Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tell Others About Jesus

 Permit the Holy Spirit to indwell you, helping you ascend a higher "Christ-like" spiritual level. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you obtain a deep understanding of the faith in JESUS CHRIST one must possess to please our Heavenly Father. 

Through our ministry (Do It For Christ Ministries) the LORD is using my voice to transform lives, in Him, one person at a time. 

Pray. Find your voice and use it for JESUS. Our world is largely lost in sinfulness and decaying away in unrighteousness and guile, guilt and shame. The Blood of Jesus washes away sin and debris, it cleanses and restores. There is wonder working power in the Blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. More people everywhere need to know this. It would be life transforming were all people got to hear this. Tell others. Quickly. Now! Believers and non-Christians alike need to know a life changing message. Begin near you. The unsaved are everywhere. The lost will perish. Unless they receive Christ, the unsaved will go to Hell. 

Pray. Find your voice and spread the Good News that JESUS saves! This will please Almighty God.

Blessings and peace,

~Servant Hortense

Oh! Me I'm Covered Ooo

 Servant Hortense Talks ~ Je 'taime Beaucoup! Mon Ami

 . . . Collectively, my cyperspace podium (this page, internet world wide web platforms, social media pages) is covered and I, Servant [of the Living God] Hortense Duarma Grimes, am dipped in the BLOOD OF JESUS. Fully, totally, covered completely. Take it elsewhere . . . all that personal or spiritual attack and witchery mode. Take it somewhere else. Besides, "faces" do not move me beyond a certain point. 

There is a CONSUMING FIRE around my life. I am a kept women, paid for, ramsomed, delivered, released, set high above, spiritually heightened. To top it off my Creator has dashed (freely given) me a fearless spirit, his love without measure, dominion power to operate ELOHIM's planet, and a Holy Spirit soundness of mind. 

So, whatever it is you're bringing here, now, then, there, when . . . Take it elsewhere. Here, it perishes on arrival every time. Immediately. Take it someplace else. 

I have chosen to make my entire life that "GOD's WILL be done in earth as it is in Heaven." For me it is about Almighty God forever and ever. To obey the principles of JESUS CHRIST on this earth every day in every way all the time. To walk the narrow way which the Bible the WORD says leads to life. I reject the broad way which the Bible says leads to destruction. I rebuke evil in every way, shape, form and fashion. None shall prosper. All of it shall fail. 

I am an Army-of-Jesus general in the making! Meanwhile, I am holding a sling and a stone called the ROCK of AGES. A rock which can cleft anytime to hide me at the mere instance of my prayer. Did you rightly hear me just now! 

I say this lovingly with my trademark smile and hearty laughter. TAKE IT ELSEWHERE

Join the family of Almighty God. Be about the Heavenly Father's will. Know Jesus. Read the Bible. Learn Scripture. Allow the Holy Spirit to take over you. Ask GOD for grace to sit, be still, and stand. 

My friend. I love you very much! I wish you blessings from The LORD. 

Sincerely yours (from a beautiful place of triumph) in Christ, 

~Servant Hortense

Be Not Deranged Ever

 HortenseInspiration ~ Late Night Sermonette

. . . MANY PEOPLE ARE ANGRY to the point of being deranged. Maybe, somehow, slightly, deranged? Perhaps. You may have become deranged because evil spirits are whispering in your ears. Evil spirits are conditioning your minds with information and it is sounding like good talking points. To you!

Worst of all, many Christians are now sounding like evil spirits yourself. Many more are close confidante with Satan through his fleet of demon spirits and they have affected your composure and peace of mind. Can you imagine this! Many "so-called" Believers, followers of Jesus Christ, have become tools and vessels dedicated to enjoying quality time with Satan until they're sounding like him and reasoning like the devil. Can you imagine! Many of you are happily "engaged to" Satan with one on one "keep me company" time and it's fine by you. You embrace receiving the devil's poison tongue and spewing out his language you tastefully enjoy. Can you imagine!
This level of rebellion? Oh! Jesus come quickly!

BEWARE the prince of this world is the same [dark] power of the air. THE AIR. Have you heard the phrase " on air" or "live on air" or "it was all over the air" or "air waves"?
Yes, that's it . . . this is that same "The Air" which is run by the powers of darkness, prince of this world, living in the Age of Deception, powered by the Master of Deception, the Father of Lies. Do you get it now! Everything on THE AIR is not in your interest, certainly not your best interest.

