Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Intensive Care Tough Love


CALLED ANOINTED SENT... MY JOB IS TOUGH but I wouldn't change it for a thing. I love you dearly. Hear me.

Next time someone tells you about "conspiracy theories" whenever you talk about the evils of the time, laugh with them. Remind them how they sound like the learned Scribes and Pharisees and the Sadducees of Jesus' day. Explain nicely about the days of Noah flood. They may have forgotten how God Almighty was so disgusted at mankind he regretted ever making human beings. Lovingly nudge them to go and read Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah. Tell them to read Genesis. It tells how Enoch walked with God and was no more. Genesis tells the creation story. Seth descendants were increasing. Cain descendants were increasing likewise. I heard Noah was Enoch's grandson. Like the days of Noah!

After all this reading it's still not sufficient. Read more. Jump around the Good Book and hear the words spoken by THE WORD himself. Jesus talked the talk in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. John the beloved. When their dead friend came back to them, walked and lifted himself off the ground straight up into Heaven, Peter and James and Jude spoke in volumes. All along they had been in the presence of Jesus, the great I AM himself. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life," the Rock had told them. They realized all along they had been with The CHRIST. Paul could not stop writing epistles, one after another, since Damascus Road happened between him and Jesus. The Jesus whom he, Paul, formerly Saul, was persecuting. The devil is a liar! Paul escaped eternal damnation. My God my God my God!!! Thank God for Jesus! As if you haven't read enough already, go on to study Revelation. You will be bewildered. Do you still believe everything around you is a theory, much more, a conspiracy theory? You are sleeping.

My friend, the reading has just begun. There are still over 50 more books to read. It is called the Holy Bible. The Scripture. The Word of God. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible gives all the complete pictures. God Almighty reveals the full scenario. It is vivid... the situation, the plan, the antagonist, the redemption, the tormentor, the lies, the pathological lies, the evil spirits on the earth wreaking havoc with the sons and daughters of man, the demons that can inhabit one person in legions at a time. Lord have mercy!!! It is epic. Open the eyes of the people dear God in Heaven.

My friend, when you do your homework, by reading the Bible; praying humbly for Holy Spirit discernment; being sorry for your sins and repent of your sinful lifestyle; ask the Lord God to forgive your sin. THEN AND ONLY THEN should you look around America today, yea, the whole world, and tell me about conspiracy theory. The real conspiracy is your being effectively manipulated to operate against yourself. The only conspiracy theory is that you are being led like a crazy sheep to the slaughter while you're hugging and kissing the gatekeepers of the slaughterhouse. The devil is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. God said this. Beware. You trustingly ascribe to yourself make believe relatives you should be cowering from in fear and trepidation. Satan has desired to sift you. Sin has purposed to master you. All the while you remain blind, deaf and dumb because you choose to be. You purpose to be ignorant of the ways of God your Creator. WAKE UP Church folks. Wake up, people!

Jesus Christ the Son of God was crucified, shed blood, died, buried and rose from the grave just for you. Salvation complete. For a day like this. Open your eyes! The Blood of Jesus sets all people free. If you believe you shall not perish. If you do not believe you shall likewise perish. It is a conspiracy alright. My conspiracy is to help you get back on the path which leads to righteousness in Christ. Your soul saved for all eternity. That you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. That you may resist the devil. I can bet you, Satan will flee from you the minute your eyes are opened. Go begin your daily Bible reading. These are like the days of Noah. God Almighty always warns long in advance about all things concerning mankind. Remember, Jesus the Promised Messiah. Jesus The Christ of God is the ARK. It's a heavenly conspiracy indeed! Hallelujah. Amen.

I love you. I've cast my life in God's way. I've answered the call and no face of a mortal could scare or silence me. Not when numerous lives are at stake. Children's lives are at stake. We are all the children of God. PRAY. PRAY. KEEP PRAYING. I love you.

Servant Hortense

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