. I have created man. Now man wants to fit me into how your minds see me. The creature wants to contain the creator. The creature wants to limit the creator in your limited time frame. I have told you who I am. Jesus is the manifestation of me that I want mankind to see. Accept Jesus. To reject Jesus is to reject me. I am God.

Religions are figments of man’s mind. I regard no religion. I do not care about your religions. Religion is man’s perception of things. What is religion? Religions are man-made doings. All religions are man’s interpretation of belief systems. Those are beliefs you mortals have made up. There are not many ways to me. There is one God. I am God. I am big. I relate to man only in one way. I am God. I fill time, space, and void. There is only one way to me. That way is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way I want all mankind to know me. 

The Christmas story is a love story. So that man would know God in a way you can relate to. That you would be able to understand through your limited mindset. Man is mortal created for a fixed timeframe. Man cannot see the creator through your mortal mindset. That mortal man would know God in a way you could relate to, I took on human form. I am big. I am big. I am God. I fill time, space, and void. Jesus is all of me fitted into what I know your mortal mind can grasp. That was the purpose of Jesus coming to earth in human form. A Love Story. The purpose of Jesus coming to earth the way I did is a love story. Jesus is all of me. The Christmas story is a love story. All of me put into what your mortal mind can handle. Remember this. Christmas Story Love story.

It is not my desire that any man should perish. I am the Judge of all the earth. Mankind disobeys me. They go around looking for God. I have told you who I am. Jesus is the manifestation that I want man to know me as. Mankind has reduced me to how they want to see me. I have told you who I am. I am not the trees. I am not the breeze. I am not the air. I am not things. 

Stop worshiping things. I am God. I am big. I’m big. I fill time, space, and void. How could I be the wind? I am not the wind. I am God. The wind obeys me. The storm stops when I speak. I cannot be in the leaves. I am not the birds. I am not in the air. I fill time, space, and void. I am not everything. I made everything. Nothing can be me. I am big. I fill time, space, and void. I am God. The Christmas story is a story of love; My Love. Go tell the world the Christmas story is a love story. Go tell the world that the Christmas story is a story of my love. This is the Christmas Story.” 

Divinely imparted to Servant Hortense D. Grimes on Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On the morning of Tuesday, December 4, 2012, I entered the presence of God and received a Word from the Lord saying, “Go Tell the world this is the Christmas story”. The voice of the Lord continued speaking. Bewildered, I picked up my voice recorder to be sure I would not miss any part of the message. I tried to be calm. I wished to remain as calm like the calming presence that had entered the bedroom. The presence filled the room as I listened to the firm, but sweet, gentle voice. As gentle as the voice was, in my ears the authoritative reverberation echoed loudly. It was not a human sound. It was the sound of Divine.
I sat upright on the bed, for several minutes, transfixed and awed as tears began to flow. Softly at first, but soon my tears were streaming down full force. When it ended I thought out loud, “I must tell someone, quickly.” I grabbed my phone, controlled my sobbing and dialed the number of a trusted relative with whom I often share spiritual moments. Just three days prior we had had an extended talk. I had shared my then recent experience of transitioning into a celestial place. I told of being transported for a brief period from my space on earth. This time it was a ten-minute sight my eyes have never before beheld. That miraculous experience was followed by several days of being directed by the Holy Spirit to read specific scripture passages. I read the same passages, repeatedly. I realized that for the fifth time since my calling to ministry, the Lord had given me another glimpse of heaven. Naïve as I sometimes am in the workings of God, little did I know that God was preparing me again for a visitation from the Most High.
This "Do It For Christ Ministry" journey is so amazing to me. I marvel at how Almighty, Infinite, Omnipotent (all-powerful) God can work with, and work through, low, powerless, finite, me. Before an all-sufficient, righteous God the sum total of me is zero. Before a most worthy God my net worthiness is zero. Before a complete God my qualification is zero. My humanness makes my fitness for God’s kingdom work zero. Against the standard of a Holy God my righteousness and piousness amount to zero. In the eyes of Jehovah Tsidkenu my righteousness equal filthy rags! I am unworthy. It does not seem like the Master cares that I am unworthy! In His eyes my littleness amounts to much because it is about Him. Only the Master sanctifies. He gives us worth. Thank you Lord. There is no one like you, Lord!
The voice said to go tell the world what is the Christmas Story. Momentarily, I panicked, thinking, “Tell the world? What world! How could I tell the world this strongly worded message? Me?” I broke down again, crying. As hard as I was sobbing there was a comforting presence in my spirit. I was not afraid. I felt strong. I felt determined. I felt brave. My tears flowed, but I felt empowered. I was on a mission. I felt in it my bones. Those tears must have been just a washing of my soul. I now realize that when one comes in touch with Divine, tears flow because you immediately feel the dirt of your sinful self. Being in God’s presence will point out all the spots and stains of your mortal human self.
Yet, the Divine overrides the sinful soul with the saving grace. That’s why I could weep bitterly and still experience laughter and smiles. Gentle warmth spread throughout my being. I was on clouds. My humanity was in the presence of Divinity! I would tell the World the news, when my tears stopped flowing. When the crying ceased I would go on a mission to tell the world what the Divine wants this world to know. I would go on a mission and tell the world what the voice of God has sent me to say. I dried my tears. I fell before the Lord in prayer. I thanked God for His faithfulness. I worshipped Him for His grace. I asked for strength. I prayed for wisdom to transfer the message to the world as God has given it. I needed courage. I begged God to help me handle this assignment. I cried out for strength, peace, wisdom. I asked the Lord for ability. I stayed on my face in the presence of God for a long period.
When I emerged from prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You who are hopeless this Christmas let The Story bring you hope. God will use the nothings of the world. The people from nowhere. God will use the “Nobody’s” of the world. God is using the nothings of the world to turn this world upside down and around for Jesus. God will use the ‘Nothings’ of the world.” Then I heard a different voice in a loud pitch, say, “Hallelujah.” Immediately, I was assured that the world is not impossible to reach. The world is no longer so large. The world has shrunk. Indeed, it has gotten smaller. The world is reachable for Jesus. Instantly, by Social Media. Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Print, Radio. Television. It was as if the Divine teacher was prodding and enlightening me. Again, educating me as He constantly does on the how to. I felt peace. I still feel peace. The task is not intimidating. –Servant Hortense

