Saturday, May 29, 2021

Reminder to Pray Strategically

Wonderful world. Beautiful people. HAPPY SATURDAY Night. I pray you are doing great.

My friend. It is serious that you pray the Strategic Warfare Prayer I released recently. Please know I do none of this ministry in my own strength. What is being constantly poured out of me only come by divine anointing, divine revelation and move of the Holy Spirit. Mine has been a tedious growth process and total commitment in the Lord. By the sheer grace of God. The signature type of ministry and ministering is what has emerged, and still emerging, from an intense surrender to the ways and methods of the Lord God. Sinful and wretched as I am, but sanctified by His grace and allowing the Lord to use me in God's kingdom, for such a time like this. To help people everywhere become more aware and stronger in faith and belief. To encourage you to upgrade your Christian behavior.

AND... Especially to my hard-head, hurt-head, Liberian people, your please pray this prayer. I know us, we don't take nothing serious! We got to try better.* Seriously. Say the prayer. Repeat the words. There are strategic language and particular words that must be used in warfare for effect. Let’s learn how to PRAY to counter. We are overcomers in Christ.

These are the days of Noah upon the earth. Evil is everywhere finding you. There is the ARK...Jesus Christ. You must know how. I love you.

Your friend, Hortense

REMINDER... Please say the "Strategic Warfare Prayer" (HortenseInspiration) prayer. Repeat these specific words in your prayer. Pray it over your seed. Hold your grandchildren, youngsters and toddlers by the hand and pray this over them. Cradle precious babies and infants in your arms and pray these words over them.

~Servant Hortense

* indicates local Liberian jargon. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

For the Sake of Your Seed

Strategic Warfare Prayer (~HortenseInspiration). PRAY... SAY THESE WORDS AS WRITTEN IN THE PRAYER.

"Our Father, I soak myself in the Blood of Jesus. I take Divine immunity from every pestilence. Show me your Glory of protection that I may escape the arrows flying by today. Enter the fiery furnace with me Lord Jesus. Soak me in your precious Blood, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Divine Immunity. Divine Immunity. Divine Immunity. In the Name of Jesus I overturn every judgment against me. I cancel every eviction against me from my place of power against principalities. Holy Spirit perfect my prayer that it may reach the Throne Room where sits the Judge of all the earth. Judge the wicked, O God of Heaven and earth. From your lofty heights judge the rulers of darkness. Judge the powers of the air. Release me and my seed from the bondage we are constantly wrapped in. Break the ties that hold me captive. Separate me from the grip of the evil one. You are mighty to deliver, O Most High. Let the earth swallow the evil thing that purpose to swallow me and my seed. The Lord is my Lord. Lion of the Tribe of Judah shut the mouths of the wicked ferocious roaring lions all about me. I soak in the Blood of Jesus. I pray for grace to persevere. Holy Spirit carry me to the place of power and victory in Jesus. I dip in the Blood of the Lamb slain from the beginning. The Blood. The Blood. The Blood of Jesus. Seal me in the Blood, O precious Redeemer. I take immunity in the Blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of my earthen vessel. I declare I am free. I declare I have escaped. I declare my eyes be opened to see the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the earth. I float above every evil waters. I am protected by the Blood of Jesus. I am safely in the Ark of Christ. Jesus the Christ. Thank you our Heavenly Father. I love you Lord. All this I pray in Jesus name. Amen." (Hortense Duarma Grimes)

Hear me, my friend. Say this prayer. Share with your sons and daughters to pray it and pray it over their young children. Hold little babies in your hands and declare immunity upon their lives. Gesture with your hands, taking them back out of invisible hands which that have snatched and received them. We are in spiritual war. You must learn how to fight spiritual warfare. The days of innocence are long gone. Buckle up in prayer. Know and upgrade your Christian behavior. Now! Now. Timing is critical. Learn, my friend. Learn the deep secrets to warfare prayer. PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING. I love you. Here's sending God's amazing peace to calm your nerves and draw you into a special fold in Jesus' arms. Enjoy a beautiful day! 

