Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Here's to you with much love from my heart to yours. Enjoy a happy, awesome Thanksgiving Season! ~Servant Hortense
Monday, November 21, 2022
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Stay ahead of Nimrod and 'em
Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you this morning? I pray life is great to you. I know life is fantastic with you because you are reading this. It means you are alive! Where there is life there is beautful hope. And may I add, life is meant to be lived and enjoyed and cherished. Live Christ-like!
HEAR ME . . . Children have resumed school and are out and about by the droves. The Devil loves such innocent-mind mortals. Satan's demons have been discharged by the hundred-million-thrillions to patrol schools zones and playgrounds. Demonic forces are daily sent out on neighborhood watch. Your neighborhood. Prayer Walk your streets. Begin a vigorous habit of Prayer Walking the territory around you.
Prayer Walking means taking a walk for the purpose to pray and declare the Word of God over your streets and neighborhoods and communities. Praying out loud or praying quietly but fiercely! Prayer Walk.
BECAUSE your Seed, your offspring, is their target. By "Their" I mean Nimrod and 'em. They are after your children. Satan and his minions need those young impressionable minds to groom with demonic, hatred of Godliness, disdain for all things Jesus, Anti-Christ mentality. Pray for your seed. Pray against demonic manipulation by Satan and his minions against your offspring. Prayer will preserve your seed. PRAY.
All Power belongs to Almighty God. Jehovah alone is Omnipotent. Yahweh alone is all powerful. The Ancient of Days is the definition of might, Almighty God. It is only at the name of JESUS that demons flee. Jesus Christ is The Word from the Beginning; The Word that was with God, The Word that is God. God the Beginning!
My friend. Have not started prayer walking? Ready Set Go! Begin foot patrol of your streets today.
Much love from my end. Blessings always.
~Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
An Old Woman's Musings
Is it true the heart wants what it wants? Do you believe so? Talk to me! Does your heart keep insisting what it wants. Talk to me. Better still tell yourself what your heart insist it must have. Should it?
~HortenseInspiration Once Uponar Time
I MISS LIBERIA all the time. I miss what my birth country was. I miss how the people were. I miss the uniqueness of our way of life. I miss baby life in Careysburg. I miss toddler life and Kindergarten in Gbarnga. I miss every year three-month vacation in Bensonville/Bentol. I miss gorgeous Liberia. I am a Cape Palmas girl, raised right there on Maryland Avenue, from 6 years to 12 years old, elementary and first year of high school, Harper City. Then I went on to Ricks Institute. Oh how I miss being on the mission. Those were absolutely my wonder years. I miss Liberia. I miss Monrovia. Oh how I love love love Monrovia!!! I miss University days at LU. I miss riding the buses back and forth to Science College and days at Fendall Campus. I miss living around 72nd area. I miss walking from Paynesville Red Light along Somalia Drive. Aye mehn! Liberia. Liberia! Liberia. My heart gone way back soon this morning. I guess underneath all the travels and living abroad and the Western lifestyle, I am just a little Liberian girl turned full grown Liberian women turned Liberian senior citizen in the making. Still mussing what is gone forever... Being Liberian in the First Republic. Yes, my friend. I miss Liberia. And those people that are causing the "next to impossible for life to return to normal in Liberia" I take God to beg your. Your please try, at least...I know. There's always other alternatives. I believe, home is wherever you make home. I love dearly my America. It is my greatest joy living here and to call here home. My America has been awesome and continues to be great for me. USA is my numero uno. A heart full of gratitude and patriotism, forever, I owe America. Still. Deep inside me is a constant yearning for the African way of life. The "this is Africa oo" lifestyle. As it is lived on the African Continent! I cannot seem to shake this hunger. Even when I starve the desire the pangs remain. I thirst for Africa. I also know there are good "another African country" options. I hunger for African lifestyle. Do you feel this way sometimes? Many times? Often? Every now and then? Talk to me.