Blessings and Peace
Hortense Duarma Grimes 
Servant of the Living God

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copyright (c) 2012 Hortense Duarma Grimes. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without written permission by the author.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Intentionally Register Your Thank You

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing!!! I pray you are staying strong and holding up well. You are never alone. Almighty God is on your side. Jesus Christ absolutely loves you. Invite the Holy Spirit as your constant companion and travel buddy everywhere you go. There is much strength in that well deep inside of you. Draw from it and persevere. Keep looking up. God's got you. You already know that I love you and think the world of you.

DEAR AMERICA. When you gather to feast this afternoon, pause and say out loud what you are most thankful for. Speak for God Almighty to hear his glory in your mouth. Words matter to our Heavenly Father. Don't just give generic thanks. Be intentional with your thank yous and thanksgiving. Let your voice be registered in the Throne Room today, by all means. Say "thank you" until Third Heaven hears it loud, passionate and fierce.

My friend. Whatever the last 365 days have delivered onto your plate you've received with outstanding strength, bravery, courage and determination. This is why you are still standing up til now to celebrate THANKSGIVING DAY 2021. Scripture say, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say rejoice."

My friend, hear me. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by his death and resurrection, have granted us access to a Mighty Magnificent Force which have absolutely no rival and no match...THE GOD OF HEAVEN. There is none that can compare to Jehovah God when you choose the way of the Lord. For this alone amongst everything else, I salute my God.  The Everlasting King of Glory.

I pray these words this early dawn:
Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, in Jesus name I bring my life daily as a sacrifice to be poured out for your sake and to do your will. Receive my praise today, yesterday, tomorrow, day after tomorrow, day before yesterday, forever, into the Ages. Thank you Heavenly Father on this symbolic day. Every day is thanksgiving day to a God who art perfect and excellent in all your ways. I love you Lord. You continue to amaze me minute after minute. You see beyond me. You lift me and carry me in your arms minute by minute. You shield me every second. You uphold me every day. You bless me moment by moment. You love me beyond measure. Me Hortense... You love me like this much!!!!!  My Father. Bless your people today. Whisper to their hearts that You are the main focus of a day like Thanksgiving Day. Let them see You, not the foods and the Friday deals. Just you Lord. Only you first and last. Only You. If it were not for Jesus Christ this evil world would have finished us off before today. But your staying hand of mercy has brought us thus far. THANK YOU LORD GOD. To you be glory and honor. In Jesus name. Amen.

My friend. Tailor your own words in prayer and tell Jesus. Profusely thank God. Be lavish with your thanksgiving words to the Lord.
Enjoy your day. I love you always. Blessings abundant.

Servant Hortense (~HortenseInspiration)

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Liberia and her LiberianLebanese Twin

Sunday Morning, October 31, 2021

LIBERIA. Your helpers are already by your side. The helpers Almighty God has positioned, to bring wealth, recovery and sustainable partnership, are right before your eyes. It is only a foolish people who would deny the strategies of Almighty God.

A covenantal people reside in your midst. Liberia disdains them as foreigners. Look again at the "foreigner"  in your midst. Rethink the "foreigner" in your midst. They are of a mindset of tremendous, adversity-defying rebuilding. See their land of origin. Absorb how suddenly they are able to build up. Time upon time. They construct dust and debris to buildings, skyscrapers and cities.  Their rebuilding  tendencies are a marvel to  behold. We see a glimpse of it right here in the country. The blessing and deliverance of Liberia is connected with this people. Jehovah God keeps all his covenant.  (Genesis 17.  Deuteronomy 2).

Almighty God has sent the lifters Liberia need. Let not pride and arrogance, blind hatred and the evil eye of jealousy block the blessings disguised herein. For example, because of that same covenant one group, religion aside, has made even desert sand land to become a livable architecture wonderland. Doubtless.

My friend. Do you see where I am trying to take you? Are you, too, not a covenental people through "Salvation". Are you, too, not Abraham's descendants and of justification by faith? Does not the Lord God Almighty keep his covenant with you? Projecting emotional hate baggages and rejecting a blessed remnant from in your midst will not inhibit their prosperity. There are principles to walking in prosperity. Do not spend a lifetime fighting covenant prosperity. Add your own covenant blessedness. And assemble at the Economic Table for a meeting of like minds. Build a nation.

The Lebanese people in Liberia (many of which are born and raised here and/or have spent their entire lives here) you so boldly demean as "those foreigners" have a God sent role to play in this country, Liberia. Our national destiny is conjoined with this issue. The sooner we, Liberian people, begin to ponder and envision with a spiritual eye, the better we will understand. When we recognize the enormity of God's divine merciful planning the beginning of the rise would have  started for Liberia.

Liberia. Stop looking all over the world begging "Non-Negro" people and countries for help while at the same time adamantly denying "helper" status to prophetically placed non-Negro people living in the world that is your country.

Liberia. The earth has entered a new era. We are living in the signal of the times that will usher in the End Time. God is requiring that mankind do business God's way. Hear me. There are not genuine new helpers coming forth for Liberia. The list of users and self serving partners will only get longer. Common sense could let you know if you reject one "non-negro" people" the other "non-negro" people already know you feel the same about them. At this point it becomes, you use me and I use you, and I will abuse what you bring to the table.  