The Devil has no new tricks. Satan is Lucifer incarnate. Just like he did with Eve in the garden, and Adam and Eve after the fall, that age-old serpent Satan is yet roaming the earth, going to and fro, like a [hungry] lion, looking for souls to devour. And You? Be vigilante. Come to JESUS and be saved, first from your sins. And saved from your own self. By yourself you are no match for the Devil. You are outsmart and outmatched if, and when, you go against Satan without the Name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus. Satan only has one fear and that is a person called JESUS Christ.

Absolutely! Pray. Repent. Pray more. Begin to pray now, it's watch of night time. Watch. Fight. Pray. Absolutely. GOD LOVES you. So, come as you are, and the LORD will take it from there.

Blessings and peace
~Servant Hortense

#hortenseinspiration #HortenseInspiration

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Good Evening Sermonette

Wonderful world. Beautiful people! I pray all is well at your end. Keep praying you way through life.

Have you studied the Word today? I am not asking if you read a short devotional paragraph plus one Bible verse. That is not enough to help you withstand the avalanche of confusion Satan has released on mankind in recent times. Yes, oh yes. It has gotten bat evil crazy in the earth, courtesy of the devil who knows his time is quickly running out.

To stand firmly you need Scripture.  Defend yourself against the speaking of the Prince of this World by responding "It is written..." and "Hear the word of God...". Add the impenetrable bonus words "In the name of Jesus Christ." Satan knows the Bible in and out and can quote a Scripture for any situation. You should know it thoroughly yourself and quote Scripture back at the devil, and whatever else life hands you. Scripture gets you out. Scripture keeps you in. Scripture gets you in a place of peace and joy.

So, my dear friend! Did you read your Bible today? Did you open the Book itself, or your phone, or your tablet, or your audio version? Did the Word of Almighty God make it's way into your mind and consciousness today? I pray so.

If not. Right away, now-now, get from before that television. Back away from social media. Turn off the music you're listening to.  Remove those earplugs and headset from the casing housing your brain. Shut your eye gate. Block your eargate. Take a short brisk walk to detox your mind and clear your head. Sit down purposely and read God's Word.

Hear me. Unless the Scripture becomes your daily food you will become free food for the devourer that is out to destroy you. ALMIGHTY GOD in Jesus Christ is here to preserve you. CHRIST is our preservation.

In my militant style voice. Now get up and read your Bible. Be fast about it. In my Liberian voice. You better get up and come go read your Bible.
I love you always. I wish only the best life could bring to you. Trust the JESUS plan. It's good for us. It's the absolute best for mankind.
~Servant Hortense


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Liberia is Not in Bondage

Servant Hortense speaks over the Nation ~ August 16, 2024

The REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA is not LIB. From this day forward Liberia is NOT in Bondage. Today, the yoke of bondage is broken, destroyed dismantled and overturned. We are a bondage-free people. We have liberty from every form of bondage. In Jesus Name. We speak blessings manifold over our nation. Henceforth. We are LIBERIA. We are the ROL. We are Republic of Liberia. 

The nation must return from an acronym to its full name, LIBERIA. Mentally and verbally we.muat leave the LIB behind. The acronym LIB translates to Liberia In Bondage. With such language, we declare ill will daily and seal the doom and gloom in our country.

Words have consequences. Words design and shape destiny. Words carry spiritual connotations. Almighty God "spoke" an entire universe into being. 

Spoken words manifest in the realms above and in earth. Life and death are in the tongue. One becomes what one speaks regarding oneself. You are what you say you are. Repetition is how matters are sealed in the spiritual realms.

Our nation is tied up and bound tightly, it's potential locked by our tongues, because of such kinds of declaration. Every utterance of LIB wound Liberia tighter in bondage. My Friend. Hear me. Life is spiritual. Nothing is insignificant in the matter of spirituality. God is a spirit. Man is a spirit. The beings of the universe are spirits. All creation is spiritual. There's nothing physical except seen by mortals in earth. The Earth will cease one day, and life returns to "spiritual" for all eternity. 

NOTE. The spirit realm contains first heaven, second heaven and third Heaven. First heaven is the atmosphere above us. Second heaven is where Satan and evil spirits dominate, and is saturated with demonic activity. Third heaven is the Heaven of Almighty God (the heaven referred in Genesis 1:1; heaven before Lucifer's rebellion).