Much love my friend. Blessings!
~Servant Hortense
Friday, July 29, 2022
Godly President Rule
To all PRESIDENTIAL Aspirants, globally, Vying for Their Nation's Highest Office ~HortenseInspiration HEAR ME.
When a man* decide to turn to the ways of God Almighty no devil in Hell can stop you. No news media fake or real, no brainwashed populace, no carnal nature nurturer, no induced hate-fill people, no demonic manipulative systems, no wicked force on earth nor evil power in the realms above and beneath the earth. When a sinner chooses to find God and walk with Jesus NO DEVIL IN HELL CAN STOP YOU. The time is now when God the righteous judge is raising up men* to rule nations and establish his Kingdom come, before the return of Jesus Christ. Politics across the globe is about to swiftly change. Turning God's way. Men will rise who choose Almighty God as role model for their leadership.
God the Father, maker of mankind, sees the heart of every person. Man sees the outside of one another. God sees the entire man. God knows the outside of man is flesh and flesh is dirt from the earth. Flesh is decaying rot. God knows the inside of man is soul and spirit. Spirit and soul together is immortal and off the breath of God. The breath of God is everlasting. God responds to that which has his nature-the nature of forever.
Hear me. No devil in all of Hell can stop a man who has decided to go God's way. Stand back and watch that man's enemies become floor rags for his feet. And laughingstock for any and all to see. Whatever is done in the dark must certainly show up in broad daylight. As you aspire to positions of power take note. God is raising up men foe the day.
If you see yourself in this REST EASY. God had got you fully covered. Congratulations! On your quest to step away from all things evil. I Salute You.
* man/men is gender neutral, referring to human beings male and female.
~Servant Hortense
(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Happy 26th Day Liberia
Independence Day Liberia 2022
Liberians and friends of Liberia everywhere, Happy 26th Day!
The Republic of Liberia celebrates 175 years of God's faithfulness as a nation and a people. Almighty God will see us through and restore the years the locust have eaten. And still we rise! As a beautiful people. As a broken people. As a traumatized people. As a surviving and thriving people. We rise. We get up and we dust off and we come out of the ashes and experience the beauty in our lives and in our land. Liberia, your 26th is on us. We owe you. We love you, Land of our birth!
Servant Hortense D. Grimes ~HORTENSEINSPIRATION
Sunday, July 10, 2022
The Way of Nimrod and 'em
~HortenseInspiration SUNDAY SERMONETTE
Good Sunday morning! Get dressed up and find your way to a Church Edifice for worship. Go to church. Watching church online is not enough. Besides, you go everywhere else. Have you left home for a doctor's appointment? Have you gone grocery shopping? Have you opened your front door to look outside? Then you can go to church inside a church house. So go. Start back today. Scripture says believers must not neglect gathering together for fellowship.* Go to the church with others. Just like ALMIGHTY GOD would not give us pure air to breathe only to have our noses covered up for life. No. God does not contradict himself. Pestilence and plagues will come. Remember Egypt. God's wrath comes at the invitation of abomination from a wicked and perverse generation. We on earth today have achieved the qualification for "wicked and perverse". Wicked and perverse generation is us. We have arrived. Are we happy now? Wicked and perverse generation we are indeed. Lord have mercy!