The helpers Liberia need today were strategically placed in our country long before Liberians knew we would need massive help. These helpers have paid their dues triplefold. They have exhibited loyalty to the land. As for perfection, we all know there's no such reality. Human beings come with all kinds of flaws. Personalities comes with knots and warts and bumps and lumps. Liberians included.  It is a good school of thought that one should only consider  those lofty standards oneself could achieve. Perfection is an illusion. No mortal attains it. But for the unending grace of God there go you, me and the rest of us. There is a way to begin the tremendous task of rebuilding of Liberia. All hands that exhibit love for Liberia come on deck. Absolutely, all hands. Liberia. Rethink the "Foreigner" in your midst. Allow me to say this, Liberia!  Face inward.

May I add. Jehovah God upholds his Word on earth, in Heaven, in the heavens and throughout eternity. Gods word is God's integrity. The Word of God is final. The Word of God will not change to satisfy the evil desires of man's heart. We have a heart condition in Liberia. It swallows the whole human being. Rise above. When in doubt study Scripture. Ask God for revelation as you read the Bible. Your natural eye has outlived its usefulness to Liberia and yourself, wherever you are. Ask JESUS to open your Spiritual eye. Then you will see.

When you see... You will now see. I love you, my people.
Blessings and Peace today and always.

~Servant Hortense

Friday, October 29, 2021

Divine Immunity is Available

DEEP ANOINTING EXERCISE (See Blog Post March 23, 2020). Ultimately, Almighty God has the final say in all things. Trust the Jesus plan: Salvation, Abundant life on earth, Eternity with God the Heavenly Father. Christ lives! Everlasting Life.

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you this morning? Happy Friday. The joy of the Lord Jesus Christ is strength...Your Strength. Embrace it. Be reminded about the power of our Heavenly Father. Sovereign God and Creator of the Universe. 

Enjoy life. Have a peace full of joy kind of day! Much love from my end. Blessings overflow. 


Servant Hortense  (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Nostalgic Moment

FOR LIBERIA PURPOSES... "my people yur mornin ooo" (translated Good Morning, People)

Liberians were once a most awesome people in Africa. We were among the classiest. Our country was known as "little America," symbolizing how civilized, cultured, tidy, educated,  and sophisticated its people were. We were proud of who we are. We were not perfect but we were in a class all by ourselves.

Liberia was the envy of other places in Africa, because of the peace and serenity the environment in the country offered. Monrovia was prime vacation destination for other African travelers. Liberia was the expat community destination of choice in West Africa. Europeans especially were fascinated by our beautiful warm climate. America sent Peace Corps who would integrate so well as if they were born there. The Republic of Liberia was undoubtedly a gem in Africa. Even our enemies would agree with that.

And oh my gosh... Liberian people had it going on!  You could spot a Liberian out of any group of people. Something radiated off of us. Liberian men were the kind of gentlemen you'd want to marry; kindhearted, responsible, loving, good providers and career driven. Liberian women were a sight to behold; very loving, beauty, poise, elegance and style all wrapped into one. We shattered the mold of the stereotype African women. Liberian children were happy and childhood lasted its full duration. Nationwide there was a healthy reverence for God Almighty. Prayer time was synonymous with family time.. The country was fine, flaws and all. Life here was good. Whatever the debate this is factually indisputable.

The Republic of Liberia was a force to be reckoned with. On the international scene Liberian diplomats were revered in foreign countries, commanding a dignified respect by their counterparts. The Liberian Presidency were compatible with world leaders across the globe, astute and ably representing the Republic. Perfection is an illusion. No mortal attains it. Absolutely no system could ever acquire it. A perfect government is a nonexistent and impossible aspiration. Our government worked and delivered for the Liberian mass population.  Liberian legislators were brilliant, hardworking and illustrious. Long story short, around the world we were a recognizable lot. Any day any time you could be proud to be a Liberian. 

I speak herewith about "the Liberia" I know. The country where I was born and raised... The Republic of Liberia before the ghastly April 12, 1980 Coup d'etat.... It is what I term The First Republic. 

What had been can become again. That Liberia can exist in some form again. We can do this. Together we can accomplish a better Liberia. Where do we start? Those that are coming will meet those that are there. The glue is that both meet and merge. TOGETHER. 

And you? And you. And you? And you too!!!! Yes you.  To that Liberian person, or person of Liberian heritage, PRAY first. Then think about your new part to play about Liberia. 

Much love from my end. The Lord bless you in overflow. 

~Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Is Navel String Pulling You

Good Wednesday morning to you! Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Stay prayerful. Stay safe. Stay close to Jesus Christ. Almighty God loves you. The LOVE of your Heavenly Father is enough to carry you.

Liberians everywhere, "How your doin this morning?" The pull of navel string won't let me leave this Liberia business alone and mind my own business. Huh. Is Liberia my own business? I guess you can run but you can't hide! Well, what can I say. Navel string? DNA.

WE Liberians must shift our Prayer strategy. Because a handful think the place is all right does not matter. Who cares what a tiny segment of mostly wealthy thieves think! Until the place is habitable and peaceful for entire public consumption it is NOT FINE. It is NOT all right. It must improve drastically. Prayer can settle this once and for all.  

Hear me: Do not just pray for Liberia by saying soft prayers. WEEP IN  REPENTANCE. PRAY and INTERCEDE in WARFARE PRAYER. Cry out to Almighty God FOR DELIVERANCE. Ask Jesus to BIND THE STRONGMAN Satan. Revival needs to sweep over our country and turn dark clouds into stars shining everywhere! 

My people, the answer is when we storm the streets of Montserrado in PRAYER: SACKCLOTH AND ASHES Prayer. Pray the Capital City back to life and the rest of the country will surrender. It can be accomplished. 