The acronym LIB places a spiritual stronghold on the nation. It translates, in the spirit/heavenly realm as Liberia must constantly be held in bondage. This is enforced in the spirit realm by spiritual rulers in heavenly places (dark powers and principalities). Because bondage is not from Almighty God, bondage can only be enforced by Satan. What we declare is enforced in the related heavenly places. 

Standing on the Word of God, and clothed in the Blood of Jesus I take authority over condemnation language amd erase it from the landscape. In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke this curse, LIB in reference to Liberia, on our land. In the name of Jesus I reject every indication of Liberia in any bondage. In Jesus name I cancel every indication of adversity by the acronym LIB for the Republic of Liberia. In the name of Jesus Christ, I break every yoke imposed by the language LIB. I plead The Blood.

In the name of Jesus Christ I declare Liberia is released from every bondage spoken over the nation by the name LIB referencingnl the Republic of Liberia. Liberia is rightfully named The Republic of Liberia. Any name, acronym, phrase, or language indicating otherwise is overturned by the Blood of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray.

Blessings abundant! I love you always.

~Servant Hortense


Liberian Flag Prayer Guideline


August 15 - August 24, 2024

(Ten-Day Strategic Prayers)

🇱🇷 Day 10 SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:1-30
Prayer Point: verse 26*

GUIDELINE In the Name of Jesus Christ . . . Pray, confess, repent of your sins. Read (Speak it out loud) the entire Scripture Passage. Pray God's Word (pray the Scripture) back to Him. Declare the Word of God over Liberia and our national identity, the Liberian Flag. Plead the Blood of Jesus over Liberia and the Liberian flag. Be still in the Lord's presence to hear the Holy Spirit. Close your session with a prayer of thanksgiving and praise. 

August 15 - August 24, 2024
 (Ten-Day Strategic Prayer)

*[Prayer Point Verse] "And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words." (Romans 8:26 NLT).

~Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense D. Grimes

August 15, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 1 SCRIPTURE: Psalm 20:1-9; Prayer Point: verse 5

August 16, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 2 SCRIPTURE: Psalms 20:1-9; Prayer Point: verses 7-8

August 17, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 3 SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 41:1-20; Prayer Point: verse 13

August 18, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 4 SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 41:1-20; Prayer Point: verse 17

August 19, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 5 SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 62:1-12; Prayer Point: verse 10

August 20, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 6 SCRIPTURE: Numbers 2:1-34; Prayer Point: verse 17

August 21, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 7 SCRIPTURE: Numbers 2:1-34; Prayer Point: verse 34

August 22, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 8 SCRIPTURE: Exodus 17:1-16; Prayer Point: verse 15

August 23, 2024 🇱🇷 Day 9 SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:1-30; Prayer Point: verses 18-19

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Prayer - Operation Liberian Flag


Operation Liberian Flag
August 15 - August 24, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024, we will commence a strategic 10-day Intercessory Prayerfest for the Liberian Flag (the flag of the Republic of Liberia). The prayerfest will end at 6:00 o'clock p.m. on Flag Day, Saturday, August 24, 2024.

We are connecting our voices together in spirit. Almighty God is overseeing your hearts as we pray.

Stay Tune by following our facebook pages for daily instructions and updates.*
Meanwhile, individually, prepare your heart and mind and spirit. Determine to join me in intense prayer and intercession for our flag. We may be separated in different localities, but can connect together in spirit and pray in one accord. Hallelujah!

Operation Liberian Flag
August 15- August 24, 2024
🇱🇷 . . . Ten days of strategic prayer for the Flag of the Republic of Liberia. Our flag is the Nation's emblem and nationalistic identity. Pray!

If we do not pray, with seriousness and intensity, and remain vigilant, we will lose more than we have already lost. We cannot afford not to pray for LIBERIA and all things LIBERIAN. Hear me. When we do not pray we lose everything good. When we pray we gain everything good, better, the best, plus more! Prayer changes things. PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING.
Prayer restores the wasted years eaten by the wasters.

Blessings and peace,
Servant Hortense D. Grimes
* Facebook/doitforchrist 
Facebook/Hortense D. Grimes

Operation Liberian Flag
August 15 - August 24, 2024.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Sermonette - Know the Order

#HortenseInspiration SUNDAY SERMONETTE

Pastor Beware. You are to be God's stewards. Your primary responsibility is to manage the Church--the body of Believers and followers of JESUS CHRIST. Pastors are to shepherd the flock and exercise oversight responsibility for their spiritual growth and devlopment in the Christian journey. Pastors are to lead the Church in the ways of GOD. God's way is righteousness. Righteousness in Christ. Being righteous is not being perfect, it is being right, as Christ has shown. 
While on earth, Jesus Christ was keenly interested in the needs of the poor and downtrodden in society. Jesus did champion justice and its complexities. Christ navigated through the social climate, economic inequities and political atmosphere of of his day. Jesus did address the prevailing moral landscape of his time. JESUS CHRIST The LORD did not deviate from the will of God in order to champion social justice. Jesus did not relegate God's will or God's way to the dust bin.