~Servant Hortense  (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Pentecost Sunday 2021

Power in the name of Jesus Christ shall come upon you! Hallelujah. Many Christians are powerless because they have refused to allow the Holy Spirit to penetrate their lives and dominate their walk with God. You can fix that oversight now. Pray to the Lord God Almighty and ask the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within you. Happy Pentecost Sunday! Your power is when you receive the Holy Ghost. 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

This is Personal Today


In a few hours, today I will bury one of the loves of my life. It is time to say goodbye until tomorrow at Jesus feet. Whether it was me, a fresh JJC (new arrival) in America. Or me, the young lady struggling to find my way in love matters. Or me, the grown woman navigating life, career, marriage, decisions, grown folks issues and the complexities of life. You were there. 

From the days when you came to my room bearing armful of your own sweater collection, some had the Nordstrom tags still on it, the most gorgeous men sweaters, to shield me from the cold. I wore them happily. You literally gave me the shirt off your back. You would pick me up from everywhere at night so I would not have to travel on bus and train. You constantly told me, "Duarma, I don't want you to suffer in this country". I write this crying my heart out for the last time. My dearest darling cousin. You made family seem like the easiest, most perfect bond. You were so so good at it. You were absolutely great at it. The gem our family was blessed to own. You were one of a kind. I summed it up by naming you "Cou Sin". It was simply cousin with exhilarating emphasis on the second syllable. You are irreplaceable. You were unique. You loved well. Gabriel!

Last night, talking with my mom, your Cousin Janetta, she reminded me how you would send warm socks for Bigma's feet, whenever you were sending Cousin Jerusha parcels. A young student in America, no doubt struggling to make it, you would think of your Aunt Texxy. The stories are endless. What is most astounding is that everyone, your relatives on all sides, have the same, multiple stories of love. Imperfect as we all are, you and us, you showed us all what perfect love should look like. Our gratitude is forever. We will carry on your legacy of love. You see, Cou Sin, you did exactly what they modeled for us. Bigma and her loved bunch of siblings. Uncle John (Dewalt), Uncle Borbor (Blackett), Uncle Cousin Bro Charles (Nance), Aunty Sister Babygirl (Nance-Ezeagu), Uncle Bor Archibald (Nance), and the youngest of these first cousins-siblings, Cousin Jerusha (Blackett). They left us a model to follow. Bigma, the eldest of them, proclaimed that love is the way. She said in her family there are no first cousins but brothers and sisters. She decreed love and love above every thing else. She taught them to be responsible for one another, and what's for one is for all. They lived it out for us all to see. And Junior, Cousin Jerusha's son, was the epitome of the legacy this awesome group of ancestors left for us to model.

Gabriel has left us. My own self Cou Sin. I wipe my tears now. I thank God for the cousin he blessed our family with. A relative like none other. Cousin Jerusha need our prayers. We will cover her.

Cou Sin. I'm nursing a broken foot, but you know it's not stopping me. In a few hours I will hop down to Washington, D.C. to the church and see you off. We will sing Aunty's song, "Trust and Obey" and send my great-grand aunt Agnes Blackett grandson back to her, trusting and obeying God's word that love conquers everything, even death! My little heart is broken in pieces.

I remember everything you've been to me, Gabriel. I know how you loved me from start to finish. You loved me like a brother loves a little sister. I know. You made sure I did not suffer in America. The stories of your intervention to see me survive and thrive in this country are too many for paper. I made it because you were there to steer me and show me how. Thank you. I am glad you knew how much I loved you and how much you meant to me.

Gabriel Reginald Duncan. I love you. I will always love you.

Martu, Cousin Jerusha, Nester, Jimmy, Texanna, Tatyana, Alexus... God will bring solace in this grief. We all love you. We are here. Gabriel's legacy is love. This is what we celebrate most.

Cou Sin. Let me quickly finish getting ready. I can just hear you saying, "you girl you ain't ready yet!" And you would laugh and patiently wait for me. They call it Gabriel love and I know all about it. Sleep on my darling... I will always love you. Even death knows this. I will always love you. Rest eternally.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Hush the Juvenile Behavior


NIGHT WATCH... Hallelujah! Holy Spirit, help me tell it. MERCY MERCY MERCY LORD HAVE MERCY.