Hear me people. Especially my African audience, and by extension, Black America. Hear me. The only hope Africans and those of African descent have ever had is God. God freed the slaves because the slaves honored God Almighty. Remember what is called "Negro Spirituals"? The slaves sang about the power and love and grace and mercy and mighty hand of their Lord God until..! One day God shook everything and the slaves were set free! Singing "Free at Last Free at Last ...thank God Almighty I am free at last (x2)." The slaves had sang their way throughout slavery. The slaves sang, "Jesus on the main line tell Him what you want ...call Him up and tell Him what you want." The slaves were a singin...! They sang "Pharoah, Pharoah, let my people go (x2)." Oh, they sang, "Go down Moses, down in Egypt land, go tell Pharoah to let my people go! Oh how the slaves sang to God. They sang their way free by exalting the NAME of their God. The LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY. Hear me Black America. Hear me The poorest of Black America and the poorest of White America. Hear me America in general. You turned your back on the ways of Almighty God in exchange for grafts of liberalism. Now that liberalism has gone extreme, you're finding out it was to separate you from your ONLY true caretaker, Jesus Christ. You have stopped singing Negro Spirituals and Gospel Choruses and become woke. But woke means falling asleep on Jesus name. You cannot claim Jesus Christ and be woke at the same time. Unless you are awake in the Holy Spirit. Hear me: it was to make you leave your God one side and go the other side! Guess who told Nimrod and those wicked folks of old to build the Tower of Babel so they could climb up to heaven and fight God until they kill him and take over the world? You guessed right. Satan. This was wokeness in the days of Noah time. Nimrod and them wanted to reach Heaven and become God, since the people had become woke and earth was too small for them. God was their next target! Oh why do the heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing!** Why? Oh! Why oh why do the heathens rage!
Extreme liberalism knows its mandate is to create a Godless society and flush out the name Jesus Christ completely. And ALL Black people ever have is their God who fights for them when they sing his name. So if you turn them away from their God ... finish my sentence, please (you know what I'm saying). If you turn them from their God you weaken them and leave them defenseless and you can lead them like a pack of herd. Because they are the most gullible of God's creation. And they are the stupid poor. And they are people who do not think. And they are destined to be second class. Really!!! Yes, this is how extreme liberalism thinks of poor people. ALL poor people, regardless of race, including the slaves and those with slavery mindset. Black slavery and white slavery mentality. Nimrod and them think you are stupid enough to leave your God. The question is Are You? Nimrod were Satan, again, using human agents to do his evil deeds upon the earth. Nimrod and them were the power of darkness. Nimrod and 'em never learn. Satan in overdrive. The end of time is near and the devil is losing ground. Well hear me Satan, you've got another thing coming! No one messes with Jesus Christ children. God will come down like he came to see Nimrod's Tower of Babel. In fact, God has already come. Keep watching the clouds! Don't you see the shaking in the heavens? Jesus is getting on a white horse with a machete in one hand and about to walk down here and straighten things up! No power on earth or in the heavens or under the earth can stop The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. You heard me right. Jesus Christ is coming down to straighten things up for his children. We have help! That's what I said. What do you say, Nimrod and 'em? You want to dare Yahweh? Go ahead, dare YAHWEH.
Satan can huff and puff and blow the earth in but all for nothing! Last I checked, the earth is the Lord's, the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.*** ALLELUIA.
Christians and all who desire to know God the Heavenly Father. Go find a church house and gather together inside the sanctuary for Worship. Get out of your pajamas thinking you are in church at home. All hell is breaking loose and you're sitting down waiting for hell to release you from hell. That is impossible. Hell does not pardon its captives. You must release yourself by the power of Jesus name through the Holy Spirit and faith in Almighty God. Everywhere else can hold people, except church! I heard Church must remain off limits to the people because gathering in church is toxic. For whom, may I ask? I heard you can worship God anywhere. Maybe. Maybe not. Who goes to church, for three years, in their pajamas, while at the same time eating, chatting, texting, doing laundry, staying in bed... Church? In my African voice, tofeeyahqua!!! ... God forbid. Almighty God will never contradict Jesus Christ. We must be able to assemble together for fellowship. We believers in Jesus Christ must enter the sanctuary and worship and praise and pray and give thanks and offer thanksgiving to The LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY. Yahweh has told his children that He have loved with an everlasting love.**** Hallelujah! That's all we all have going for us. GOD. Almighty God. Nimrod and 'em cannot destroy God's tower that's in us when Jesus Christ linked us to the Father, forever and ever, through Salvation by the shed Blood of Christ.