Jesus knew the order. First. Seek the KINGDOM OF GOD. Second. All things will be added unto you. That seals it according to the Word of God. The Bible is telling us when you seek the way of God before and above everything else, immediately all things begin their way to you. All things come seeking you and they find you. All things become yours! Hallelujah.
Pastors must be careful not to compromise the principles of Christ as they race to satisfy social responsibilities and perform civic duties. Many pastors leave the soul of the flock lifeless but feed the passion of the flesh of their congregation.

The Church, in many instances, have forgotten about sin and the consequences of sin. Sinful lifestyle is the fancy buzzword of the flock. Many waltz in and out of Lord's Day Service after having turned the burner of sin to "slow cook" until church is over. The pastor says nothing to convict hearts. The flock return home, turn the burner back to full steam. The rest of the day is in free fall. Free to do anything! They happily chime "Oh church was good today. Pastor brought a great word. The pastor sure brought the house down!" Dare I ask, was sin ever mentioned? Were anyone convicted of transgression? Did we talk about iniquity? Did we say the word "repent" and pray for forgiveness? What did your pastor really speak into you? Pastors, beware how you bring down the house. The CHURCH house of God.
Jesus Christ championed justice, including social justice, but did not trangress God's Word in the process.

Believers. Hear me.  Your faith is in Almighty God. Your salvation is in the Lord. Your redemption was purchased by Christ. You are cleansed from sin's curse and restored to whole by the Blood of Jesus, shed on the Cross. We were sent the Holy Spirit to teach the believer all things. The Word of God is "all things" and the manuscript to be learned, obeyed, and followed. All things measured, the Word of God (Bible, Scripture) leads the believer from beginning until end. Ultimately, the Word of God is first and last.

Pastor, beware. For many lives you are the standard. Yours is the voice the flock follow or scatter by. A primary responsibility should be to shepherd the flock in the ways of Almighty God, beginning with upholding the Word of God. Scripturally equip the people. Point the Church to read and to know the Word of God in the Bible.

Followers of Jesus Christ. Beware. You alone are responsible for your spiritual destination. You came alone at birth and will return alone at death. You will stand alone to face the Lord God Almighty. Your judgement is yours to bear alone. You were born to earth endowed with free will. Your pastor's responsibility ends where your free will begins. Your pastor will not go to hell in your place. Pray for yourself. Stay vigilant and remain prayerful. Do not allow any pastor to reserve you a place in hell. Guard your life and eternal destiny. Definitely, do not be on earth after the Rapture busily preparing for Pastor's Appreciation Anniversary dinner and your pastor is equally busy in the office reviewing the budget for the entire event. Beware! Be warned.

Church. Believers. Follow the lead of a Godly and God-fearing pastor only. Test the spirit. Test if it is the Holy Spirit. Know who is speaking to the voice you are hearing from the pulpit Sunday after Sunday. Pray for that pastor whose voice you're sitting still to listen to. Do be still and know if it is God's. You are responsible for the decisions you make, with your free will, about God, Godliness, righteousness, and justice. Almighty God is a just God. Obey GOD.

May your will today be that you desire to do the Heavenly Father's will. May God's Kingdom come in your life and his will be done in your earth life. Then shall that part of our daily bread, social justice, roll upon roll, be administered to you. In Jesus name.
Almighty God loves you. Jesus Christ loved you to die for! AND CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. What love!
Seek the LORD today. In Jesus Name go forth, and follow God's way in all your ways, in all things, all day, every day.

I love you always. Enjoy a wonderful Lord's day! Make this Sunday joyous in your household. Blessings abundant!

~Servant Hortense

Matthew 7:13-14
Matthew 25:31-36

Friday, August 9, 2024

Vision 4

The VISION of DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries: Construct a spiritual rehabilitation campus in the four corners of Africa. Build the Flagship campus in Monrovia, Liberia. 

In every land, INTERCESSION (Intercessory Prayers) is needed to prepare the soil for massive harvest, particularly entry of END TIME Revival activities.

