Friday, March 4, 2022

Liberia Minded Housekeeping

ALL THINGS LIBERIA. Devote today to pray for the Presidency and Leadership of Liberia. Collectively, we complain day after day about everything happening in Liberia. Do you ever pray for these leaders?

Hear me. The same altars and curses speaking against the country is the same "Altars" working against every good intention for the country. Haven't you noticed people who mean well in Liberia end up changing when they assume power? Haven't you noticed people who return to Liberia desiring to contribute meaningfully suddenly change? The altars are active. 

The demonic altars fight progress; fight light; and fight good change. Likewise those altars fight any person with good intentions. Liberia remains in darkness because the altars have spoken against the entrance of light. The altars are real. The altars fight  individuals and their personal, professional and corporate territories. The altars are what makes the Country to appear like it is steadily rising but in reality it is falling as it rises. That's how demonic altars speak. Satanic manipulation is what this is called.

Often the first response is to ridicule people and condemn them. Did you ever pray for that person? At least they live in Liberia amidst treacherous conditions and try. At least that returnee made the sacrifice to go back home and try. Instead of all such persons being the object of incessant complaining and denigrating remarks, purpose to lift these people up in prayer. It is not easy to overcome evil. Without intimacy with Jesus Christ and prayer to Almighty God, guided by the Holy Spirt, it is impossible to overcome evil. Only at the Name of Jesus do demons flee.

There are no angels to be dispatched for nation building in Liberia. There are not angels responsible for building the successful nations around us. Nations are comprised of people. Human beings, albeit flawed in every way, are the creatures God has given dominion over all the earth. Let us build up worthy cadre of servant leaders out of the old, current and new public servants working for Liberia by offering consistent intercessory prayers for them. Pray for anybody and everybody who holds public office in the country. Include those who hold church and religious offices. Liberia is only as strong as its weakest link.

If we neglect to engage spiritually in the struggle for Liberia we doom ourselves as a nation. We remain the laughing stock. The nation's destiny is wrapped up in the ongoing spiritual warfare defeating it. Furthermore, the entire world lies in a satanic grip only Jesus Christ can break.  Neighboring countries have understood this dimension and are enthroned Jesus the Christ, Son of Almighty God. These nations, we see, are defying great odds and emerging as giants in Africa. There is a spiritual element to the condition of Liberia. The sooner we confront it the sooner we overcome it. Pray to grow spiritually so that you can attract God's Divine intervention. There must be sacred reverence for Almighty God.

Prayer changes everything. Prayer moves the hand of God. Scripture says the heart of the king is in the hand of Almighty God. It is people who build nations.  There is good in every human being. Pray for people in public service and positions of leadership.

Let us pray today for Liberians and others  who serve in Liberia in the  government, public corporations, private entities, and international partners. Theme your day "I WILL PRAY FOR THE LEADERS IN LIBERIA". All day today. God bless you in overflow. Much love from my end.

Servant Hortense D. Grimes

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