My friend hear me. Only JEHOVAH GOD can save the world and you included. Anytime you are encouraged to turn your back on the things of Almighty God--Jesus Christ and Prayer--you are being set up. This particular set up permits the enemy to cage you. And if you die caged in and having lost your faith you'll end up with Nimrod and 'em. Satan. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.***** You had better get up and go to church and make a loud, joyful noise unto the Lord! Stand firm and see the Salvation of the Lord...******
~ Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
* Hebrews 10 / ** Psalm 2 / ***Psalm 24 / **** James 4 / ***** Exodus 14 / ****** Jeremiah 31
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Maybe A Hollow Day?
Holiday! NO NO NO Not Another Ploy. NO A Hollow Day You Mean ~HortenseInspiration
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Forever Grateful for the Life I Have
JUNE 15, 2022 my Birthday!
Sometimes, silence is the best expression when in awe. The only thing I have to say today are the words THANK YOU LORD GOD.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Long-Weekend Greetings
~HortenseInspiration . . . HAPPY LONG WEEKEND. Enjoy your weekend! Know whose you are and behave accordingly. Do not go with just any flow. You are a believer and follower of THE CHRIST. Ask yourself this every time: Would the Holy Spirit be joining me? Then do or do not do.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
Saturday Warfare Ready
Today is Saturday after Good Friday (the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus Christ). Below in the grave Christ was not being still, he went further, down to Hell to confront Satan Devil Lucifer. Do the same today with the terrors of evil, and that enemy which have refused to release you from its evil grip. Fight back and repossess whatever the devil stole from you. Do what Jesus did on this Saturday over two thousand plus years ago. With effective, strategic intentional prayer. PRAY
This Blog post is addressed specifically to my Liberian audience.
LIBERIA it is time to cut the pretense. Stop the daydream; feigning INNOCENCE and acting like you don't know what You Know You Know. You know what's up! Stop pretending to be that naive. You know. Hear me...
THE CHRIST the Promised Messiah died and was buried. Saturday after Good Friday Jesus went down to Hell, beat up Satan and took away the Keys of dominion over mankind. (Adam and Eve gave Satan our dominion by their disobedience to God in obeying the Devil). Likewise, spend today PRAYING AWAY the WITCHES OF LIBERIA and all the witches around you.
Witchcraft is deception by Satanic alignment, at inhumane and critically harmful levels. Many of the witches operating in Liberia are those constantly saying Liberia is better off today than Pre-Coup Liberia. That's how witches think. They are inherently evil inside so they crave evil for others and inflict agony on others. They will kill their own mother for nothing. They love seeing human sufferings. They clap when people die from misery. Witches function in wickedness. Witches thrive in chaos, dirt and filth. Any witch is an enemy to you provided you, yourself, are not also a witch.
We can tell some of these practicing Liberian witches by reading comments posted on Facebook (FB). These do not want the Country to be fixed. These celebrate the agony of their people. These love seeing children suffering all over. These have immoral cravings so the "children prostitutes" everywhere is what they like. Witchcraft thrives in darkness. All the hateful, evil, bitter, divisive, vulgar talk and threatening words are from these dark hearts full of wickedness.
Don't be fooled. Modern day witches do not only ride brooms at night. Witchcraft have advanced way beyond broomstick. And night time only. They walk around town and drive cars during the day. They look harmless. They sound learned. They appear normal. They act like regular folk. They come on Social Media. Remember, Satan uses human agents as partners to carry out the works of the kingdom of darkness. Witches work for Satan the Devil. And they do get paid and rewarded for good performance. They are right here on FB with you. Stop calling everybody "my friend and brother; my sister and friend" because you believe it's being reconciliatory. It is not. These dark minds are the ones keeping the Country hostage from the goodness that God has for it. It's called welcome to witchcraft in the 21st century. Witchcraft is spiritual and you'll only know witches by the deeds spewed out of the heart of a witch. People post what their hearts speak onto their hands to write. They often will attempt to trap you by making you angry or scared. Then they have a reason to witchup you. Witches throw bait to catch more people. Pay attention.