In the mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST we strategically plan ahead, and look forward, with divine wisdom and precise faith, towards destiny. GOD is good.

~Servant Hortense


Intercessors Needed

Prayer Changes Things. Prayer changes everything For the better.

#hortenseinspiration HortenseInspiration ~ PRAY REPENT INTERCEDE for the Republic of Liberia 

In the Name of Jesus Christ . . . Prayer will shift the trajectory of the Country. Prayer will position the Nation more favorably in the sight of Almighty God. Prayer will confuse the wicked in high and low places. At the NAME of JEDUS demons flee. Prayer is power.

Prayer will destroy witchcraft and voodoo practices. Prayer will burn down Satanism churches in the land. Prayer will dismantle demonic shrines and satanic altars erected throughout the land. Prayer will remove the curse from cities, towns, settlements, villages, neighborhoods, streets, and alleys. Prayer will clean and sanitize the government offices and corporate spaces.

Prayer will release the country and deliver Liberia from all evil. Prayer will frustrate the plans of evil people in high and low positions. Prayer will unseat evil everywhere.  Prayer will liberate the mindset of the population and generate a new mentality of Liberians.

Prayer in the name of Jesus will produce greatness and abundance throughout the land. There must arise dedicated praying people in the Land. Intercessors must stand in the gap for the Republic. Liberia must fulfill its prophetic destiny to the glory of Almighty GOD.

The enemy, Satan, has held Liberia tightly in his control, through his numerous demonic agents, minions and messengers, many masquerading as good people. Prayer can end the madness. Satan's only fear is the Name of JESUS. Pray for Liberia to be released permanently from the shackles of sin, transgression, and iniquity. Almighty GOD is merciful.

Everybody! Please intercede for your homeland. Pray your toughest and most sincere prayer. If we desire lasting results we must pray IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Amen. Prayer is the ultimate answer. Hallelujah!

Blessings and peace! All my love,
~Servant Hortense


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Unlimited Evil - A Sermon

HortenseInspiration ~ SUNDAY SERMONETTE #hortenseinspiration

Many of you Christians are responsible for the audacious Opening Ceremonies at the Paris Olympics 2024 on yesterday. You have surrendered your dominion, back to the devil, by your affinity with Satanic ideals. Many of you, Believers, are to blame for the blatant mockery of Jesus Christ and the Last Supper. Your wishes are being played out, way over your head. You are the ideals you champion. Bad people love bad ideals. Good people support good ideals. The battle is between good and evil. The way is narrow or broad. Evil knows no limit.

JESUS says, Enter through the narrow way.  The Narrow way leads to life. The Broad way leads to destruction. Many Christians are to blame for the abomination we see daily in the world. Many have become sellouts in their faith walk. Very many Christians [Believers] are clueless and too arrogant to admit it. Many Christians never read the Bible hence the ignorance of the tempter Satan's snares. Many have become extremely careless. Many more think Satan's agenda is a joke. You must be kidding! The Devil has a three fold ministry: Steal. Kill. Destroy.

A true Christian believer should be filled with the Holy Ghost and cannot be possessed by evil spirits. However, many Christians are not true believers. They call themselves Christians. Many Christians are undercover agents of Satan working to bring Lucifer to the forefront of everyday life. The Holy Spirit will not share space nor compete with evil. When you choose to host an evil demonic spirit in your "Christian-believer" body the Holy Spirit take an exit. Many so-called believers, church going, Sunday after Sunday, Christians are partners with demonic entities vying for Lucifer incarnate Satan to be Lord of the Earth.

A remnant will arise to shake things up. Oh hear me, we will enthrone Jesus Christ above powers and principalities. Satan will not dominate the earth. It ain't gonna happen. It will never come to be that Satan will replace Jesus Christ for worship and adoration from all mankind. A remant will lead the way for Revival on the earth! Jesus Christ, soon coming King of all the world, is LORD. Regardless the appeal of evil and provocations, and wickedness in high places, Satan is nothing but the Father of lies and the Master of deception. The ol serpent, Satan, incarnate of Lucifer, will never NEVER be anything but a defeated, thrown out of heaven, now a demonic entity waiting to be cast into the lake of Fire. Christians that are working overtime to espouse (adapt) his agenda will be right there with him.