The power of navel string just won't let me rest from this pull on my heart for Liberia. I am happily living in America but my navel string, buried all the way in Careysburg Liberia, unhappily tugs at my heart daily. I picture Liberia in my mind's eye every day! With tearful eyes I pray daily Lord deliver Liberia! For some reason I cry for my country every time I reflect on it. My tears cost too much to be wasted. The pull of navel string! What about you, my friend? How does the pull of navel string treat you? Do you cry many times like me? Talk to me. Where is your navel string buried? Tell me about your navel string pull.

People let us PRAY. The land hollers for her children to set her free! And Jesus the Christ waits to free us from sin. ALMIGHTY GOD the DELIVERER waits to stretch his mighty hand. But we keep on acting unready. Liberian people "your not ready yet." When we get ready God will MOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE for Liberia and the Liberian people!  

Much love from my end. The Lord bless you more!

~Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Just Another Neighborhood

 (Duarma Books & Publishing) 

EXCERPT* ~"... The spilling of human blood has consequences from the Creator of human life. When murder overtakes a country it goes downhill from there. One ill-advised day of innocent bloodshed, April 14, 1979, in the Republic of Liberia led to a bloody coup d'etat ending Liberia, the First Republic. 

Continuous bloodshed, and a bloodthirsty Military rule begin in Liberia. Four years later the dictatorship changed to declared itself a Democracy. This ushered in the Second Republic. It's bloodthirsty mantra continued, giving rise to an unbelievable horrific reign of bloody terror called Liberian civil war. 

This ghastly period saw the  annihilation of half a million Liberians en masse. Almost 500,000 Liberian people were wiped off the face of the earth for absolutely no reason at all. The most bloody period in Liberian history. There were bloodbaths everywhere. Innocent citizens were slaughtered just for the thrill of it. Blood and skulls and bones littered the streets and sidewalks, villages and towns, cities and settlements. This period, too, ended when a Democracy was again declared. 

 Mass killings were stopped. The Second Republic continued in peace as we are told. Peace is everywhere, we constantly hear. The country is very peaceful we are led to believe. Does peace only mean the absence of rebels and child soldiers toting guns and riffles? I am not so sure. There are different elements to peace.

Evil is everywhere. Liberia is not exempt. There have always been murders. There was innocent killing for ritualistic purposes (Heart Men). There were passion killings, accidental deaths, mysterious disappearances and strange deaths. Where human beings exist sin and depravity exist. There is as much evil as there is good in human society. Sanctity of life means nothing to some people. This is why law and order and justice and security are tenements of good governance. Fundamental to the existence of any government is its ability to protect and offer security to its citizens. 

As wicked as "heart men" times were, who would believe it could be topped! Back then there were rumors and we knew the heart men by names. So we could run and scream and hide when we saw their cars. In Cape Palmas Maryland County, where I grew up, they called it "bojo people". Again, there were rumors and we could run and hide when we saw cars and names associated with being bojo.  In today's Liberia heart men and bojo people are play play business. In today's Liberia broad daylight killing is almost normal. Law and order is often silent. No protection for the people, it would seem. No security for the citizens, one could surmise. Murderers  have open season. "Come and remove" appear to be the invite.  Governance calls it "No foul play detected" and says not another word. Dead hush silence! More blood added to the blood cry suffocating the nation. Liberia weeps daily. Liberia laments with bitter tears. 

And the Creator of mankind who is the God of Judgment looks on. That same creator is our Heavenly Father. Would not a loving father ask after his childrens innocent blood cry? 

Who are the killers roaming the streets of Monrovia? The real killers whose deeds terrify the toughest heart. Who are the killers turning brave people into faint hearts begging for their lives?... "

~Servant Hortense


* "Montserrado" by prolific writer and award-winning author Hortense Duarma Grimes... coming soon)

Friday, September 24, 2021

Pro Prayer Pro Choice Pro Life


EXCERPT  (Duarma Books & Publishing) ...

~"The same devil who gave the world abortion is the same devil still giving out presents. Abortion Rights. Not so. Abortion Wrongs. 

To the Society claiming abortion is a good and acceptable practice, know that the spirit of confusion has set in to twist your thinking.  Hear me please. 

Whenever another person is responsible for killing a pregnant woman carrying a fetus in her womb that culprit is charged with TWO counts of murder.  One charge for the mother and one charge for the unborn child in her stomach. Two human beings have been murdered, the Law upholds. Society's consciousness become pro life. Society becomes outraged and demand justice for both mother and child. Two lives lost. 

Hear me. Another scenario.

Whenever a pregnant woman choses  an accomplice and they kill the unborn child in her stomach both she and the culprit  are free to roam the streets. The human being they murdered at will is then called "mere" fetal tissue.  There is no justice for the child. No punishment for the killer of that life she was carrying in her body. That same life for which TWO COUNTS of murder would have been exacted had her own life been taken along with the baby.  The Law stays silent. Society celebrates the action of the mother and her accomplice. Society names it pro choice. Cheering society gives it the fancy name Abortion Rights. They toast to the outcome. 

What a world have we become. Twisted by the spirit of confusion. Think about this. What changed about this unborn child that made it human being in one instance and fetal tissue in the second instance? The answer is simple: Nothing changed. Zero. Except an agenda. There is always an agenda. From the days of the garden of Eden. When that old crafty serpent appeared then on two legs. The agenda began. It continues.  

The world is an evil place that is becoming more wicked by the minute. Without Jesus and the gospel of Salvation we are all doomed. This is why we must pray and seek Almighty God. Believers must stand for the principles of Christ. Our world needs Divine intervention that  come from Jehovah God. No deity is alive except Almighty God. No other deity can save and deliver from this grip of evil confusion except the living God. All other gods remain silent to the cries of humanity. Jesus Christ saves.