Read people's social media expressions and know their hearts for Liberia, and by extension for you. You are Liberia. Liberia is its people. PRAY against witchcraft and the Liberian social media witches. Clean the "House Liberia" like Jesus did with Hell after dying on The Cross. Satan was defeated and disgraced in his own territory. Jesus then took all the saints of God out of Hades (where Abraham Bosom was) and they, too, resurrected with him. Liberia will resurrect. Soon.
My friend. You, Liberian you. Spend this Saturday fighting Hell like Jesus did, by PRAYING AGAINST THE LIBERIAN WITCHES domineering over territory and the beautiful Liberian atmosphere. In Jesus mighty name I come in Prayer. Hallelujah! Amen. Much love from my end.
~Servant Hortense
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Spring into Prayer Walking
It is here! Warm weather in my neck of the woods. Long daylight hours have arrived again. Let's go prayer walk territories! One street one neighborhood at a time.
Servant Hortense
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Salvation by THE BLOOD of Christ
JESUS the CHRIST OF GOD. Arose from the dead leaving behind an EMPTY grave! Alive Forever that Mankind may live with GOD forever.
Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
The Cross Where Christ Died
JESUS the CHRIST OF GOD. God died that man may live forever.
Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
Friday, April 1, 2022
No to Premature Delivery
Wonderful world. Beautiful people. Happy April 1, 2022. Be wise in all your ways. Whenever you feel depleted, especially during these days, the beginning of the End Time, look up to the Fountain of Wisdom. His name is Jehovah God.
Do not allow ungodliness in your life that is intended for allowance after the Rapture. God is shielding you by placing restraints on the kingdom of darkness. Be spiritually wise. Satan and his human agents wish to bring forward a time of what is not meant for you as a believer.
Reject every premature delivery from the Devil's womb. Evil and wickedness are not God's desire for mankind. They are from Satan the Devil, father of wickedness. Pray and seek the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God can shield your mind and shape your thoughts. The Holy Spirit can perfect your ways. Salvation is your boast of righteousness. Hallelujah!
Monday, March 28, 2022
The Kinsman Slap
"Heavenly Father. Please help me to mind my own business. But this watchman on the wall job can be so tempting sometimes, I just can't close my eyes! Lord Jesus help me with this Miss Meddlesome Maddy business. I love you Lord. In Jesus name. "
I just read several reportings of what happened in the United States of America, particularly, Black America, last night. I feel ashamed. Mercy, Lord. Have mercy on this country and all of us its people. In Jesus name.
I WONDER where would America look like this afternoon if the same comedian had made the joke about a White man's White wife and he took that same action. I just THANK God it was not so.
This Nation need prayer. Let us continue to Pray for our society, one another, our beautiful way of life and this wonderful Country we are blessed, and privileged, to call home. Almighty God does not judge ridiculous behavior based on skin color. To the LORD GOD we are one race: the Human Race. Let's show love first to all.
Wrong come in all shades of color. Wrongdoings happen with every tone.
~Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
Peace in God's Material Realm
Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you? What is life saying to you? How are you answering? May this week be your best. You will thrive.
I wake up every day with God's people on my mind. Two things dominate my thoughts. First, to effectively use every day utilizing "Ministry and Media" to show JESUS LOVE to a world starving for love. Second, How to be Christlike and live like Almighty God ask of me. I turn to prayer and the Holy Spirit. Thus begins my day.
My friend. What do you have on your mind when you wake up every day? I pray it is not the many cares of the day. I pray you are not letting yourself become consumed with lingering thoughts on the uncertainty of these times. Hear me. When you place your life in God's hand, the Lord has promised PEACE which is beyond human understanding. Draw from Yeshua's inexhaustible supply of peace and find rest. You are in good hands. JESUS loves you to die for!!!