You and your devil have failed. You who do Satan's bidding. Failed.  You Christian whose heart is filled with "love" deliciously glazed with evil will be defeated by goodness and righteousness. You have failed in your wicked deeds.
So, go ahead. Champion evil and call it freedom. Champion all forms of unGodliness and call it freedom of expression. Celebrate nonsense and call it tolerance. Dress up Sunday after Sunday and parade sanctuaries and buildings with your Pharisees and Sadducee outfits. Wear your best dress hypocrite robes. You have failed miserably. God is watching. God the righteous judge. Judgment Day is coming.

JESUS took away the keys of Satan's dominion. CHRIST crushed the slick serpent's head, and defeated Satan for all eternity. That deceiver of Adam & Eve (man's origin) who caused mankind to fall will never rise to be Lord on the earth. Let alone LORD of all. JESUS CHRIST KING OF GLORY is LORD. Hallelujah!  Any one who follow the devil and his agenda does so at your own peril. Whether you are overt in your partnership with Satan or subtle in your allegiance with the devil you do so at your own peril. Lord have Mercy! Pray and ask God's forgiveness.

REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Many Christians are actively silencing the prophets and maligning others who stand for Christ.  Yet they blindly are loyal to everything anti-Godliness. You operate daily against any Christ-like values. You have forgotten you should be on the same side. The side FOR CHRIST.

Repent. The Word says, "Unless you repent you shall all likewise perish."
We will all die one day. Your life on earth will end. Earthly existence will cease. Certainly, every human being on earth will die one day. Here is the question for you.  Will you perish?

John 3:16. The Word says:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." (KJV 1611)

So, you see, my friend. There is die and there is perish. It is up to you to choose. 
God loves you. Almighty God is faithful and just to forgive sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Pray and seek Almighty God. The Holy Spirit is waiting to direct your life. Still it is your choice. You choose.

Are you truly a Christian? Are you saved? An indicator is the way you travel along the course of life. Is it the narrow and strait gate? Is it the broad and wide gate? Choices have consequences.  Everlasting, eternal, forever, consequences. Choose JESUS.

Ponder this thought throughout today (Sunday, the Lord's Day).
Are you responsible for the Mockery of Jesus Christ at the opening Ceremonies of the Olympics 2024 in Paris yesterday? Have your alignment with things of evil empowered evil to rear its dominant head straight in your face! Hear me. Do not let anyone convince you it is art. You must have heard the phrase "art imitates life."  Have you? Well, art does imitate life.
In many instances art informs us what life is about to serve you.

Let us pray.

Blessings and peace,
~Servant Hortense


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Smarter than Stupid

When a literate mind stops reading you stop thinking, you lose your mind. Ultimately, you lose your control of the direction of your life. You blindly follow anywhere you are led. An Other takes over! Another is not a better option. You are your best option. 

When an educated person allows another educated person to think for you, you lose your intellect. 

No one is inherently stupid. We are not born stupid! I believe, Stupid is learned behavior. One only becomes a fool when you lose your critical thinking ability. 

When you surrender your thought process to another entity, human or otherwise, you switch to stupid. You, created in God's image and likeness, endowed by the creator which spoke creation into being! 

Hear me. Wake up. Life is deep. Deep things are happening on the earth in these times. Stop looking and seeing things through physical lenses.  Life is spiritual. The spirit realm is no child's play. Man up, mankind! Learn to shield your eyes and close your ears. If you are keen enough, you would feel the adverse energy entering you from the screens you select. Pay attention to your environment. GOD is warning man.

Satanic demonic power has saturated the air [environments]. Demons need bodies. Demons are spirits of the heavenly realm. A demon needs a human body to operate in the earth realm. Trust not that every body you see or every voice you listen to is like you are or were. Likewise, do not donate your body to demons to reside in you. Resist demonic influence using you for their evil. Fasten yourself in prayer. Pray!

We are living in the Age of Deception. Nothing can stop God's prophetic agenda for the earth. This earth will soon wrap up and cease to exist. Life in earth will end for the realm. You, the human being, will exist in eternity forever.  Do not become prey to the powers of the air. There is no alternate reality. GOD ALMIGHTY is, was, and always will be. Human beings will one day cease their earthly existence. 

The electronic airway is the false prophets in this the End Time dispensation. The enemy Satan will not meet you in person, he's a spirit and will infiltrate a spirit component of you: Your mind.

Be discerning. Fortify your mind. Hold tightly to your critical thinking skills. God loves you. You will be just fine. Protect yourself. The stronghold will break from off you. Be strong for you. You are much smarter than many of the minions who mind control you. Remember you! You know the worth of who you are. You are MORE THAN.