If you are not spending considerable time in prayer and reading the Bible, then you DO NOT KNOW what is truly happening. While you are emotionally charged up with a single topic narrative your life is being switched off. Will the narrative even matter at that point? No. It is not nor was it ever about your race. Nobody cares that much for any racial groupings. You are not that special or important. Only God thinks that highly of you.

Remember the time of the tower of Babel? God came down to see what man had done. And God scattered mankind for the wickedness they had conceived of by wanting to reach Heaven their own way. The Bible says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Your choice to be ignorant of the realities around you will bring you to perish point.

Pastors. Wake up and begin to condition your members. Tell the congregation truths. People will collapse from shock if they have no knowledge to enable them to cope with reality when it strikes. These are like the days of Noah. We have entered a very dark season on the earth. Darkness everywhere. Wicked world.

NO. NO. NO. It is not about that word “Racism” or your being integral enough to warrant destroying America in order to validate your presence. You are only a useful tool. Yet you are too emotionally charged to see straight. Disengage. Disconnect from the TV. Find your secret prayer spot and wear it out.

Satan does not care about you except to steal, kill and destroy you. Your common sense and critical thinking ability have already been stolen. Your consciousness has been killed. You are forever destroyed when you lose your soul for all eternity. Wake up. My Liberian people too, wake up. Wake up, people everywhere. My friend, you need to wake up. Get into prayer and worship. Prayer and praise. Jehovah God is right where he was when he turned his face while Christ suffered and died on the cross. That was God's plan for your total redemption. Call on Jesus to set you free from the mess you have allowed yourself to become entrapped in. Hush the juvenile behavior and get serious about your life and your children and grandchildren. The earth is in wickedness mode. This is Satan's territory. The devil is laughing. Fight back in Jesus the Christ.

PRAY for your spiritual eye to be opened. Release the BLOOD OF JESUS to counteract. Pray with conviction. Awake from slumber and keep the night watch. Things are being revealed by the Holy Spirit to the ones who are seeking. You will find ANSWERS when you seek God diligently.

God Almighty in Christ is the remedy. Many churches and preachers are not telling the people the truth. Many clergy men and women have been compromised. Money, fame, power and influence have tied their hands and zipped their mouths. You're on your own as far as they're concerned. Others have not a clue. Many church leaders are just totally clueless. You must navigate for yourself.

The days of innocence are long gone, over completely. Groan in prayer. Mourn in prayer. Labor in prayer. Rejoice in prayer. Change sinful lifestyles and liberate yourself from bondage. Then pray like your life, your very existence, depends on it. Because it does. Your very life and existence depends that you PRAY and SEEK ALMIGHTY GOD. We are in war. We are at war. War with Satan. Spiritual warfare means being at war with the devil. It means spiritual wickedness in high places. Powers and principalities that do not look like you but appear like you somehow. Satan has human beings in his army. Living breathing human beings are deployed at Satan's beck and call. Are you one of them? How do you know for sure that you are not part of Satan's army in these times? Check yourself. Your mindset could tell you. Your mentality. The thought processes which define you and constitute who you are. What kind of mentality dominates you? Check you out.

My friend. It has arrived. It is here. Right now. The days of Noah are back. Some kind of "the flood" is imminent. Will you keep being merry until the waters rise and cover you?

There is only one God given remedy. The Ark...JESUS CHRIST.

Servant Hortense (DO IT FOR CHRIST Ministries)


Thursday, May 13, 2021

Your Need To Stop*


RACISM IS THE NEW BOUTIQUE in town where everybody wants to shop. Say it's not so. Sadly, it seem so. Or so many would want everybody else to believe. 

God's Word says in the Bible that if you regard iniquity in your heart Jehovah will not hear your prayer. (Read. Psalm 66, Matthew 18). Hatred is iniquity. There's no way Almighty God hears the prayers of hate-filled people. No matter what race, color, shape or creed. 

If you are a person whose heart is loaded with hatred, bitterness, anger, violent aggression, irrational judgment, unforgiveness and vileness, God is not listening to you. This means you've got a huge problem, because you need God to always listen and hear you when you pray. Cleanse yourself by confessing to the Lord, ask forgiveness for your sins and repent from hating and being racist towards people of another race. 