Think more about this. What give Society the right to determine when a woman's womb is carrying a human being and when it is carrying mere fetal tissue? Society for the most part likes to elevate itself to Godlike status. The same evil spirit roaming as enlightenment and prolife is the same spirit that is swirling in many people's mind. It is called the spirit of confusion. You are no match for this evil mindset overtaking everything. Not by yourself. You need help to survive it and outlast this. Call on Jesus to help you out of the snares the enemy has fashioned for you. 

You are Satan's main target. When the devil leaves you for a second he goes directly after your seed. The goal is to erase you and everything about you. Abortion is about removing "seed". The promise is always in your seed. More seed means more promises. The promises of a loving God who commands  you to go forth and multiply. And take dominion over the earth...dominion over all creeping things. This means dominion over Satan and his cohorts too. Seed is precious. Your seed is your extension. Think again!

These days on earth are like the days of Noah. Wickedness is plentiful upon the earth and often disguised as "pro" many things. PRAY more. Become pro prayer in Jesus name. I love you much. Let us pray."

~Servant Hortense


*BREAK THAT SPIRIT... new book coming soon from prolific writer and award-winning author Hortense Duarma Grimes.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Between You and Me Tips

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing soon this Tuesday morning? A very early good morning and merry sunshine day to you!

~It is still 3rd Watch of Night. Get up. SPEAK THE WORD. Do not go back to sleep right away when you wake up for bathroom run in the middle of the night. Take a few  minutes and go to war!  Say IN THE NAME OF JESUS THE CHRIST I COMMAND... and begin activating power in the realm. Exercise dominion. Use your POWER that being one with Christ gives you. BY FIRE BY FORCE. God Almighty is a CONSUMING fire!

I am letting you know how I am able to stay above the fray and remain relevant with God's assignment. This is how I stay true to the call on my life. I tell you secrets to how I have managed to disgrace Satan despite all the fiery darts thrown my way. I believe in sharing good information with people. If you know me you'll know that I freely tell helpful tips and reveal how I did this or how I do that. I belive we are happier when the people around you are happy too. I am quick to share success routes. There's no fun in laughing by yourself. 

Hear me. The enemy, the devil Satan, has worked overtime to frustrate me in numerous ways. I too keep  working double time plus time and half to frustrate the devil every day. I do this by being vigilante with the things of God. There is a method to living this life for Christ and living abundantly on earth. It begins when you know the POWER backing you every second of your life. That power is ALMIGHTY GOD through His SON JESUS CHRIST. 

My friend, we are in war. Spiritual Warfare. Nothing your eyes can see is what it looks like. There is more. We are not made to see everything, entirely, with the physical eyes. GO DEEP in the things of God. GO DEEPER in finding out the ways of GOD through the BIBLE. 

Night time is waging war time for the realm. All the powers of darkness in heavenly places (the Second Heaven) are activated full force at night. While you are sleeping and snoring your heart out at night obstructive and deadly traps are being set for you to meet up with when you wake up at day. Night Watch! Prayer. Devotion. Worship. Praise. At the darkest part of the night. Keep Watch. Fight. PRAY. 

My friend, keep the night watch and break those traps. As fast as the the enemy could set it up break it down. I am talking about seeking raw power to exert over dark powers. I am talking about exacting pure dominion over principalities. I am talking about the JESUS authority in your life. You can only gain power through PRAYER.

Satan is the prince of this world. The Devil is manager of the earth realm. GOD ALMIGHTY is creator, owner and overseer of the entire universe. Ultimately real POWER belongs to JEHOVAH God. BUT YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO ACCESS THIS POWER and then you become victorious! 

Hear me: Handle the fierce battles raging everywhere. Your enemies automatically become God's enemies. Keep the Night Watch. Pray between 12:00 Midnight and 3:00AM. You must scatter everything, first, by your prayers. You have to authorize Jehovah to fight for you. Then GOD WILL ARISE AND SCATTER HIS ENEMIES. 

I've just finished tonight's night watch myself and came on facebook to write one of my one sentence sermon. But the Holy spirit prompted me to say more. My thoughts are always with you, my people. I love you with a sisterly love. Always.

~Servant Hortense

Friday, August 6, 2021

Declare A Thing

Sunday August 1, 2021 was a special day. It is good to wait with God. Ministry life, for the most part under the radar and away from the applause of humans, as fulfilling as it is, can be overwhelming and exhausting. Yet I found that with Jesus every moment is sweeter than the last minute. My prayer is the next twenty-two plus years will be more impactful and on a much larger scale. There are still over 5 billion people on planet earth who have not made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. I intend to reach every single one of them. Someway. Somehow. One way or another.

Thank you Heavenly Father for your never ending love, mercy and grace. Thank you Lord Jesus for choosing me worthy to die for. I call you Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Friend, Master and King.

22 Years of God's Faithfulness

Sunday August 1, 1999 - Sunday August 1, 2021

DECLARE A THING... Our ministry is fully utilizing and have now outgrown the many free platforms available. I have successfully and vigorously used the Internet and Social Media to deliver on God's agenda. Ministry activities, including grassroots evangelism, global call to prayer, spiritual motivation, inspiration media, and humanitarian projects, have crisscrossed territories worldwide. Our reach is global. I have learned to cherish and have healthy appreciation for humble beginnings. The Lord has done amazingly with my mustard seed faith. Now I say, Enlarge my territory and reach, O God Almighty. I pray in Jesus name.

My goal by 2022 is full access to a Television Station in the United States. It is time Jesus Kingdom of Heaven messages, which save and lift and uplift and free people, have more channels on Cable TV. The darkness from the Age of Deception will cave only to the light of the Gospel when mass media is usurped by the powerful content of agape love, Godly hope, prayer, Christ like faith, eternity focused inspiration and truths. Too many precious souls are being subtly stolen from their once strong foothold in Almighty God.