Submit yourself (soul, mind, body, spirit] to GOD. Resist the devil [Satan] and he [the Devil] will flee from you. That's God's WORD. Read it (James 4:7). Stand on it.

~Servant Hortense


I love you. I am your sister in Christ. We're in this together. God bless you with manifold blessings always!

Servant Hortense D. Grimes


Friday, June 28, 2024

Corruption in Liberia - A Word

Prophetic Word on "corruption in Liberia" download [divine inspired] into Servant Hortense D. Grimes by the Holy Spirit. Friday, June 21, 2024

The corruption escalates, the blood cry intensify and the darkness increase on the land.
Liberia established a reality in the spirit realm that corruption must be punished by spilling blood. Death by firing squad. Components: nakedness, wood, and metal. The Innocent were termed guilty of corruption deserving to die. The Guilty of corruption are termed innocent deserving of life.

Satan since then holds this legality over the land. The Devil uses corruption as a condition for granting demonic assistance to people seeking him to become powerful in the land. Corruption has become a tool principalities use in exerting owership and control over the nation. Nation is people.

Corruption is an entity in Liberia. The evil spirit of insatiable greed and cruel dishonesty have possessed many in the land. Many have pledged allegiance to demonic spirits in exchange for access to public office and the national coffers. As a result they are carriers of the corruption demon seed. Seed can germinate, grow, and spread about.
From the lowest level in society to the highest echelons of power, corruption exist. Corruption is an attraction for many. Corruption is almost a way of life. This is a national disaster.

Corruption is a spiritual law ruling over the land, courtesy of the rulers of darkness Satan, and his demons rigidly enforce it. Corruption is a syndicate powered by spiritual forces, powers and principalities. The corruption entity is enforced by demonic manipulation and adhered to by demonic allegiances. People pledge to Satan to be corrupt.
No amount of rebellious actions (angry talking, shouting, exposure, protests, violence, blood shed) can remove the corruption seed entity. Rebellion is of the devil; you cannot fight Satan with his own property.

Corruption is a demonic spiritual law in place in Liberia. Power seekers agree to this law in exchange for power and wealth, name and influence, meted out in witchcraft covenants. Many people have sworn oaths to demonic entities and these covenants are ruling them. Individuals cannot help themselves, the demons and evil spirits control them with greed and cliptomaniac tendencies. They are tied in allegiance to "mammon" spirits and covenants.

Many of the powerful lay awake at night, sadly powerless to do the good they intend to do, because they must honor their end of the witchcraft covenants entered into between they and Satan's dark powers. They're so trapped they are empty shells inside themselves. They do the devil's bidding.

Generally in today's Liberia obtaining power by demonic manipulation have become a passage of rite. It is the tried, tested, and proven method. It has become the "go to" approach. People use voodoo and witchcraft, dark powers to get, maintain and hold onto power. Even for the most mundane, ordinary position people sell their souls. Corruption is the devil's bargaining chip to power them up. From the lowest to the highest offices in the land.
Stop aligning with accursed things. What GOD rejects you must reject. Your sins have generational effect.

Few people in Liberia today are placed in position by God's divine hand. Many believers are even compromised. The devil uses mammon, the spirit of money, to string people along.

The level of corruption in Liberia today has never been seen in the entire history of Liberia.

The level of demonic witchcraft activity in Liberia today has never happened in its entire existence.

The number of demonic covenants operating in Liberia today have never been seen before. Many have shed the blood of others, including their loved ones, to obtain Satanic help to rise. In some instances with little or nothing to show for it.

The country has sunk and degenerated to a spiritual depth never envisioned for Liberia. The nation has become a cesspool of Satanic covens and covenants.

Very few people in powerful positions today in the nation arrived by seeking Almighty GOD. The demonic gods that gave such people the power they went seeking after demand ungodly deeds from the recipients of Satan's favors. Corrupt activities create untold sufferings and hardships for the nation, the people. The suffering of the people please and satisfy the devil.

Unnecessary and insane stealing is the humiliation sacrifice people agreed to in order to obtain their desires by satanic means. The demons sneer and jeer at them after they've entered into those covenants. Once in powerful positions they are not allowed to benefit others; it is against the covenant to use "demonic power" corruption rewards for meaningful good. Corruption activities find its way back to fuel more satanic activities. ---------END WORD---------

HortenseInspiration ~ My people, This is exhausting to bring forth. It's taken me 7 days to make this public; a week of intercession, and reflective time with the Lord for strength and more guidance. Time spent pleading for mercy for our home and country. Praise the Lord! Thank God for the Holy Spirit comforting presence. 
This Word, profoundly powerful admonition, has saddened my heart for my country. When did we get here! How did we arrive at this level? What happened to us so. Mercy Lord!