Racism is a gigantic tool in Satan's arsenal these days. The devil absolutely loves that narrative. It serves his multiple evil purposes. Despicable behavior. Both those who practice racism and those who lie about others as being racist are equally despicable. You need to stop now.

To all the racists in the room, take note. Democrat racist and Republican racist. White racist and Black racist. Republican Christian racist and Democrat Christian racist. Poor racist and Rich racist. Liberal White racist and Liberal Black racist. African-American racist. Conservative Black racist and Conservative White racist. African-immigrant racist. Millionaire Black racists. Multimillionaire Black-American racist. Ghetto-slum dwelling racist. Middle-Class Immigrant racist. It takes a racist to know another racist. All of you push this systemic racism agenda to a dangerous extreme. To make it stick-fit their game plan players have overinflated and exaggerated the problem and halted some semblance of solutions. You all have almost destroyed this beautiful and wonderful God-given refuge of hope called America. All of you hate-filled racist people and race baiters have caused a major mess in this country. Your need to stop.* You are being used as messengers of Satan doing his job to buffet humanity. This way we all lose.

This racism narrative is leading absolutely nowhere good. Racism in itself, when practiced, is such an inhumane attribute that no one should loosely attach it carelessly onto another. True or false, being labeled a racist strips a person of their basic human dignity. Imagine if the allegation is erroneous and the accusations are false. 

The devil knows what buttons will ignite the firestorm that bring him dividends. Racism is top on Satan's agenda. The racism narrative in America reminds me of my birth country, Liberia. It is first cousin to the "suppression narrative" of pre-1980 coup d'etat Liberia. They have the same grandparents. They attract the same end results. Since the undercover swamp rid the Republic of Liberia from its so-called "evil reign of suppressing the natives" present day Liberia is a utopian nation. That country was purged so well it is now the dream destination on the globe today. An unbelievable Utopia of a country! In your dreams. 

Name one substantial and systemic good that has come out of this racism narrative that overtook America since 2012. In my Liberian voice, the ongoing endless propagating of racism racism racism in people ear every day is getting tiresome.* Your need to stop. The openly racist, the closet racist and the race baiter are all the same. They serve the same purpose. Destructive action or destructive narrative or destructive agenda. All of Your need to just stop.* Stop. Please. We see through this. Race baiters. Stop it! Opportunists beware. Nobody benefits from a divided United States that is determined to self-destruct.

Church folks, please listen. God Almighty has said He will not hear the prayers of a heart full of iniquity and unforgiveness. That means God is not even paying attention to your fake prayers while you're carrying all that hate and hateful talk in your heart. Your need to stop. This is getting preposterous. Even the blind man can see the outcome. If you cannot see it by now you need a special dose of Jesus. Take a break and turn to prayer. SEEK GOD.

To my fellow African/Liberian immigrants, many of whom came to America without hardly any possession; some of you brought not even one straight suitcase, had not a single thing valuable on you. Your really need to stop!* Slow down and gather your wits properly. Think things through. Thoroughly. Some of you may need to change church. Get away from that trap. Read your Bible more. 

There are many pastors and clergymen with large congregations, especially those bling-bling big crucifix-wearing religious sounding reverends, several are leaders of mega-churches, who are misleading their congregants. Run for your life. Smaller churches follow suit to appear equally woke. Poor members in lavish pews and influential, rich pastors who have completely lost touch with the everyday reality of the people they're supposed to shepherd.  Many of these church leaders stoke the racism narrative and peddle it to vulnerable church folks. Run away from that type of church environment. Otherwise you will be on earth after the Rapture still planning annual Pastor Appreciation Dinner alongside the pastor and the auxiliary board. Run for your life. The Church is supposed to lead the world not take its cue from the world.  Look to God.

Particularly to Liberian immigrants. Let's all slow down a little. Turn back to the God your old people taught you to pray to.* Disengage from explosive narratives you know too little about and ask the Lord to guide you in the right directions. Ask the Holy Spirit to filter the news for you and direct you to paths you could champion and make positive impact. Change comes when truth is revealed. Buried lies wear out and hidden truth always gets exposed. Anger is necessary sometimes, but anger should never be accepted as reason why truth is distorted to exact revenge. However ugly the truth may be it will somehow manage to swim to the surface. And good will overcome evil even where an ugly truth is exposed. Slow down. Take it easy. No one can soothe another person’s hurt by adding flames to it. 