This African-immigrant woman needs a space on American television. For Kingdom of Heaven purposes only. God Almighty gets all the glory. I declare and decree that before next year this time access to a cable television network will be provided to DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministry for the purposes of the Jesus Gospel and spreading this Light of Christ that heals, mends, bridges and transforms. The world need more light. The world watches America. When the USA is more balanced the world become more balanced. Light is the answer.

The Gospel brings Light. Not condemnation, but light. The more light we have entering our minds and hearts, the brighter light we emit to the hearts and minds of the people around us and this world in which we live.

Pray for me. Pray for the TV station to come to pass. Jesus to the ends of the earth!

God bless us all.

By this time next year…Hallelujah. Amen.

Servant Hortense  (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Critical Race Theory Not

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing? I pray life is treating you well and you are happy to be alive. Stay the course. God Almighty is good. PRAY.

Many Almighty God loving Christians are operating against the very Christ they profess. Innocently, and sadly, they do not realize how far they have strayed or where they are in their walk with Jesus. Ignorance is no excuse for the believer who takes a worldly approach to events and ideals. At the core of any idealism should be the question: Is this right or wrong? There is good and bad.  

The Devil is after destroying families. By any, every, and all means. In America it would appear Black people are the tools most often used by Satan to cause their own self-destruction. Here comes Critical Race Theory. Another arsenal from the pit of hell. To heap more destructive tendencies on the Black race.

Critical Race Theory (acronym "CRT") is the newest gift from Radical White Liberals in America to their favorite target Black America. As is always the case such presents are hand-delivered by Black on Black, championed by celebrated Voices in the Black community, heralded and sealed by Demigods who enjoy unflinching devotion from their constituencies. These gifts from Radical White Liberals keep on giving, one generation to the next, and way into the future. Radical White liberalism will destroy Black people everywhere. It has reached all the way to Africa their origin of Black people. Radical White Liberal idealism is destroying the Black race every single day. The only hope is JESUS to the rescue.

What puzzle me about Critical Race Theory are simple thoughts. Interracial marriages are at the highest peak ever. White wife and Black husband. White husband and Black wife. Children born to interracial parents are identified as "Black". Intermarriages among the races are a signal of much transformation and how far society has advanced socially.

Let me go there...There. Let's go there together with this one. Among the wealthy and elite it almost appears as a rite of passage. For example, many Black men who attain celebrity status and/or become insanely wealthy prefer to marry White women. Many successful, accomplished Black men often choose to date only White women. Likewise, many Black women only date and marry White men. This is beautiful to see. Color of skin should never count against love. We celebrate interracial and mixed race unions. Marriages between men and women of all race and color must be tolerated, appreciated and celebrated.

Critical Race Theory bother me foremost for "Seed" purposes. The children born to interracial marriages are being indoctrinated to hate one parent because the White parent is the evil one of the two. It says to the child, your loving mother, who happens to be White, is wicked and only pretending to love you her mixed race-Black child. It is saying to that mixed-raced Black son, who adores his father, your White father is evil and hates you, your mother and siblings because you all are inferior to his race. The children internalize this demonic hate-planting deceptive spirit called CRT. An innocent child is scarred and strange vices begin to take root and build up from the confusion within. Regardless of how much love, affection and happiness that child experiences at home with their mixed race parents school is telling them that what they see at home is a sham. In today's society we can attest children absorb the teachings in school far superior to the training at home.

Who are these "confused" children? They are Black children. Remember it was society that has said if there is  an ounce of the Black race in your genes you are a Black person. May I ask again. What families will CRT hurt the most? The answer is Black families. Another keep you down tactic which is already working.

The proponents of CRT are the same ones saying, as well, mixed race marriages are great and must be applauded. Vigorously against racism they advocate Black and White must be free to intermarry. Yet CRT screams to the children born to these beautiful unions that evil lives at home with you: one of your parents is inherently wicked and hates you. A wedge begin to form in the home and soon progress to the Black in-laws and the White in-laws. Families start bleeding. 

My friend. Hear me. Please. I have tried to tell you it is your seed the devil is after. Satan has sized you up and decided it is best to go after your children. In the usual sneaky, crafty way of the enemy. Those who do not believe we are at war think again. Spiritual Warfare. And the warfare begins with your mind. Confusion. In the disguise of progressiveness and sophistication. You are not woke. You are sound asleep. 

It is past time to wake up from the nonsensical daze and the crazy sleep. PRAY. All who call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. Let GOD arise and his enemies be scattered. 

Much love from my end. Blessings to you and yours!

~Servant Hortense D. Grimes (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Midnight Push

TONIGHT ... it is now the Third Watch of Night. 

PRAY. It is as if we are watching a movie, isn't it? You must be seeing it, I'm sure. Unless you're sleeping or blinded. Satan thinks he is smarter than God. What a joke. If the devil can use human beings to carry out his agenda why wouldn't he use microorganisms? When you disregard the principles of Jesus Christ you volunteer to be on Satan's side. You embrace the darkness and shun the light. Dark powers are operating everywhere using all kinds of techniques. It is called demonic activity and the operation is called spiritual wickedness in high (heavenly) places... Spiritual Warfare!

Do not negotiate with wickedness. Enforce your stand by praying. Refuse to settle for all evil, including those forms that have been packaged to look like good. PRAY until the madness which have come to town leaves your town. Read your Bible to get a clearer picture of what period it is on the earth today. Be ready to beat the devil at all of his games. Your life is at stake. Your eternal destiny is at stake. This is not the time to sleep throughout the night. Turn things upside down by staying awake at deep night and breaking up stuff. You are soldiers in the army of the living God on earth. My friend, we are in warfare. DO BATTLE. Fight for your life and your children and family. On your knees... Ready. Set. Go. Start praying now! 

Grab the Cross and the Holy Bible. Pray like your life depends on it.  By the way it does! Your very life depends on your prayer. 

