Wonderful world. Beautiful people. How's all my people doing today! I pray things are smooth and you are holding up strong, brave, courageous and joyful. Fill your heart with Bible verses and let the power of Almighty God through THE WORD, Jesus Christ himself, fuel you today, tomorrow and every day. Pray. Invite the Holy Spirit to stay with you. My friend. I love you. Our Heavenly Father loves you. Lord Jesus is Love unconditional. Christ died for you to live forever. Accept Salvation today.

To my hometown people... This narrative is about us over there. Liberia. Sweet land of liberty. Really? Really. I KNOW it's NOT MY Business Oooo... But your already know I like to go from preaching to meddling. So let's go there! Come let's go there. Together.
Aye, Liberia, leave me alone today, I beg your. Uhm! You mean to tell me these people, the Honorables, get paid thousands of US Dollars every four weeks, plus exorbitant perks and gratis, just to repeat one craziness after another. Every other African country is striving steadily to come up higher. And all LIBERIA House of Representatives can think of is to make a law about "Mandatory Breast Feeding." What!!?? So, in the midst of 2022, a time of challenging global crisis everywhere, this is a priority? All the seriousseriosity (my own word) and your worry about forcing hungry, malnourished mothers to breastfeed!!!
Instead of brainstorming how to revive the sinking economy, to boost business and commerce, thereby building and fostering a middle class which would, in turn, cause money to trickle down the population chain. Then hungry mothers can first make milk. Their own gardens can feed them, and their babies, with natural, organic, baby food. No need for foreign formula.
These ultra rich nonlawmakers don't seem to connect the dots, that we need a layer between them and poverty. In every society a Middle Class is the bread basket of the country. A thriving Middle Class is what makes a thriving society. I am convinced these people don't like their people. So it's true these people really do not like each other. How else could one explain these many years of complete crazy!!! And it keeps getting more crazy. And plenty people scared to talk before they unleash pile of witchcraft on you. Me my part I plead the Blood of Jesus.
Somebody has got to stand up for the clueless population. Ignorance usually works against itself. They believe in their honorables. Somebody has to speak for the ignorant and illiterate before they finish themselves off. Their honorables do not care for them.
These "Honorables"... Instead of pondering, seriously thinking on national solutions.... For example, cleaning up the evergrowing filth that's causing diseases and deaths. No focus on maternal mortality, or infant disease prevention, or child prostitution, or raped toddlers, or schooling for wayward young boys and girls to learn something, or stop youngsters selling chewing gum and biscuits in bustling traffic, or people dropping dead from treatable medical emergencies, or preventive treatment for typhoid and malaria deaths, or the ten thousand other important matters that could be on their agenda. They worry about showing woman taytay in Advertisement for breastfeeding young baby. What!? Is this the country I grew up in? Where I was born! Is this Africa's oldest Republic! Liberia? So this is what we get after everything that happened?
My people, Satan's not small thing to joke with O. The devil is determined to disintegrate Liberia. This place needs massive DIVINE INTERVENTION. Only ongoing intentional Prayer and strategic Revival can stop this mighty downward spiral. Hear me. Satan does not announce on a loudspeaker when he captures a territory, he just take his seat and operate seamlessly. You know who's in charge by the outcomes you keep seeing. Only the mighty warriors in the land will know when another general is encroaching on that land. Where are the PRAYER WARRIORS in Liberia? All of you brave soldiers in the army of Jesus Christ need to gear up and take your positions over the territory. Do not feel comfortable in the false calm. It is raining cats and dogs around you on every side. LOOK UP.
Liberia needs DELIVERANCE. This is no longer a laughing matter. This country is plunging into an abyss we cannot fathom. It is dead serious.
The honorable them got the envelope to tell poor people, I'm talking pauper poor, majority, that women will be forced to breastfeed their children or else they will be guilty of breaking a law of the land. Aye Liberia mehn! While the criminals in the ingenious complex corruption syndicate go scot free with bigger bellies, stomach bustling through the button hole of their heavy polyester suits. Really. So what's next? Obviously the Legislature is seriously LESS BUSY.
Look Hortense, leave this Liberia hurt-head. Go finish drinking your coconut water. Maybe you can take two Aspro or Phensic. Jus leav eh my child. What!!! Less busy and unserious 'onrables. Com' talkin' 'bout nursin motder and suckin taytay baway... They deh craze! Totally crazy. Greed clouded craziness. Jus sufferin the people.
God please help me mind my own business. Forgive me for getting vex about this Liberia all the time. I Love my people and I love my country of birth. But this here LEGislature people can really try my patience! They can bring out Miss Meddlesome Maddy in me. Help me Heavenly Father. I love you Lord God. In Jesus name I pray.
Blessings and peace,
~Servant Hortense Grimes
(DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)
* writing includes African vernacular and local Liberian jargon.
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