Let us rise up to the occasion. Do not lower self for an occasion. Be a critical thinker. For your sake. For the sake of your seed. For your own soul sake. At the end of the day God will judge your actions. By Almighty God standards. God will judge the quality of life you have led with the time he has granted you here. Seek Divine wisdom and understanding.

I love America. My immigrant heart breaks for my country. We all need to begin working together, with the help of God Almighty, and get America back on track. God can intervene no matter how much wrongdoing, sin, transgression, and iniquity we have collectively done to put the USA in these dire conditions. It is truly dire when a nation's populace is this much divided and aggressively hateful towards one another. It's a shame. Hatred has destroyed the fabric of the great United States of America. We should all be ashamed. Hate as an agenda has ripped the United States apart. This is shameful. This is wrong at all levels. This is every shade of wrong!!!!! 

Collectively we have all contributed to destroying the good thing in our hand. The USA is torn apart. Who is happy about this end? Not me. Are you happy about this? God can fix it. I believe in the power of surrendering to God. Trust the Jesus plan.

My friend. Jesus Christ stands ready to redeem the situation. Let us start the healing and soothing process. Let's begin with prayer, repentance and turn around faith. Much love from my end.

Servant Hortense

*Writing includes local African jargon (Liberian English) interspersed throughout.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Bounce Grammo Today


HORTENSEINSPIRATION ~ In Liberian English. The phrase "charklar" means cancel by loud rejection. The phrase "grammo" means cause radical objection. The phrase "to bounce grammo" means to object, reject, overturn, refuse to allow something as is, and standing your ground until compromise is reached by including your point. The phrase "pekin" means a stubborn youngster.

My name is Hortense Duarma Grimes. One side of me is an original grammo pekin. I refuse to condone evil. I can bounce grammo anytime wickedness come near me.

My friend. We are in warfare. Spiritual Warfare. Against Satan; demonic powers and principalities. It is time to stand up and start addressing the madness swinging all around. It's time to charklar the whole thing. The devil is out to destroy you and your seed. Your children. Your legacy. The devil is fighting God. We are God's children; the devil is fighting you and me.

The winning power is in the hands of all followers of Christ. The only name which Satan fears is Jesus Christ. That means, Christians, including you and I, have the requisite tool and complete ammunition to terrify Satan and disrupt and destroy the devil's agenda. Are you a follower of Christ!

Pray fervently. Read the Bible discerningly. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you. Say out loud: OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME. THY KINGDOM COME. THY WILL BE DONE IN MY EARTHEN VESSEL AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. You have just invoked Jehovah. You have authorized Yahweh, the God of Heaven and Earth, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY against whose presence earth and sky and sea will flee. Now tell me what power or principalities will be standing or winning against you when The God of the Red Sea gets through with them? Our God is a CONSUMING fire.

My friend, good morning to you! This is grammo pekin ready to take on anything. Because I have surrendered my all to Jesus Christ. Do likewise, follow Christ. We are covered in the Blood of Jesus when we surrender to Christ. Nothing is able to bring destruction where the Blood covers. I love you. I care about you and your seed. The future is today. The enemy is after your today.

Servant Hortense

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Night Watch Tonight


If only you would read your Bible, your entire thought process would shift. As I end Third Watch tonight this is my ardent prayer. Join me or say your own words.

“Father God. Handle this unending wave of madness and release all your children. The enemy has been given free rein everywhere and the devil is rejoicing daily. Fresh meat to devour says that old fox, Satan. Heavenly Father, your children are dying slowly every day because their Bibles are closed all day, and they sit glued to couches with their eyes wide open to the power of the air. The prince of this world, ruler of darkness and evil has brainwashed and indoctrinated many of your children to where the ways of God is now irrelevant to them. Forgive them, Lord. Their demigods have replaced You in their allegiance. JESUS CHRIST to the rescue I pray. Come Lord, have mercy on us all. In Jesus mighty name.” Amen.

Servant Hortense