~Servant Hortense

(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


Monday, June 21, 2021

Jesus Christ Conquered Death

Please take a minute and read posts from this page. I work for you, people of God. I struggle in intercession for us all. The articles often are excerpts from the many books I've written. I am working on releasing several for publishing soon. In the meantime, we have arrived in urgent times so I post segments on social media to hasten delivery of content to God's people. To help you stock your arsenal. Be equipped by taking some from here, some from there, some from everywhere good. And build your own supply. Get ready for what is already here. If you live on earth the signs of the time and events equally should concern you. Look to Jesus and pray more.

May I advise you. Go deep into the things of God. Dig deeper into the teachings of Scripture. Pray for revelation to rightly decipher what the Bible has forewarned since humanity began.  We have arrived at END TIMES. The signals are everywhere. Take note. There are activities that happening on earth which have never occurred before. Players are already seated. Prayer is the only action which can prepare you for this new era. People, please, please, pay attention to signs, signals, seasons and events. A lot is going on around us. The normal that was before COVID Pandemic is not returning. Never. The casualness and general innocence of that era is now relegated to past tense. Lift up your head and see. Everything has shifted. Overnight things will shift again, and again. And again. We have arrived at the beginning of what is to be the End Times. PRAY. READ THE BIBLE. Call on God. Run to safety in Jesus Christ. Jehovah is God from beginning to end, first and last.

God's love or reject God's way, the devil, Satan, will employ. Ultimately Satan the devil is after your soul and will use any and every route to get you. Here's the secret: once you are aligned with Satan he has no further use for you and leaves you alone. Until you decide to leave his way. The tormentor is after you. Believe it. Know the game. Learn new strategies to not fall victim. Fight for yourself. Fight for your loved ones. Fight harder, especially for the ones who cannot see to fight for themselves. Carry them until they see.

Upgrade your walk with the Lord. Upgrade your devotion to God. Grow spiritually. Mature fast in the things and ways of your Heavenly Father. For Satan, death is the last man standing. Jesus Christ conquered death. It is the way back to forever with the Heavenly Father. God. In Christ you live forever with God the creator. But life can sometimes be shortened before its time. Length of days can be manipulated to suit the whims of an evil adversary, Satan the devil.

Stand on the powerful words of Scripture: “With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.” This is what the Almighty God, Father, Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Lord, Master, Jehovah Elohim has to say in his Word. The WORD of God came in flesh that we may become sons of God and followers of the Christ. This means we have the power to regulate many things. How about forming resistance to the wave of early deaths, accidental deaths, premature deaths, tragic accidents, mysterious deaths, sudden deaths, freak accidents, maternal mortality and more? Announce today, in your space, that it stops with you. Hear me. We will all leave this earth one day to return to our maker. May it be only at our Heavenly Father’s, God timing. Declare today that no evil spirit of death will shorten your life. You will live until Almighty God is ready to call you home. Not a day sooner. Pray the same for others.

My Friend. On the earth today we are in a battle of good versus evil: God Almighty vs Satan. Choose your side and comply accordingly. If you want to be at peace and enjoy harmony. Choose God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ if you want to be victorious over all things. Anything that does not align with the principles of Christ is evil. Anybody who rejects Jesus is evil. Anybody who says they believe in God and disdain the principles of Christ does not love God and is evil.

Utilize PRAYER to halt some of the raging madness.

You must begin to resist evil by praying. Please know RIP is not a cute comment to be quickly written about people. This can be a tool of Satan, an abomination the devil enjoy seeing you perform. Your family, friends, loved ones and people are dropping dead every day, while you're waiting to quickly clutter Facebook with RIP and tears emoji. Resist in prayer instead. Get on your knees and fight back. Resist today. Stand on Scripture. Learn how to READ THE BIBLE AND PRAY GOD’S WORDS BACK TO HIM.

Much love from my end. 

~Servant Hortense 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Next time I Fall in Love... Birthday

June Fifteenth Has Come Again... Heavenly Father, I thank you for adding another year to my life. Thank you Lord for bringing me to see another birthday! Take all my praise. Receive all my worship.

My birthday is my personal holiday. I take the day to a whole new level. I love my birthday! I celebrate me. I celebrate all the “me” there is. I celebrate the many sides of “me.” Hortense, the imperfect child of God. Hortense, the fun-loving forever young at heart. Hortense, the serious woman. Hortense, the dancing African girl. Hortense, the comedian to her loved ones and friends. Hortense, the eternal optimist. Hortense, the daughter, sister, friend, relative. Hortense, the mother to my children I did not birth. Hortense, the servant of the living God. Hortense, the spiritual motivator, who sometimes tell it just like it is, with the hope that rehabilitation would take root wherever the message fall. Thank you Holy Spirit! Hortense Duarma Grimes, the visionary for Africa, determined to change the narrative about Africa where it errs, and striving daily to shift mentality on the African continent. Hortense, the patriotic Liberian woman on a mission. Servant Hortense, an ordinary woman called by the Lord and assigned an extraordinary task for Jesus. Hortense, the obedient follower sold out to Christ.

It was not always this defined. Thank God for Jesus and the power of his anointing. Thank you Lord for the privilege of prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and a Jehovah God who answers prayers!

Now to the other birthday message. I love music. I especially love to dance. God knows this side of me and I think he’s working on it still. When I hear good music it’s as if my whole body goes into dance mood immediately. Secular or gospel, I will dance with the same enjoyment when I hear songs I like. In my Liberian voice, “dancing that my own ooo.” Yesterday evening, I made a quick run to the store. The overhead music was playing a song I had not heard in years. Rarely do I listen to secular music at home. I once used to dance away every Friday evening to oldies and Saturday mornings to African vibes. That time seems like a lifetime ago. One gets more involved and patterns evolve, interests change, old habits die and new habits form. Life happens as we grow older. But, in that store this evening hearing the fantastic voices of Peter Cetera and Amy Grant singing, “Next time I fall in love, uh uh uh uh uh uh, next time I fall in love... it will be with you,” got me into shaking my head and smiling! Music from the 80s and 70s was what music is supposed to be. In my opinion, at least. Those words are exactly what I’d say to my younger self. The self that didn’t always define herself well enough. The self that did not always know how much one should love oneself. You only have one life! You only have one you! You pass this way but once! Own your space and love you. Peter and Amy are so time I fall in love it will be with me. You have got to love you first. It had better be the same for you. The Bible says  to “love others as you love yourself”. This means to love yourself first and love others equally. Nothing more, nothing less. Only God should come before you.