Pray. Surrender. Repent. Ask forgiveness even as you stumble. Read the Bible for Scriptural victory and comfort. When you wake up every morning, purpose in your heart to be more like Jesus Christ. Immediately, you would have defeated any obstacle and triumphed every situation. Jesus paid it all to make you MORE than a conqueror. Jesus loves you regardless. All the Lord requires is that you turn yourself over to him. The Holy Spirit will take over when you invite him. Angelic forces will fight for you.
You just do your part be staying in the ways of God. The result, no matter how tough it gets, is that, you will have peace. There will be joy in your heart even when life moments call for groaning. Perfect peace is Jesus Christ. Understand the ways of God, the Heavenly Father. Peace will manifest upon your life.
Life is beautiful, my friend. You are alive in the Earth today. You are still here, in the land of the living. God's material realm. Relax and chill and smile and laugh out loud! You will eventually display your trophy over the day. Because, in this material realm, where your physical body woke up to this morning, Jesus Christ has given you dominion over everything! Day by day you overcome. With JESUS THE CHRIST.
I love you with a sisterly love. Take good care of yourself. I am always here should you need me. We will agree in prayer and God will move for you.
Servant Hortense D. Grimes
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Meddlesome Maddy at it Again
Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How's all my people doing today! I pray things are smooth and you are holding up strong, brave, courageous and joyful. Fill your heart with Bible verses and let the power of Almighty God through THE WORD, Jesus Christ himself, fuel you today, tomorrow and every day. Pray. Invite the Holy Spirit to stay with you. My friend. I love you. Our Heavenly Father loves you. Lord Jesus is Love unconditional. Christ died for you to live forever. Accept Salvation today.
To my hometown people... This narrative is about us over there. Liberia. Sweet land of liberty. Really? Really. I KNOW it's NOT MY Business Oooo... But your already know I like to go from preaching to meddling. So let's go there! Come let's go there. Together.
Aye, Liberia, leave me alone today, I beg your. Uhm! You mean to tell me these people, the Honorables, get paid thousands of US Dollars every four weeks, plus exorbitant perks and gratis, just to repeat one craziness after another. Every other African country is striving steadily to come up higher. And all LIBERIA House of Representatives can think of is to make a law about "Mandatory Breast Feeding." What!!?? So, in the midst of 2022, a time of challenging global crisis everywhere, this is a priority? All the seriousseriosity (my own word) and your worry about forcing hungry, malnourished mothers to breastfeed!!!
~Servant Hortense Grimes
* writing includes African vernacular and local Liberian jargon.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Call to Intercessory Revival
LIBERIA DIASPORA. This is a CALL for "Intercessory Revival" in the Diaspora for Liberia. We are standing in the gap for our place of birth.
~Servant Hortense Grimes
Founder, DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Milo-drunk at Mamba Point
LIBERIA There we go ~ HortenseInspiration
Thank God for concern expressions by people of Non-Negro descent. Maybe when the "White Man" can see how detestable it is we, too, will see how deadly corruption is.
I don't know if I should clap or cry! Apparently the United States Ambassador to Liberia spent last weekend thinking about the same thing I was thinking about last weekend. And to think I wasn't near him to share notes. I was here drinking Milo and watching snowfall a continent away. He was there, like my navel string, viewing the reality of my mental picture, seeing filth everywhere! A beautiful country swallowed by garbage.
Ambassador Michael A. McCarthy, you are an ambassador extraordinaire. I salute your commitment to Liberia. Please tell it like it is. By so doing you let them know you are not here to attend their parties and cover the truth. Corruption smells more than the stinky garbage piled high everwhere. Somehow all the criminals who run this ingenious complex gangster corruption syndicate cannot seem to make the connection. Corruption is killing the population daily. Corruption is responsible for many unnecessary and premature deaths. Corruption is causing distress for countless innocent people. Some gave their all only to end up victims of residual effects of corruption. And the gangsters still expect more money and foreigners to pick their trash.