Redemption in Christ. Pray and ask GOD Almighty for forgiveness. Break free from the attachments you have made. Resist the Devil. Look to JESUS to be cleansed and set free. Read the Bible. Pray more.
God's love is a perfect love. No sin is unforgivable if you repent. Nationally we must repent on behalf of one another.
Let's love enough to rid our country of this hideous demonic entity called corruption.
Now we know the fight is not just physical. We must engage spiritually as much as we employ strategies. How? The answer is a "righteous" nation; a nation that desires to do right in its ways. Turn to God in the Name of Jesus! The Cross of Christ. The Blood of the Lamb Jesus. The Name of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit (spirit of the living God our Heavenly Father). Put GOD first in your life. Change.
There is no pointing fingers at another. All have sinned. We are all sorry sinners. No one sin is bigger than the other. One goes to witch doctor, another gossips. One tell lies, another kill their best friend . . . SIN IS SIN. We must interceed for one another. We must help others get back on track with the LORD when we see they have fallen away, ensnared by the flesh.
Let us repent together. Let us pray together. Let's war, in Christ, this hideous thing called corruption out of our Liberian midst. In Christ we are victorious! GOD hates the sin but GOD loves the sinner. The LORD bless you and keep you.

With all my love,
~Servant Hortense

*writing includes local Liberian jargon

Sunday, June 23, 2024

God Reveals to Redeem Us

SPEAK LORD . . . ('fore day this morning) Sunday June 23, 2024 @ 4:26 a.m., at conclusion of Third Watch of night prayer time and intercession period. Hear the word of the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. In His peace I come in His Name. From the Holy Spirit . . .

Liberian Diaspora, You have been found wanting. Yours is a penchant for blindly following ease. Separate from the evil spirits you have invited into your temple. Shut your gates. Your eye gate, your ear gate. Shut down your flesh. Close the portals, spiritual doors, you leave open and unattended. Infiltrated demon spirits phase out the Christ in you. Guard your spiritual entry points. Stand a firm guard.

Liberian Diaspora, Many of you have joined the ranks of mockers. Your ceaseless prayers hit a wall. You have become what GOD despise. Your prayer for your homeland Liberia is an albatross against the land. You have become your enemy home away from home. One must reap what one sows. You sow tares. You shamelessly sow tares. You hide the seeds of wheat I have given you to plant. You have become the tares you once despised. 

Divided loyalty. You choose me less and less each day by the contents of your heart. I see inside you. Where did I fail you? I have loved you with my life. I love you. Where have I failed you? I have failed you not. Have I wronged you? I have not wronged you. I love you with an everlasting love. I am the judge of all flesh. I am the LORD your Righteous Judge. It is I who hold judgment in my hand. I the LORD see you.

Beware. Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you. (Luke 22:31-33). Why have you weakend my power in you? REPENT and turn around from back to front. Cling unto me with your heart and soul and not lipservice and eye service. You have not chosen me!? Why have you not chosen me? Where did I fail you? Why are you against me? You sneer at me. Why love you Mammon more than my Manna? I love you.

Liberian Diaspora, Who reassigned you? Where have I failed you? REPENT. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I desire you with an everlasting covenant. I have prayed for you. (Luke 22:31-33). Be concerned and strengthen one another. I the LORD have desired you. Come to Me." . . . THE END 

** Downloaded by the Holy Spirit to Servant Hortense D. Grimes (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries).

"The LORD watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another. Amen." (Genesis 31:49, KJV 1611 Bible)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

My Diamond Jubilee

THE BIRTHDAY GIRL . . . There are times when words are inadequate to express the depth of one's emotions. Speechless with satisfaction at the Creator's amazing handiwork. What a GOD. I am immeasurably blessed. Thank you Jesus!

Celebrating MY DIAMOND JUBILEE . . . Happy Birthday, gorgeous! Servant Hortense is 60 years old today, June 15, 2024. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. Oh! How immeasurably blessed I am! Thank you Jesus!

I have joined the sexagenarian crowd. [That's the fancy name for people in their sixties]. In other words, I am officially old lady young girl. 

A whole new world awaits me out here. Come with me my friend on this remarkable journey! Much love.

Blessings and Peace,
Servant Hortense