Cherish the many facets of you. Love everything about you. Fix what needs adjusting. Patch up the places age and wear and tear run down. Keep a level head. Protect your space. Guard the perimeters of your life. Be happy. Stay happy. Understand contentment. Smile as often as you breathe. Laugh, and laugh out loud when it is that funny! Create wonderful memories of life. And you had better PRAY. Know God Almighty. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Make space for the Holy Spirit to infiltrate your mind and thoughts and pierce your heart. Appreciate every day you are alive. And then PRAY. Pray! If you’ve never prayed before, start today and right now. Pray more.

My friend. If you’ve followed me you would know I testify to the goodness of God every chance I get. My birthday is always testimony galore! I reminisce from where I’ve come and I spring ahead to wherever the Lord is taking me daily. The journey so far has been fantastic, to sum it up. Because as for God his way is perfect! This time, next time, all the time…I fall in love it will be with me, wining over life by the sheer grace of God. Jesus and I walking together, making life a beautiful journey. I am blessed. I am blessed. I am so blessed. 57 come on and let’s tackle another 365 days. The world is waiting!

In a few  minutes it will be June 15th. Let me go into my prayer chamber and fall on my face, prostrate before my Heavenly Father, in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus, and welcome 57 years into my existence. Happy Birthday, Hortense! Enjoy every minute. Uh uh uh uh uh uh !!! 

I love you my friend. You’re in my prayers.

~Servant Hortense


BONUS READ. The below message was written to celebrate half a century on earth. I thought it might be nice to repost it. My motto remains the same. If you like the motto it might just work for you as well. Enjoy from me to you.

HI Blog Post of June 15, 2014 


50! Welcome to my world, Fifty! I hope you are ready for me as I am ready for you, 50. I plan to give you a run for your money. I hope you are ready for a fierce partner. Together lets be fierce! I plan to fiercely live and love. Fiercely worship God. Fiercely serve Jesus Christ. Fifty(ies) I do not plan to sit you out. I intend to dance every single day of my life. Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually—Oh what a dance it will be.

In the last hours of yesterday, I danced half a century away. I danced into being the beginning of the second half century of my life. Truth be told, for a long while I didn’t think I would live to be 50 years old. With a grateful heart I say, Thank you Lord for keeping all your promises to me.” I’d been dancing all night; beginning repeatedly with, “I’m Amazed (Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir). Concluding with one of my favorites, and my theme song for 50, “I Hope You Dance” (LeAnn Womack). I’ve played this song over 20 times this night. Woohoo!

Several years ago, I made my peace with shoulda coulda woulda—all my missed moments. Firmly putting all the uglies of life to rest. I realized no amount of hell or hell bent hearts would make me lose my wonder. I embrace passion, love, dance, joy, song. I’ve been given a chance to sit it or dance. Guess what(!) I choose to dance. I agree with LeAnn W. May you never take one single breath for granted. When you stand by the ocean, please do feel small. I guarantee you when one door closes God will open another. Just know that when you give faith a fighting chance, God leaves you breathless! Dream big for yourself. The path of least resistance wasn’t intended to make you settle. Take those chances and translate them into captures! This thing called loving might not always turn out happy. But never, never, not take the chance to experience love. Whenever you find your heart’s been broken, no matter how many times…ditch the bitterness. Love comes around many times…God is love! My friend, don’t you dare sell out—Always reconsider. And because heaven is above and Jesus Christ resides there…always keep your gaze up! That’s where help is.

My friend, I’ve been given the chance to sit it out or dance. You know what I’m choosing! I chose to dance. That’s how I began ushering in my 50th birthday today—dancing.

The Praise-a-Thon of my final Countdown to 50 climaxed with the song “I Get On My Knees” (Nicole Mullen). I prepared for prayer time by singing the hymn “My Jesus I Love Thee.” Hymns are my thing, you know. The hymns transport me into a place of deeper worship. Immediately, I fell face down on my knees before the Creator of heaven and earth. In thanksgiving, I honored Jesus Christ for the gift of this milestone birthday. I worshipped God for who He is. I thanked the Lord for the gift of life—every aspect of my life. I am blessed that I could welcome my 50th birthday, alone, on my knees. When midnight rolled in I was laying prostrate before the King of Kings, welcoming 50 into my world!

I do not intend to sit it out, not once. Life is too precious. You should embrace your life, too. Join me friends, (and foes too if there be any out there) and make your life a celebration. Celebrate the beautiful you that Jesus Christ has made out of nothing. You are here; right here, right now. And you are a child of God! It does not get any better than that. Thank you to my wonderful circle of friends, you know yourselves. You make this journey fun. Thanks to family, loved ones, acquaintances, children of God, you make life a pleasure. Thanks to those who encourage and inspire me to continue the work I try to do, you make HortenseInspiration happen. Thanks to the strangers and the passersby, you too have a place. We are all God’s children—we need one another more than we recognize.

In closing, let’s each be one another’s keeper. Live large, and it has nothing to do with means or much. It has to do with heart—live with a large heart! Love much. Forgive more. Laugh often. Pray always. Don’t you dare sit it out. Go Dance!

Blessings galore.

Hortense Duarma Grimes

June 15, 2014