Sir Michael McCarthy, I do know the answer to your wondering.* Joseph Jenkins Roberts would be utterly disgusted. This is not the land of liberty they had in mind when those brave and courageous freed slaves boarded the ACS ship that day. On their way to the vast unknown. They died like flies in the jungle for this?!???
Liberia. Listen to to the hand that feed you and take heed. Do something soon. Now. Clean up corruption! Now. When God gets tired he can write on the wall.
Lord have mercy we pray. God please judge the wicked. Heavenly Father forgive Liberia. In Jesus name we pray.
~Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
* U.S. Embassy in Liberia OP-ED: 3/15/2022 ... (repost TLCAfrica)
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Corruption Through Milo-drunk Eyes
To all my beautiful people in this wonderful world. I love you with all my heart. Blessings abundant to you and yours. Keep trusting Almighty God and believe in Jesus Christ. Pray!
Friday, March 4, 2022
Liberia Minded Housekeeping
ALL THINGS LIBERIA. Devote today to pray for the Presidency and Leadership of Liberia. Collectively, we complain day after day about everything happening in Liberia. Do you ever pray for these leaders?
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Remember The Days in Noah's Day
Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How are you doing? How has it been with you and yours? Are you standing tall and proud and glad to be among the living! I certainly pray so. I pray you are well. I pray things are fine. I pray your outlook on life is great. You will be alright. Keep trusting the Name that is above every name. The NAME that makes demons flee and squirm. You do know I am talking about Jesus. The Name of JESUS. The LORD God loves you. Please enjoy a blessed happy day. Stay well. Stay prayerful.
THESE ARE LIKE the Days of Noah... Keep Praying! When you put on the regalia to Pray and intercede the host of hell takes notice. As you keep wearing the regalia of Prayer and Intercession the hosts of hell accelerate their gaze. When you adorn your Regalia with the Holy Spirit of Almighty God then Jehovah sends the Host of Heaven armies to stand with you. Suddenly you will crush every foe and all the forces of hell combined.
On Montserrado Verdant Height
OO oh Liberia. I pray for, and dream of, the day Liberians would trade off being experts at dissecting the past for expertise at charting the way forward. Crucial for the sake of this nation.
Hear me. Start with Prayer first. Repent. Shred the arrogant, selfish, pompous, know it all, diverse hate-filled mentalities suffocating the country. Seek Divine help from Almighty God. Ask Jesus for Humility to accept guidance. This Land can thrive again. But the people must desire to thrive. The people must want good. And all the wicked must give up the things in your hand. LET US PRAY
Monday, February 14, 2022
Until You Love
Wonderful world. Beautiful people. This is the day the LORD has made. We had better rejoice and be glad in it. May I bring to you a few pointers from HortenseInspiration Quotebook. Here's coming straight from my heart to your heart! Enjoy today.
Love God Almighty. Love yourself. Love another for you. Love all others like yourself. In that order. *
Hear me. Love is dynamic and powerful. Oftentimes to love is to assign sheer power outside you. Therein lies the dynamite. Some other can hold your heart, your very being, in their pulse. Even so love resides in you, domiciled in your quickening. Never mind. The flow does not quench. Love is inexhaustible. It is a living being inside you; its source is from the Divine. Forever. Ignite its flame and love gushes out like liquid fire. Nothing stands in love way; its only match is love. Love can be volatile. So explosive. Love can be steady. So calm. They call it love and it will happen to you. *
My friend. Love all day. Love every day. You have not fully lived until you love. *
Blessings beyond to you and yours. I love you with a sisterly love.
Hortense Duarma Grimes
*HIQUOte (a HortenseInspiration Classics)